Al12 - The Canedtan Champion, Fniday, Dacambar 29, 2006 ]Datelin e Sunday Dec. 31 The Town of Milton bolds ifs New Year's Eve bell ringing tradition at Victoria Park in front of Town Hall at 11:45 p.m. wiîth refresbments ut Hugh Foster Hall ai terwards. Fvery'ones welCOfle. Country 1-eritage Park bolds its Ncw Year's Evc Gala lromn 7 prom tr 1 arni. wiltb a lîxe band, siuent aiction, partv fax ous, aî buffe-t dintier, fate nîgbt snack and more. ftcket, c ost sS caclî or $1I25 f'or a couple. lut- motre infuortmatioîn, cal) 9053) 878-8151 ot- sisit \WViW( ,.otsitrybertitagepark.eîîrri. Monday Jan. 1 -l'le Mayor and Council New Year's Day I evec îe place fruitu 1:3 St 3.30 ,î Mlihît Tiimi n1 fil) lor a ilneet andI greet mîrfi Mayot Cnt d Kranitz, tîtettbes cil tiwît ciiI- et) andf tîte Miltotn Iistorical Sociefy. Tuesday Jan. 2 Calling New Parents, a free drop-tn prograo lot- patents and babies aged 6 months and younger, meets wtth a public health nurse to dtscuss parenting and infant care. Tbe group meets at the new Ontario Early Years Centre at 410 Bronte St. [rom 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. For more information, caîl (905) 825- 6000, ext. 7299. Registration begins for a workshop [or expeetant parents called'TOut new Baby!', wbicb offers information on Oow to Oelp yctîîr older cbild witb tOc transition to betng a big brotb- er or sister. The workshop is [ree and takes place Junuary 27 at the Ontario Early Years Centre/Milton Community Resource Centre, 410 Bronte St. S., from 10 to 11:30 arn. For Î The Ontario Fîlre Code OhBB*ID* ~ requires that every home tslheLaw. Ain have workng smoke alarms. It's The .awcotwtahymî more infortmation, caîl (905) 876-1244, ext. 22. TOe Halton Women's Centre, sutite 229 in flopedale MaIl, 1 515 Rebeeca St. in Oakville, Oolds its free [mployment Network from 9:30 to 11: 30 a.m. f-or unemployed wîîrnen tii learti skills itîclutclng resîtme wrtting and interview sktlls. For mitre information, caîl (905) 847-5520 tir visît wwwhl- lî [lelp f'or P>arents, a f fîltimn parenf sutpport Igrîiup, ineets it flie evetîing ni flic fxtsemetll of fli c burcli al 5720 Niw,ý Si. i n luîifîîgtîîîî Tbis ntin lettominaîtonal sel f-siippotrI gît îîp belps parenits tif cbtîdreti wbo are tit troubfle at htome, ;il scbof tir thlîie ltst or wlii arc abusive tor takitîg drugs Thle gî tit i s a1 tietîibet ii t 0e Assoiîationt tif Paienrt Scuppoirt (.rîicps in Onttario. Fotr more itnfiormatîion, cal] 1-800-488- 5666 tir visit Tbe Milton AI-Anon group meets ut 8 p.m. ut St. PauIs UnJiîted Clîcrcb, 123 Main St. E., for fatnily and friends tif alcobolics. Wednesday Jan. 3 The Halton Women's Centre, suite 229 tn Hopedale Mail, 1515 Rebecca St. in Oakvtlle, Oolds its Abuse Support Croup frîîm 6 fto 8 p.m. For mitre tnformuatton, cal] (905) 847-5520 or visit Aduit drop-irt volcybaîl takes place ut tbe Miltoîn Leisure Centre [romn 2 to 3 p.m. Tbe eost is $3.50 for tbe borîr. Mtlton Disfrict Hiospital bolcîs a one-on-tine Oreastfecd- ing clinic wîîb a cerîtfied lactation consulîtant frîîm I:30 lii 3 pr.m. Fot mitre inîformaiomn iir tri makec an appotntment. cal) lIf) Hicks ut (905) 878-2383, ext. 7610. Thursday Jan. 4 l'lie flaitont Wonietîs (-etntre, 151 I5 Rebecia St., suite 229 îîî Cakvtîle, biilds ils lrc Caring and Sbaring Circle ftomi 1 iii 3 pîin lis Grief Clinic (tît Spunisb f runs frîîm f0 atmn tii nîttn. For more tnformatioin, caîf (905) 847-5520. fbe Ontartio farly Years Cetntre bîîsts a parent group flor parents oil ctildren \&itb special needs, offertng an opportit- tîtty bo network and butld knowledge and resources. It takes place ut the Milton Community Resource Centre, 410 Bruinte St. S., [rom 7 to 9 p.m. For more inform-ation, euhl (905) 876- 1244, ext. 22. ONTARIO GOVERNMENT NOTICE NOTICE 0F STUDY COMMENCEMENT NIAGARA TO GTA CORRIDOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT STUDY PHASE 1 THE STUDY The Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) is initiating Phase 1 of the Planning and Environmental Assessment (EA) Study for the Niagara f0 OTA corridor following approval of the EA Terms of Reference by the Minister of the Environment. The planning and EA study wiii support the transportation objecfives of the provincial Growfh Plan for the Greater Golden H-orseshoe by providing for the efficient movement of people and gooda within the cornidor The parpose of the Niagara f0 GTA Corridor Planning and EA sfudy is fo examine esisting and future anticîpafed transportation capacity deficiencies (problems and opportunifies) within the Niagara f0, GTA corridor and f0 provide additional capacity for a 30-year planning horizon and beyond. PROCESS The Niagara to GTA Corrdor Planning and EA wilI ha undertaken in accordance wîf h the Ontario Envîronmentai Assessrneni Act (OEAA). the Canudian Envîronmentai Assessment Act (CEAA), and fhe Niagara to GTA Corridor Envîronmenfa Assessment Terms of Reference (ToR), whîch was approved hy the Minîster of the Envîronmenf in June 2006. The ToR ouflînes a two-phasad approach that wîll ha utilized f0, conduct thîs sfudy. Phase 1 includes the followîng key steps: 1 . Develop a Study Plan 2. ldentify transportation problems and opportunîties and verify the need for transporation improvements 3. ldentify and assess transportation planning alternatives (i.e. fundamenfaly dîfferent waya of addressing the problema and opportunities) 4. Selecf preferred transportation planning alternative(s) and recommend a Transportation Development Strafegy 5. Make recommendations for future study iv the Niagara f0 ISTA corridor. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT Consultation acfivities during Phase 1 of the study wîll focus on informing stakeholders of the EA procens, deveîopîng a Study Plan and providîng stakeholders with opportunities to review and provîde input on transportation naads, transportafion planning alternatives, crîteria for assasuing planning alternatives, the selaction of preferred planning alternative(s), and recommendations for subsaguent studies. Pour rounds of Public fInformation Centres (PtCs) milI ha hald for Phase 1 of this study. Each round of PICs wilI inctude individua avents heîd in Niagara, Hamilton, and Haffon and wil ha supptamanfed by foflow-up activîtias (such as workshops) where appropniata. Notices advisîng of the tima and locution for each PIC wtt I be pubtishad in local newapapers, sent f0 persons on the project mailing list, and posted on the prolect websîte. COMMENTS Commenta and information regarding thîs pro(ect will be collected f0 assist the MTO in meeting the requirementu of the OEAA, This maferial wlI be maîntaîned on file for use during the proîect and may ha included in prolect documentation. Information collecfed wîll ha used in accordance witb the Freedomn of Informat ion and Protecthon of Privacy Acf and the Access to Information Ac. With the exception of personal information fa g., name and address>, ail comments milI hecome part oit the public record. For turther information, or f0 ha added f0 the mailing liaf for thîs study, pieuse visit the proîect wehsîte or contact Mr. John Slobodzian Mr. Paul Hudspith, P.Eng. MTO Project Coordinator Consultant Project Manager Ontario Ministry of Transportation URS Canada brc. Provincial and Environmentat Planning Office 75 Commerce Valley Drive East 2nd Floor, 301 St. Paul Street Markham, Ontario, L3T 7N9 St. Catharines, Ontario, L2R 7R4 Tel.: 905-88-4401 Tel.: 905-704-2204 Fax: 905-M8-4399 Fax: 905-704-2007 E-mail: project E-mail: Ms. Darlene Proudfoot Mr. Sandy Naim, MCIP, RPP MTO Environmiental Planner Senior Environmental Planner Central Region Ecoptans Limitad Il.1 ,-- nv" îî,0 , > uti ff - Downsvmew, Ontario, M3M 1J8 Tel.: 416-235-4715 Fax: 416-235-3448 E-mail: proiect Missismauga, Ontario, L5K 2P8 Tel.: 905-829-6264 Fax: 905-23-2669 E-mail: Vîsît us at &Ontario