24- The Canadian Champion, Friday December 29, 2006 IMM Sklelp ff cale Of& 7T SehIcIl e hiclHep Ofie ep fic elOfieHepSales Help Sales Help Sheridan ::= J0 StLrdan Nîscrîc'. Shnîan Colege Inttute of Technotogyv Ad-~ concert Learniag Oabvil/e campus reqsîreo a TeBuilding Maintenance Worker Tesuccesofal candidate must posseso a secor- dary chool dîploma, a Statiorory Engîreer Fouath Clasa Certîficate and s 'G' licerse. As weil, three f0 fise years of practîcol cork-rea/ed esperience rn the repaîr and maintenance of buildngosortd re/ot- ed systemo is requred. Pieooe serd a ressmne and cover letter by Jan. /4, 2007 to: Email: hrjobo@sherdancon.ca or Fax: 905-815-4o54 For more information, pleose vsst osr webste at www.sheridanc.on.ca Se/leci Vis/tors, Se/ect Human Resoarces, Select Working at Sheridan JOBS! JOBS! JOBS! Var/ety of jobs availab je. MANAG ER VNS sortCMMNICTIS mem er ase00-fta rganîafin aevî ta i / ofce s/of aIBlueSpnOGfcHlbpl thoe ActAOnPa TINLeFFC Tcanadiec/ aseoescenlleol ierperAsoioaalr ganizr a/îonolnco/mrtognt servicesi/sHeo ahi/i/y5/0 deoefaprondpeoîne prossCedure. Goîl TaauMnaet op Eerandevommuniaemens du/len s odiceamfnîaîînBluins Gare majorit comp n on n ta io.aîinAwrîg ceg a/ ofice softheareapcatiDrons, e sieceswî/h canaebsîl aecellert ihe abifî/yla cor- n caaniale nla hafîcumrviacngae s a Il e-o Sael av omeraed/hexperience FordIan- /ber m/armevlpa/nead imengtnpoe Caadan GAa /a ie /e andcmuag fnI Eos aeComanîca /ions ofaI//e.psoîsi, Aworkcg kcm owldg are ce/came /n coSthocil anr es e al/hdea ciaeile e a thrifrainrgriteCanadian PGA an R.R.#11, 13450 Dublin Line Aclan, Ontario L7J 2W7 Fao: 519-853-549 e-mai/: c/eee@cpgc.com Attentian: Stephen Carro//, Execo/ive Dreclor Dead/ine fcr Applicaios: Friday, Janaary /2/h. 2007 Whie ce cîsb ta tiank a/i applcants Ian/hein îrtenes/, or/y thase candidates/a 5be îtemîieeed eil be can/actea. For mare la/rma/ion an/bhis oppor/ani/y vsi/: www.cpqa.com The Coniadian Praîessionaî Golîers' Association, a member basea, nan-profit arganîzato servîng aven 3,500 go/I prfessionaîs acrasa Canada, e- qares a manager aI Business eeiopmenî /0 loin i/s office a/afa/tff/se Springs Go// C/ab, r/s home n Ac/an. On/anis. Repar/ing ta the Execoise Drector, the succesîal candida/e cî// hase eacellent/oal/ana cri//en com- munica/ian and în/erpersooa/ ski//s, a /harosgb corking knoo/edge o/ word pracessîog. spread sheel ca/cula/ions, PocerPoint and e-mail. and possesa a Unversity Oegree or Certîlîcate ix Sports Administra/ion, Business egree an eqaîsa- ent. He an she wî// hase some ea/ea experence and the ahi/i/y s ane/slp and împ/ement nec pro- ceaunes. Conductîng extensive research, crea/îng and execu/îng business plans and makîng presen- ta/tions /0 po/entiat par/cens, sponsors and icensees are ma/ar camponeors f/bhis pvsition. A canking snooleage oI associa/ian management, the Canadian go// iodas/ny ana /he abliî/y la cork and communîcore in ba/e officia/looaguages are o// desi nble, Sa/ary iv cammensurate ci/h esperience Fan fan- ther inormation regardîng the Canodian PGA ana /0 vec the Manager of Business Deve/vpmen/ job profite. p/eose vîsîl ccccpga.com Sas are ce/- came ta submît yoar resume a/on ci/h a csverîog lentento Canadian PGA R R rit /3450 Dab/inî Lne Ar/on, On/ais L7J 2W7 Fax 519-853-5449 Emaîl: s/ese@cpga o m Attnon Stephen Carra/i, Eeecufise Drecian voa/lne tan Applications Fric/av January 1t/b 2007 'Vin c ac Sh Ltai~ind cr,for~ c oytroar /candae-Iobc ano terviwedMiopono( a//bte CANADIAN PGA NATIONAL OFFICE The Conadian Pro/essionai Go//ens' Associa/ian, a member based, non-profi/ organîzatian sersîng oser 3,500 golf pro/essioals acroos Canada, e- quires o blîngoat Admns/ra/ive Assistant/fo jain i/s Office staff ai/ B/uc Springs Golf Club, i/s home on Ac/on, On/aria, Reporlîng /0 the Eecaise Drectar. the saccesaful candidate ciii be biinguol and bave excellen/ inter- persona/, organîza/îona/ and cas/omer service ahi//a. He or se ci/i have aome rela/ed ecperî- ence and the ahii/y /0 deve/op and împ/emen/ nec pracedures. Reception daies, a//ice admins/ra- tion /ancliona and ececu/ive asssant respansîbi/ilîco are ma/ar companenla o//bhis pasi- tion. A ccrkîng knac/edge of ofice sa//cane app/ications and campalerîzed inormatoîn s de- sîrable, as is same go/f indus/ny re/a/ed caperience. Saîary is cammencarale ci/h esperience. Fan Ian- Iber inormatian reganding the Canadian PGA and la vîec the Admnc/rative Assistantljob pro/i/e, p/case visItcwc.cpga.com Yca are ce/csme Io aobmîl ysar recume a/ang cîlh a cavering effer ta: Canadian PGA R.R #1, 13450 Dub/inLUne Aclan, Ontario L7J 2W7 Fao: 519-853-5449 e-mai/: seve@cpga.cam Attenîio: Slephen Carra/t, Execulîve Drec/or Dead/îne fcr Appicaions. Friday. Janaary /2/h, 2007 For more inrmation an/thic appar/onily vîsîl www.cpga.com 1 lvlpllmur-n UT OUDIFfCbb UtVLLUPMENT 1 Advertising Sales f0r Otr pni 7hi eil r tIn Jacqu/iceViacnî-Gsmsr Bodlook )e ta bUsiness goswt5 ce are seekîra rtynamîc ortîsîrtas nr the fîîii rime position o/ r the OTA. 30id Book / 70/ rom, a Division o/ TonstrnCorporation, is a nectvry Business sevscivg local marketssiOntario, virtviOs gcansamers cîtb romp/eteliîstings o/ hasînesses idservices relevant ns thein local communînties. he îîaai/îed crraniae ci/i be a mstîvsted, îxdeyendens, /1 ostannen cîth prevîvxs netaîl, vattîde or insîrte sa/es xeniexce, Sou ciii posseso excellent wcnînen sort verbal mmxnîicatîoe skîils sort ciI be mutîvater ta 0achiese iisns/ae, Sou ci/I be cîlstomer fscused and ciii buîlrt sîîig ne/atîossbîywctb xec sort euîstîng clients by nsurîng tbat tbeîr directsry sdvertising needa arn met. Sas ýi be ga/ inînned sert capsble of/meeting montS/y tarants. n/îsh/le vebîcle iv reqa/reii. 'xx max/rt /îkn ta cork Ion a leader in the media indxstry is sppi'tunity may he the n/gbt sone fI o VaxWn ffer s nynetîtîve cvmpensation sert bexefîr package inc/xding Heaithcarn and Dental Benetits Pension Plan Lita Insarance 3 Weeks Vacation ta Stail Sales Incontives and Cantests 13 Wenks Paid Training corner Devntnpmn and Advancemnt Opportunities Ftexible Working Hoars * ~If intrte e /ase /orcanî/ yvan es ame nu Co vsalin@701.com Fax: (905) 632-0308 A Bookyour Recruitmernad Ask UsAlou..00wokopolis A sk sA bo t...today & receive work ollcom2 weeks on PAAS BIGGEST JOB WorkopoM- fo..nl eau 905-8 78-2341 $15A"0 "I EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY! Shenîdan Nurseries Head Office ic solive/y searchîng for an energe/îc, organîzed Ieam ployer /s je/n usas O: Executive Assistant Position Summary As Eseculîse Assistant yoa ci/I be reaponoîble for pros/ding can/iden- /îa/ administrative support /0 /he Ses/or V/ce Preaîden/, Relaî/ Opera- /îonc and hic cen/or management lcam, Respona/bîlî/îec cc/oude coon- dîna/îng SVPs ca/endar and communications, prepanîng documents. reparla and presenla//ona as ceI as ascigned opeciat pro/ec/s. The îdea/ candidate ci// hase exce/lent organiza//on and communica- ion ski//s ci/h a minimum nI 5 yearc administrative eoperience, inc/odîng 2 years sopporlîng an esecalîve or senior manager. Advanced MS Office and Pocer Poin/ skîl/s reqsîred. Must have acces laocn transportation and be ci//îng /0 cork ouside o/ rega/ar business hoars on occasion, Previos caperience in a ostcruction envirooment coa/d be an ascel. /n/eresled canddaes are inv/led la appîy in cnî/ing (quo/ing aob tille and notîng so/ary eopec/a/îons) /0: Jim MacLeod Sheridan Nurseries R. R. #4 12302 100th Line Georgetown, ON L7G 4S7 Fax: 905-873-2478 E-mail: jmacleod@sheridannurseres.com We kînd/ nos/e tf/at sf/y those candidates seivcted for an interview wî// be con/ac/ed. Sales Hetp Sales HeIlp The Oakville Beaver Has an opening for aný INSIDE SALES REPRESENTATIVE The qsalified candidate wiii Se a moisated, inde- perdent, self starter ci/h an inteneot in adaertioîng sales. You, wil/ possesexcellent wrIittn and ver- bal communication sbilis and be familiar with Mcrosoft computer applications. An edacalional backgrosnd in adsertîaîng could be an asset. A great place ta atarI yosr careeri In thîs rote. yoa cîll be castomer focsoed and wil bud trong retationahipo ci/h oea and exîstîrg cli- ents by enssring that their adser/ising needs are met. You wîll be goal-orîented and capable of meeting regolar noies bsdgets and special section targets ci/inn a dead/îre focssed ensîrneimeol. f pou woald ike to work for a leader n the media industry thîs oppootunîty may be the nîght one for yoa. f înterested please forcard your resmre to: dbaird@oakvilebeaeercom We appreciate the interest of ail applicants however on/y those se/ected for an interview wl/I be contacted. No phone cal/a or agenciea p/ease. Riave you herd the news? Classified naw bas emait