The Canadian Champion, Friday December 22, 2006 - 21 Deahs Ma Dats emria 14-1 n emrim eoram InMeoram Articles 8CaeeT7 nig 1CaeeTY7n _ _ _ _ ~riin emlmam For Sale ~ eonu~~ee McHUGH, Donna June i MANION, MARTIN MICHAEL lne bovrng Merno M OT Tub (Spa) Covers Suddenfy at home on Tuesday December 11I r ru)il r nu l I ing lhr, randfrilsrr [tVA & GARNIF I DE bsapriest oluali A1- o s de i and lite partner of Russelli Dear mother Diii ier 25,I 1996, arnd w ii trvrh a,, r siri a p wtes&coverguyCai1-g a C r e 19, 2006 at the age of 53. Beloved wfe rrrd G(cri Srrn ri v r oirisrar866-585-0056 of en ifr (en D vli a d ySn(rre )rdsmr Bo hI v l)er r141 i/S svrd i tirat i r ioy b McHugh. Grandmother of Àegan and Sydney, and sister of Howard Wriggles- worth and Lsa Madiît. Predeceased by her parents Gilbert and Norma Wriggles- worth. She wilt also be sadly missed by her nephews and nieces. Friendo wtt I be received ut the J. SCOTT EARLY FU- NERAL HOME, 21 James St., Miton (905) 878-2669 on Friday from 2 - 4 & 7 - 9 p.m. FaneraI Service ta be held rom ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH, 123 Main Street E., Milton on Saturday December 23rd at 2:00 p.m. Interment fa follow in Evergreen Cemetery. If desired, dona- tions in lies of flowers may ha made fa the Heurt and Stroke Foundation or the Canadian Cancer Society. Condolences and donations may be made anlIne at J. SÇ0TTTAEM'LY Hill, Kenneth Passed awuy at his home in Pckering on Tuesday, December l9fh 2006 in his 6sit yeur. Loving s0oncof Marion and the late Gardon Hill. Husband of Freida. Loving father of Cheryle lflobb) Della Libara and Gordon Hill. Dear brother ost David Hill and Bonnie iKevini Ward. Ken mîlI be miuued by his grandchildren Danielle, Ju- fia and niece Brogan. Famîly and fiendo are invifed f0 croit ut the McKERSIE- KOCHER FUNERAL HOME 114 Main St. Milton 905-878-4452 from 2-4 pm and 7-9 pm on Friday. The funerul service milI be held in the funerul home chapel on Satur- day, December 23rd 2006 t 11:00 am. tnterment fa follow ut Milton Evergreen Cemetery. In liesucof flowers, memonial donations 10 the Heurt and Stroke Foun- dution would be appreciated. Letters eut condolenice may be left for the tamily ut wwwmckeruîe-kocherca .ad arc tire hcaris tilov Iie yrru, Slerr i rre irais tbar all. Yrrur anifs mere alwapi lsusy Yrrur heari was krud auJ trc Arrd wlseu we ieeded onef We crruld alwayi ceux rrrn you. Sadly mised bywife Jean Children: jobnny & Midi Marie & George Sandy Mike & Nancy Linda & AIt an Lorraine & Geoffeey & al the granidcbiîdren & great gandcbildren JACK HILSON luxlovrrrg merrreyrofour dear thusr, Graxulpa aud Grear Graudpa. wlsr lef s riorre ycar agrr t)ecerirter 23, 2)05 As rime grres bl i utlîirPu Aud the days aurn inrrr years Ilser' Irraîtil rltrinucno Andrth a i n a s il ncri r ear Irrsviiu weresrrspecial Wlrrriresilrererrisay 1,'lI Y uw c lire lierris 1-rever loved srdly nisseif Your lamily HIOLIPAY VEAPLINE5 Fý-er Dea4linie Fr-r Oe 22 W.r4 Ove 20 r-eo Dvv926 Th.,- Oe 21 Fri Oe29 rer-P.. 2Ê5 Te. Jaý2 FH-iOvv29 Ait P2adliniee are at; lOamn Our office v.e fire cloeed ec25.rh. 26t J let surr.rdirg rrr hcir & orurf inds arrd arily, the happres rrih rtes hrrr (hristmas and the i.oing years. Love Randy, Sue, Kevn, Doris, James, Otîvia and Graham CarThaoTaks W caroofThaks Words cairnor express the Jeep apprecia- tios Diane, Jef, and f have for the over- wlelmisg help aird support we have had sisce sIre pausing of sur heloved Son and nosu cherished Brîruher Michael. Wirhout thîs support, we coul d nsrr have esdured shrrîugh shis, the mosterrihle ime of ontr unes. Know thar your carisg and love keps uu going, gave us the sresgsh to cope. anJ made it possible for vs ru ges frorntione day su the sexe. We sake crimfort lu knowrng shat Michael s as perce, and we knorvehar he will always he is the hearss oh ail his amrty and frieirds whr sos dearly loved hios. With sincere thanku, Frank, D)ianre, ad jef Burnett A lieartilt t harsk yrîu îr rie augets rif Miltorn hirtris ovr ime rif seed mere msore nusoerurus thas the stars iii the sk>'. Ouir cerral gratirude ris amrty. frieridu, cri workers & xeighhirsrs. fhaîrk yrîu 50 tasor f/arr Rrgge and Naralie Rogge forr sheir krsd wrîrds. Than o cisii J. Scott Ealy f-irieraiHrote. The fumily ofAdanm Gregory Smith Greg, Monica and Andrew Annucements ta Anucemets ýcemets Aoncements DAVCARE requred for S yr aid girl stailing tas. rsrh. (K ours), Mon. Wed & eveny orh- er Frîday, pick sp rove Robent Baldwin on Tuesdu/ Thursday S eveey orser Frday. Pieuse cati 905-878- 041roauter pm. t2*sjLssn7 SEWfNG Lessons for auail nd chidren, 8 vears and up. Cati Lita 905-659-1466 Fijor Sale OCEAN Wonders Baby Swing $90. 080, Hgh- chair $40. 080, iw mucultre condition. 905-878-7953 Penny POOL table, protes- sionai serres wth every upgrude. 1tlule. $800 wvrth of uccesso- ries. Brand new in boy. Cost $5,000. mut setl $1,500. 519-722-4077. 2 sets of Spurrîng equrpwenl wth boss, ued Iice, pard $200. eueS. Make un offer. 905-875-3040, Dovelaît Consrruction. Nover opened Cool sa,0oo. Sacrifice $1.900. 905-567-4042 0 F~dsgamwiFoeItir HOT TUBS Ware- osse Direct open lu Public Saturdays or 5b. appoîntmenl. Fantastîc saorngs! unununhwd cd 905- 693-9230. A dînîsg 100w. cherry- wood. double vedeutl table O chairs,baffet, hulch. duvetait con- struction, Newe stîil n houes. Coul $11000. Sacrifice $2600. 905- 567-9459. A Kng Piowtop Mat- tress Set. New in plas- tic. Cost $1600. seit for $450. 905-567-9459. BED, Amazîng brgurs, queee othopedie pît- tolop sel, new in plas- tic, warrunty $250 905- 567-4042 wîtt detîver. CARPET i ave sevarai t1.000 yards of new Stain Master & 100% nylon cor- pet. Wiut do living ovu & hall for $389. Includes cor- pet, pad & installation (30 yards) Steve, 905-633- 8192 "FOR Suie: WCripovi Washer/Dr/hr Hardi/ More fiee Ctp//www. garaga.html." HOT Tub/ Spa- Brand sou w/ait options, inctudrng coser, 2006 modal. Stil n urapper. Coot $10900., Sacrifice $5.500. Colt 905- 971-r1777 LEATHER! 3 preoe Italion set. Sofa, losaseat and chair. New, in ptastic. tost $6900. Sali $2500. 905-304-4873. POOL Tabla, Protesuronat Serras, Solid Wood, r Siata, Ait Acessoies. New, Stili Boaad, Cost $6.200, Sali $1.950. 905- 304-9994 SAUNA, 2/3 person, in- home, w/c.d. ployer and iihts. Nanan used. Cost $5500, Sali $2750. 905- 304-7775 UNAtces Waned LQOK BEST C$$PaiArt Chrna. Crystal, Slver, Fgurines, Royal Doutron, Swaroeskr. lass, Pooaery, Etc, Estale Specralists. Top Cash, Cuit John/ Tracy 905-331-2477 Pets, Supplies PUPS FOR SALE: Cocker Spanri, Cava- lier Kng Chantes Span- et, Lhasapss. Scottre, Shîpos, Black Lab. Fires needies. set ehecked, iiewormed, fixa treated. Ruffins Pet C entre 905-875- 0475, CUDDLY baby bsn- nies, $500 10 good home, ready now. Cuit 519-853-3667. M Tucs for Sale 1998 Ford Exporer Ld. 150,000 kns. Loaded. Mini. Att Records. $7200 O060 Cent. 519- 853-9409. " reTHelj CLEANER. Mature yen- son/couple required for tîghi duty cieanîng in Mlon. 5 even- ings/weeti. Approx. 3hrsiday. Appicants must be reliabte wth- seat appeanance, Fao resume lv 905-637- 7033. Ho ovemenîs WOOD furnture, re- pairs & reinishing. rea- sonabie rates. Cai 416-566-0492 Sk gledTrg-s FREE Information Session! 905-333-3499, Ext. 121 www. >The Centre è).: Skiff* DeveIopment a lIaining Supervisor A large multi-dimensional organîzation in the Food Industry is seeking a Supervisor report- ing f0 the Dapartmant Manager. Respon- sibilities wilI include, supervising and sched- uiing the assigned deparfment, production contrai, meeting production deadlines and confinuous procedures ta maximize yiaids and quality. You wiIl ensure ail Safety proca- dures and policies are complied with and you wilI be responsibie f0 ensure regular mainte- nance of the area is carried ouf. As the ideal candidate you wilI have related supervissry experience in a tood processing company and be famîliar with HACCP tood requirements. Abilîfy fa multi-fask and moti- vate people. We offer a competitive saiary and benefts package aiong wîf h the opporfuni t f work with a greaf feam in a very rewarding envi- ronment. Email resumne ta: a LOGISTICS COORDINATOR Lakesîda Logîstîco is an industry leading Thîrd Par- ty Logîstîco Provîdar and is seeking an aggreooive, take-charge indivîdual to loin ils team as a Logis- tics Coordinator. The succesotul candidate will interact wîth both Cuslomers & Transportation Car- tiers on a daily basîs & wîil ideally have retated ax- perience in the Transportation / Trucking indsstry coupled wîth excellant interpersonal skitis and computerlIteracy. Lukesrde Logîohics oftaro premrum compensation. beneblo uandpaysttountîo l 'Quarrly of Life' for our employees. Please fan resumes ta: 905-338-4044 or emnailtot workoDls.o IANnS BIGST OBSIT cal 905,878.2341 Recritientcid L oday & receive 2 vveeks on LWorkopolis for on/y Your support is vital Rerearhinr terosi carrers) of ner sae and s016e rai help mnlliros irarlutter, haltie nIre.Ar a eadrng fonder od heart and s50e rerearditin Canada, we reed yor heip all-88-HSFINFO ori W»