A6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, December 22, 2006 OPINION1 Be ready when bad weather finally arrives As we steamr-oll our way ro the Christmas and New Ycars htîlidays, the comrng days eau be fIilfed wtth fun arnd fr-vtli- ty as we enjoy time wiîh family and lriends. However, this eau also bc a ime wben a pleasurable otu- mng rurns îragic witb litie warning. Wbrfe we have cnjoyed an unusuail>- nîld Der-erîber so far, il's more than lrkely- we wrfl bc in the gip tif Old Man Wr.nîcr-belote ilrng. [bars w w r -rmincI everyocr- xbr takes tothie road to bc ready ftor îad wcarher. AIl drivers shottid bc îîrepared fotîrin iiergeur->'wîrh the foflowing iterms ii i rrtrtink: îr-t-scraprrAl ticdshielfddr- r-r-r, lashfrghit, wfîsf< îîrrrîî, gfirsrs, bfarîkct, firîster r-tîfîfr- ex~trat rlothr-s, cattdf/riirncfics, bIifrcf xxatt-r-,snacks, irccs- sarý i ticratitîîs aind a ir-st-arrIdkit. Il ycr-iarc îplanntinîg a lonîg riripis firsiIrfr-i siitii-iîi ktioxs y or- raslr-Iroute. C lier-k xxcthrraud r-fias-cn-ditrionîrs belorre headîng tout and dciii take r-hancr-es il the vcartIir s liad. Affow y'tuî sclf ext rîtnefri-titas cf, or xxart cîrîif r-ctnd- tir-irs imrriîrise. C ail teuic Mtsity aotf -ransfîrrtatioti's ifoîrma- liot n runrîîlr-r rî -ar-icorndiions, fsrcd in g îtr- ritallphotnie d -ir-rrtirry'. trr-ber-k theii-itne \\'iner- roaci Condir-ltion Repotrs. fts tfsii sisct tr crsure socît s!cfcr-ix r-rad>' tritar-kfrw-xii ter- conrdtionîs. f fat riîcans Iîaviîg yîrî schiclfr-cher-ecf fi>a ficcisccf ticfîai t trr-sure ifiatinîîgs fîkc r- y rîtîr 'r-î rs rttir-alflu- îds (oilî, ciclamît. frake ltird, ttt ),xx t ir--fîaes, figis-,, ihs, chattery antI iiiist itîpoti-anil, heyi re iits, ar- aff ii gîrtîc r-rîtf liton. lu a skrd, il's impotanrtir regaini cuîurcî f r lnr cfir-r, especialîx' if il skîds sideways. Tridoi ibis dr-r--frr-au-fi> iak- iug your fooct off the brake, step ot he r-fuir-h or shîltî tir ucu iraI, theri flook whcrc you xanrypur- sefircir-tri gtoan tid 5r in thar direction. AIf of the abtîve ar-esrmpfe, rcrrmntituscuse ips ihai ar-c eas>,-to follow. However, its aliîcsî a cerîarnry îragedy wif f sîrîke some- one Ibis bolidayt season who didrit kîlltîw rue or rmore tif ibese safery îrps. Dontlt iit bc you. Readers Write Send fyou-rfe- r t @o t o ai dr-n op r-rinoff at875 Man St.f. Let's help out those Iess fortunate DEAR EDITOR: Pfcrsc urgec fhampion nrtaciers tr rerniember ro ,hartc wtîh ihose fcss for-- tunate ihan tieicrsefees thrs Chlrîstas. its truc thai s%,ork and fainil sr-hcd- Ies arc bler-tictc hse day--, and thai the crcnrrttîs tendLs trrhe r-un \v rh cîchi cards, cietdit carcîs and îtîdivrrjral storc cards more ihati wîîh cash. Howcs-cr ihere ar-c no good excuses for not donatrng ttr the Salvatton Ar-rn> Christmnas kettles or [he Champions Christmas Bureau Fund. The truth is, our- station tri ie bas a frot tri do \x itîrithe c rrr-rttîstrrlr-s cf or-r bit th andrtherfctrtsover w htrh wc have no tconrttrof.I l cer xords, 'cuir-- tri r-t- hase hcrî lur- ks.and-lstrufe haxett \hrî ilror-ror f1 e rî nt- cf the r-nortunate ocsý \Voufdn't wxe hope ihat tthers wtrufc share wrth us attd hielli bring, us hope? [bank vott tn advancc, Milton, for sreppîng up ro the plate and heiping the Salvarron Ar-rn> brin5 Christmas bo tbtîse tn necd ru our cornmunrîy TARA BONIN MILTON ZL4r C anablîrn cbIampioîi aitc' Coimurix Nwsapr Snce1860 875 Man St. E. Mvilton, Ont. L9T 3Z3 905-878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertismng Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 wjww.itoncanadianchampion.com Publisher Neil Ofiver Advertising Director W-ndy M H1ala Managing Editor Production Manager Circulation Manager Office Manager Thre Canadian Champion, published every Tuesday and Friday ai 875 Main St. E., Milton, Ont., L9T 3Z3, ir a division of Melroland Media Group West - Groap Publisher tan Oliver, ý&cai.1,au nte n then dt,,iitc- 'ra- ,'h einn a 'r-:gr-a r -ira : htprtn o h ptiîî ngrp saernupied Dr ei n ranecus r-n togete ihraarnaialowaance for t jr-i ouo witiirri ge argia nlthe baanceolftieae en il be pai f( t the apticble rt e T ubishr reset her i t tor ar-r-r-Ip aàîennementsrof deditne CCAB Audited Ontario Coîîmanity ocI1a Newspaper ssociation C C A faiSan Comiennlty Newrpapers Asocation Subûîbar Neaarpaper g % ofAimerica Aroundtown Good-news suiories are in abundance this year One of the frequent complaints anyone in their braver-y Two of them were later recog- ing fundraiser belote his surgery His goal the newspaper business hears is that there nized wrth a provincial award for their was to raise $5,000. lnstead, Miltonians aren't enough good-news stories wvritten. efforts. reached deep and gave more Here at The Champion, 1 think we have a 2. In October, The Champion than $30,000. good balance of the feel-good stories we ail printed a story about the financial 4. Last month, Milton resi- want to hear and thbe more serious ones we piight of baby Holly Taylor-s [ami- dent Darren Coogan smashed ail need ro bear. ly Holiy, just one year oid , had open the window of a hlazing Tihe past year bas been one that bas show- been dtagnosed wVitb a rare devel- van to pull out - in theie nîk cf TheirC anîadiaxrî t noiîarrr,,r-r r4 pyoud tidîrsponsor fafor llalton Heathcane Jngie Bell Funid OF MILTON TV AUCTION ~r To rcrnnd residenL-s of tbe greai year we've had, the following, in no parricular order, are my top five picks for good news stories of the year. 1. In July, hirefigbrers were called ro a fîre on White Drive. Not knoxing if anyone was inside, crews rusbed into the blazing home and were able to pull to safety a young man who'd been sleeping in the basement. Theres little douht he would've died if it weren't for plate, and nîrmerous fundrarsrng events were quickly organized and are, i fact, still going on. - 3. Councillor Mike Boughton is well known for raising rnoney [or cancer research through an annuai golf touruament. But the figbr against the disease became per-- sonal eariy this year when Boughron was diagnosed witb a brain tumour. Kicking into gear once more, Boughton beid a head-sbav- Jusr seconds later, the curire van was engulfed in lames. Zn 5. On Monday, the motor home of a Milton woman caughr fire. She iost everyîhing she had, including two beloved dogs. A trust fund was set up, and Miltoriians gave generously Okay, so that hasn't happened yet, but 1 have every confidence Mltonians wili continue to show their generous spir-its. Mer-ty Christmas! MILTON SA NTA CLAUS PARADE relies r te-mu Showr-ase M CALA . A wards t- - - aev l'h, Oakilleý 44, lilton