B2 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, December 29, 2006 Search for new A&P sparks trip down memory lane 1 feit kind of silly. I went to get some groce-ies at the new A&P and couidn't [mnd it. Dub. Can't find something in Milton? That used 10 be a stand- ing joke: "Well, if ils in Milton, il sbouldn't be hard to find. " 1 Wenl 10 a newer section of lown along Derry Road and thougbî it'd be îhere. It wasn't. Or at least 1 couldn't see il. 1 kept going, it had 10 be there somewbere. The Christmas lights in tbe residenîtal area were spectacular, wbich makes sense - new bouses need new Christmas ligbts. 1 didn't rec- ognize the street names, thougb, wbicb made me feel kind of' disconnected. 1 remember a lime when 1 knew the names cf every sîreet in Milton. Somebody could name one and I'd at ~GEORGETW "25GUELPH TREET 905.73-1999 0 CHARI1TE'S VIEB S Daîiy 645 p.m &900 p.m Sat. & Sun.,Wed. & Thurs, 2:00 pm 0NIGHi ATITHE MUSEUM Eî] Miy 645p.m &9:00 prn Sat. & Sun. Wed. & Thurs. 2:00 pM 0 THE PURSUR 0F MAPPYNESS rPG Dey 645 p.m &9:00p.m. Sat &Sun. Wed& Thurs2:00 Pm. vntmtcineas3.ca Theatre Parking Available at Rear least know the spe- cific area. I did find Rabba's Fine Foods on Derry Road, which I bad neyer O h been to before. Il was pretty good, o s and besî of ail tbey had cbicken salad. I baven't found ibat in a grocery store since Quality Greens. I used îo go îbere just for that, but il was a nice store 10 go 10 anyway because you didn'î bave to book vacation lime to sbop. In and cul in about five minutes. Personal attention if you needed il. Same Iriendly faces ail the lime. Very nice. You can't blame grocery stores for super-sizing. Tbe wbole idea cf baving a business is 10 maximize profits. If you can seli more, you make more profit. Now îberes a superstore ----------------- Sishers and hunters are proneI to hypothermia. Wear a PFD and Iayered clothing. ICnnadaan Red CrossI coming and wbo knows wbat else. Tbat doesn't mean 1 bave to like il. I gel lost in tbose big stores, and since 1 neyer remember everytbing on my first pass, I end up baving t0 go back and forîb across tbe store. Il's good for exercise, but not se, good for my sanily I don't need a million cboices for everytbing. Ils like pola- 10 cbips. I remember wben îbey only bad plain, saIt and vine- gar, and barbecue. Pick one of tbose, ils easy. Now, you can spend 20 minutes figurirsg oui wbicb kind you wanî. Do I feel lîke yogurt and green onion cbips todlay? Do I feel like îbem any day? Il could be worse. In Argentina îbey bave lamb flavoured polalo cbips, and in England îbey bave yeasî extract. Wby don't îbey just bave vomit flavour? Anyway, îbinking about the smaller grocery stores sucb as Qualiîy Greens, also reminded me cf anoîber old store I liked a lot. Remember Jacksons Barn? Il was a no-frilîs type cf store, wbicb was cbeap and good. I don't remember wby il was shut down, it seemed 10 be busy ail the lime. So, driving around a new section cf Milton, reminiscing about old sections of Milton, new grocery stores, old grocery stores, it made me wonder if I was just getting old and just liked tbe way tbings used 10 be. Maybe I sbould embrace new îbings more. But, tben I îbougbî îbaî wasn'î quite true. I could certainly embrace a new fiat screen LED television. Ils more like seeing tbings geîîing toc big and geîîing away from me. A smaller grocery store - like a smaller tnwn - is easier 10 bandle. l'm not sure exacîly wbaî il is, but maybe lIlI let you know Maybe afîer I find tbe new A&P Celebrate NEW YEAR'S EVE with OLG Siots at Mohawk Racetrack! aCommercial 5t Thurs-Fri.... a- 0Saturday .... a- 905-&7&-1070 Sunday .....1a-p FINAL 5ALE ON ALL MERCHANP15E LIVE Entertaimment by New York Minute & Sinply the Best on stage beginnmng at 8:3Opm. Seating is Iiinited. *Visit the Wlnnr's Cirdle or cal! 1-800-732-2230 for more detalsi ,jL<, il,' N 40i,ý.,r Loeaied al 9430 Guelph Une, Campbellile, Ontarno Mon, to Wd. 9a&M to 3 a.m. - Thums ta Sun, 24 heurs Must be 19s o n o aie. a omenisdph w d eqe. TATRAýNENCIlLi me, The New Year Gala 2006 Chef Domenic off ers a 5course wual including, 11122lbs Royal4lakanKing Crab Legs ib Zesý Garliç CgVwa Sauce, served witb splcy lheguiidMailnara We tbank you from 1984 to 206 22 years bave geste by, serving the beaaatiful people inMihos Fn ean#& caterug wedMigs & a"j speeidloccasmo Ele .ofl 1-877-513-53