MA- The Canadian Champion, Frîday December 29, 2006 +CndanRdCos iake irstaid iraining reduce iheir personai Outspoken Haîton polîtîcian Gartb 0f tbe 308 polîtîcians in the louse Flaherty as tbe best r~---- mentarians in a drive to extend ----Tun rtpunesin P ay oiic ac binjuioes Turner bas been named tbe top per- of Commons, Turner was cîted as the performer in tbe incomne-splitting to aIl Canadman famni ~30%. 1\ formîng MP by the Ottavwa-based top performer in a year-end revew that Stepben Harper lie s - somnetbîng that wouîd allow W I$ orgamization Polîties Waîcb. also pîcked Finance Mînîster Jîm cabinet.~ spouses to sbare ineomne for tax pur- Kegaraing 11 Turner, Politics Watcb stated, E "Love him or hate him, Garth Turner bas made bis mark in Ottawa tbis year. In addition to Garth Turner getting booted out of tbe Tory caucus, Turner bas been a leading advocate of democratic relormn and income-split- ting. " Turner spearbeaded tbe movement in tbe House of Commons to bave tbe tax mIles cbanged so two million retired Canadian couples could splii pension income between tbem, reducing income taxes. Tbe governiment agreed to do tbat on Ociober 31, and the cbange takes effect nexi week. Currenîly Turner is leading parlia- poses, ending wbat be said is an unfair tax disparity between single-income and dual-income families. Hes bosting a national conference on income-split- tingjanuary 30 on Pariament Hill. Polîtics Watcb went on to praise Turner for bis communications, saying bis on-line blog at bas become a must-read for press gallery reporters. It certainly is gratifying being sin- gled out like tbis, since tbe main tbemes I promised voters in the last election were middle cîass tax breaks and an MP tbey could count on to lis- ten, respond and always be in toucb,- said Turner. -Canadians are very tired of- electing people wbo seem to disap- pear, so 1 hope in a small way 1 can set a new standard for MPs wbo are always available and accessible." Another part of James Snow Pkwy. construction underway The Region recenily kicked off con- struction on anoiber partofolJaines SnoN Parksxay ti ine on tbe sireicb between Derrs Road and Main Street. Tbe section wvill be huilt as a lotir- fane road and sîlbc aligniecl o go under tbe railway bridge ibai s\vas coini pleted as pari of phase t155 o of' tire ro cet in Cctober.(One fance un cacb direc- tion svîll be open to îrallîc bs laie soin- mer, witb AIlfour fanes slated for coin- pletion by the end of Nos embeu. Tbe work falîs under the Accelerated Capital Roads Program - a $29-million initiative tbat belps acîvance construction tîmelines for major îborougblares in Milton io improve tbe local iraflit sitution. Tbe prograîn lorins a parînersbîp bciween iiMaîiams Hornes, the 3svn and Region. Maiîarny is frontîng fonds or tbe construction and \Nill be reîm- bcîrsed, sxiîboui inieresi. in tbe fuoure wblen tbe roads projeets \vould've nor- mally' come loiward in the Towvn and Region budgets. évilVilwwiuu: - IC31 i & IIIMile r rKwu - T11515 OLS 1 0 » 9. mur 1 1