Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Jan 2007, p. 6

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A6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, January 12, 2007 Too much info? Open up a nesvspaper air tune n tsi a radiuo or iclevasion news praîgraîn ihese day s and s'ou are likcly to bie expssd tai a siaarv about cuir deciroraiing eiiviionnicnt. \Vîîh last ycar's release of former U.S. vice-presideni AI (,aii es film. 'An Inconvenieni lrutii', global .%aristing bias cecorne the "sexy'" topic pa.rstîcd by iews gatherers aroiid the world. Fioni iin-depith repotis deiaiiing the i-rccsihilc cifcis ail ciiniate change oît glacial iace fields, ta) scatiiig reprtdeaîl- ing baiw Canada lias falien fichind the rasa ail the \astii i a taking action againsi the impact oil global ss ,ai iiîg, the pia- itre beîîîg painied bs' the .%orid's scîenîilîc coinmu.niiy andi cinvtroniiiîntal airganizatiaits ts biea,t Whilc the iieclia's raîlc lias becîî tai repairat a. sciltists' Icar iliat wNe mas' bc licaded aclaown a paiu ail cnvironiittcitai catastrophe. there's an itîhtcntr rask that inoarmatiaon aixet liiad tut' cautsc saineî peoplc tai bcgiai aonttg atth ictis- sage. is i po.ssible tic floaod ail tulaîtt iîîatiaii caitai bc bav'iig a a t iiakci iattle. alla.'at all licaipla. whî eli ciaici allai ,'t tai bc baiiibar.Ia. %vaîh sai iîaacl bat ds' ait sitiply tlai balieve t he situation a.aîala. hc as dasoîal as iis ba'iig îîarî ras cd? i here's nao den\ aîîg ctlîcof dritaatia. clamate ca.nigc as ibec for itiose ca.îîaerned cnaiugl ti ek II aout. "iaistaa.aliy'. the nuitîber aif Ct. agorv 4 air 5 iîurracaiics lias do ubled in the lasa 30 'ears. In the summirer of 2005 a glat ice sheli vv ilu an arca coitn- parable to Il1.000 faîotball fields braîke free iroiîi C anada's Arciic, faîrever cbangang a pari t aîur a.ounirv's geaîgrapby u.omplicating the issue is a pusb by a sînaîl. bt exîrcîne- ly vocal group of oil and coal industry-ltnana.ed scacaîtisîs who refuie the tbreat of global warmîng and deîîy climate change is anytbing te fear. In the '90s some of ihese saine sci- eîîîasts were eanploy'ed by the tobacca iîndustry te dispute the lînk between cigarettes and cancer. There are sîgns the anti global warmîng lobby bas anflu- enced public opinion. On the local front, there are environmenial issues ihai caîntinue te bc the subjeci of debate. The impact of pesicide use on our environment Trmains aine subjeci ibat îsn'î goang away: Last y'ear there was a pusb by somne fialion resadents tas establish a region-wide ban on the cosmetie use of pesticides. With so mucb informnation - and disinfonnation - oui there uts easy to understand wby ordtnary people don't know wbat to believe - or do. Perhaps the reai fear sbould be thai 50 mucb îalk of impending doom for our planet may drive those who faîl to sec how îhey can impact this global prob- hem into a state of complacency, Readers Write Send your letters to rmklonWd@haltonsearch.coin or drop thein off at 875 Main St. E. West end needs better bus service DEAR EDITOR: l'mn a resideni of the wesî cnd of Milton who relies on public transit for my daily commute to, and from work. Route 2 services my area. 1 bave notia.ed in tbe last few montbs tbe serv- ice provîded io tbis particular area of town bas become less tban satisfactory. It used îo, bc ibat tbe bus scbedule matcbed tbe GO Train sehedule, se tbat waiî times ai tbe station on Main Street were minimal. Ibais no longer tbe case. Now buses are regularly late, and in somte cases tbey don't sbow up ai ail. Case in point was îny commnute on December 13. 1 arrived at tbe Milton GO station ai 6.42 p.in. Iberes sup- posed to be a bus tbai leaves tbe GO station ai 6:55 p.m. Ih neyer sbowed up. Tbe nexi scbeduled Route 2 bus was 7:25 p.m. ht sbowed up eigbt minutes laie. Duning ibat îime, îwo Rouie 3 and îwo Rouie 4 buses came îbrougb tbe -see TRANSIT on page A7 Upfront Lets recognize ail A quxck trip to the Milton Sports Centre hast weekend was met wiîh one of those com- ments that becomne all-ioo-familiar for com- muniiy sports scribes. "Hey, can you write somnethmng about tbe greai timekeepimg?" inquired Iwo parent vol- unteers wîth the tyke Winterhawks. They were kidding, of course - realizing that sucb îhings don't really bave a place in regular game reports. However, aeknowiedging their efforts - and ibose of Miltons counileas bockey vol- unteers - ceriainly seems appropriate in ibis space and ai ibis time. Thaîs because tomor- row ibis country (at leasi those wbo embrace our beloved pastime) will celebrate its sev- enîh annulai Hockey Day in Canada. While we revel in OUR GAME. lets al iake a moment or iwo to recognize tbe peo- pie who keep bockey going - particuiarly ai Of our hockey volunteers tomorrow the community level. hy a referee or timekeeper. Now i m not suggesttng the two guys in If we're so quack to, be enitecai, should we the timekeeper's box that evening deserve a tiekertape parade, or even an award. The faci is, tbey'd proba-f bly be ai tbe arena anyway, But con-I sider ibis - if things like running' tbe dlock aren'î ibat big a commit- ment, wby are tbe same people doing it year in and year oui wiîb very hle influx of new blood? Truth be îold, mosi people can' be boîbered to help oui, especiaily wiih tbe ever-preseni potenuial for criticism - no malter wbaî role you'rc assuming. As mucb as we may accepi that nobody's perfect, many hockey fans conven- tienîly forget ibat seemingly obvious notion once tbey arrive ai the arena and jump ail over every litile misiake, wheîher uts made not be willing - ai leasi one dlay S a year - îo swich gears and offer a litîle apprcciation to ihose wbo volunteer tbeir time D and .energy to making minor hockey an enjoyable experience for our kids. And iheres plenîy of îbemn to k be grateful for bere in îown - from those wbo recenîly put in aî an exbausîing tbree days ron- nîng the holiday Beaver Tourinament to aIl those supporting casi players wbo belp make tbe overali machine thai is hockey mun a halte more smnooihly. We donti need to, give îbem a loi of boopla or fanfare - jusi a simple "Good job" or "Thanks for your help" would suffice. IEb Qaniablain Qlijampion Mt' Communt Nevw papet Since 1860 875 Main St. E., Milton, Ont. L9T 3Z3 905-878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertismng Fax. 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 vwww.nsaltoncanadianchampion.com Publisher Neil Oliver Advertising Director Wendy McNah Managing Editor Kairn Mi(-oi Production Manager Tim Colos Circulation Manager Chilerie Hall Office Manager Tor i Casas Tie C-anadian Champion, published every Tuesday and Fuiday ait 875 Main St. E., Milton, Ont., L9T 3Z3, is a division of Metroland Media Group Ltd. - Group Publisher Ian Oliver. Adveaes.sq a accepted on tie coniioni lai. in the eaaii oi a iypoahiapal errot liai porioan oi the adaartsngaspace oaaapied by îhe erronaa eus iaioeiler ,ith a reasanable aliowance for signa ur,I i oi be haiqedforbut the balanc o e aieisement waii le paid for ai the applicale rate Tle pubailise reaeiaes the rigin io caleize ariseiemeisaordecie CCAB Audited OCIa Ontaria Commsiy Newapapees Aissocati CN Caadian Comisaîity Newspapeîa Association UK' ubauabai Newspapeis of Amera The C arid Cai paois a p eodtiei pnsr forý i5zj, ;w HaltonHeaitcaret UNITED WAY 0F MILTON TVi AIICTION MILTON SANTA CLAtUS PARADE YYMCA r 1 Sarcd, Mlti %a5 (,l I

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