20 - The Canadien Champion, Fridey December 22, 2006 * ~1 ~!~ T±! [ffl [~Ii I:jrt:5 c~ ~ Index: Real Estate 100-135 *Business 140-16EM~ To lac an Ad ail905 878 234 : Rentais 170-196 e Leisure 200-239 e Community 24 -299 7., Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: cIassified@miItoncanadianchampion.com *Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470 e HeIp Wanted 500-57 - Mon. ta Fri. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classified ads also appear on www.hakonsearch.com:* Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION cali: 905i-878-5947 e&tOP oMMne& MILTON 814 Yetes. $SMONEV$S Consolîdate Brand-new 4-bedroxm Debis Mortgeges to 100%. detacbed for sale or No ixcome, bad credît rent Open House Set- OK! Ontarîswîde Fînancia urday/Sundey 2-4pm. Corporation 1-888-307- 416-305-5932. 7799 MILTON for sale. Semi 1h00 sgý Ot 3-bdrm, 2.5-washroom. 5-appi, O/A Oeil $283.500 sal 416-936-7197 ste detaîls oný www.bythe owner.cxm/93671 97 ATTENTION Prîxete Sell- ers 0% Commission MILS listing $995. James Boyd Broker of Record Portcul1- iisReeity.cxm 905-319- 7707, 1-866-414-0017 Brokerage fficeBusness OFFICE space axaîlebie, Milton, grxand level wîth wîn- dow, xo parking. Law- son Rd. $275/mrth. 905-820-9306. OFF iC E/CO M MER - CIAL space for leasy, SAVECAPITALIE finex- ciel Inc 100%ý1 finencîng 1tsi & 2rnd mrtgs. Ns quai- ficcions coosolîdate ail[ debis into orne peymeni. We cas switch ysur mort- gage ist a iseer rate, ex.4.9% free of charge, Celi Rob Oies 416-841- 2265 FREE accommodaion eaîalable tor honesi, bard-workîrng enperî- enced horse iarm man- ager ix ras tarm, with psy. 416-537-4264. Heighis, $l,200/mih + We are now etilities. Oeil 905-854- acxeptîng 1687. applications for: 1 bedroomn apt's Busines for: m oýu-spionilusniies Jan lCth, Feb laI & lOB et home. $487.68 Feb l5th Veeky. Assemble Prod- Frmr nomto clx, Mail or Computer Fxor eifomaian Sork. Free Detaîls an/rt ken ewwTopJobReview.com « appoîniment, ROMOTE VOUR ____ _____ IUSINESS to over 4 MILTON t & 2-bdrm, hiltion aduit reader in oath Centrai Ontario. api.s avaîlable Jan lot.> bob pou adeertise- From $870/mth + park- terni n over 75 Metro- ing. Oei Jaz @ 416- nd commaniîy oewo- 723-4801. epers with orne phone ah. Oeil for irnfonma- MILTON newiy-reno- on on weekiy work ad nated 3-bedroom epar- ackages (internet lot- ment for rent. 89 Onta- îgs inciaded) 416-493- rio Street. $1 ,250/mth 300 est 276, 288, 237 + hydro. 41e-986- wwjnetroettd,coo 0690. CONGRATULATIONS Shaiya, Tanner and huaband Wade are very proud of their Mommy and Wife Michelle for creating the new Milton Mascot MiIIy The Milistone. Michelle bas the honour of ringing the Town Be!] in Victoria Park on New Year's Eve, with the Mayor and famiiy and frienda, laFiais For Rani DOWNTOWN MILTON Mitîside Towers 82 Miliside Drive. Attractive guiet build- ing. Specixas brigbt clean 1&2 beitroom anîts with iaxndry ieciiity and soc ai room on site. Regular resîdent exeots Open 7 deys & evenings Cati 905-876-1249 www.reaîstar.ca DOWNTOWN Milton, l-bdrm apl. Axaîlahie îmmedîately includes atîllities. $800.imth. Contact Scott Prior 905-878-7777 Reman Real Estate Centre Inc. 1-BEOROOM suites in hîstorîx building in Rxckwood, wih gas fîrepieces sterling et $675/month plas atîlîlies. 2-bedroxm basement apariment in Georgetown, month-to- month, $695/month. Oeil Elizabeth Doali, Johnson Associaies Reelior 905-877-516e5. ACTON 1l-bedroom apariment wih baicony. Axailabie Sepiember lsi. 770/month atilîties înciaded. Quiet Build- ing. No-pets. 192 Churchill Road Sxathý Cai 519-85q-1281 ACTON i L epariment. $65 plas hydro, f tridge/stoxe. A îmmediately. Na Oeil 519-853-472 ACTION, 2 2-b apariments a December $890/month ail sive. 1-bedroor cember $790/montb. Oa 853-3309. A artments& Flais For Rani AMAZING t -bedroom, rîghi on Guelph. $745/moolli sica heat/hydix Aduils oniy. No pels/smrokng, Axaîlable Noxember 1lot Cali 416-5f 0-6578. GEORGETOWN 1 bedroom besement apartment. S8001month inclusive. Separate en- trance, near GO Ste. lion. Includes trîdgeîstooe. No smok- ing/pets First/lastirefer- ences. Oeil for aoailabîlty. Suits single temale. Cali Brende MacDonald 905-877- 5165. GEORGETOWN. Aboxe groxnd, oery dlean, large 2-bedroom, on quiet street. Newer kîtchen, 2-parking spots/iaundry' Axeilabie îmmedîetey. $1,150/ month inclusive. Oeil 905-873-7854. GEORGETOWN. Main fixor 1 bedroxa apari- ment. Close ix GO. Parking for one. No pets/smoking. $eeo/mih + hydro. Axaîlebie immediately. 905-702-3798. E X E C U T 1V E 2,200sg S1 home in Main Street Village. 4- bedioom 2-112 bath îediaam G/A. Na îroeîogipets 0/montb Referexces reguîred.' irst/iast, St ,850/mtb + atilities.> vailabie Fîrsi/Leot regaired.' o0 pets. Joyce Hegexik, Royal t. LePage Meadowtowne 905-878-8101. ,edroom OLO part of Milton, 2- vaîlabie bedroxa fîrst floor of 1si. bouse. Availabie im- inclu- mediately. References, n, De- prefer no pets. One toit. chiid weicome. Il 519- $1080/mth + atilities. 905-878-2737. lmFor Rani HAWTHORNE Vilege detached 2000sq.fil 3- bedroom iusary home. FR wîth firepiece, LR/DR. spacios kich- ex. hardwood, staîr- case, aundry room, A/C. Febrsary ltt $1 ,650/mth. 416-528- 7738. 2-FLOORS, 4-bed- rooms, close lx shop- ping. Fîrsi month oniy. $1,350/month. Lots oi parking. Axaîleble îm- medîetely. Must be seen, share 50% atîlîties. Oeil 905-703- 1710. COUNTRY- 3 Bedroxa bangelow on 1/4 acre in Kibride. C/A, garage, full basement. Axailabie Jan lti $1550 plus utilities. 905-693-9023 Townhouses MILTON Centrai luxary townboase. 3-bedroom, S appicances Aveilable mid-Jenuary. No smok- ing/pets preferred. Si .375/month + utîlîties. 905-693-9074. MILTON .3-bedroom townhoxse plus gar- age. Axaîleble im- St,300/mth + utîlîties. Oeil 905- 876-4499, GEORGETOWN 3- bedroom. excellent lo- cation. oery cleax. hardwood tisors fin- îshed basement. No- St .250/mth±xtiiities Januery lti 905-299- 2114. OAKVILLE- 2,3&4 bed- rxom townhouses axaîlabie îmmediately tbrxsgh Pebraary lot, 4 eppliinces, Hopedale Mail erea. Lakeshore Management 905-876- 3336 lmRani & Wanted MILTON large room for rent in home. xbered kîtcb- en arnd beihroom. $550/mo inclasive. 905- 878-9908 MAccommodation non s moking $600/mth. 905-520- 31548. =-B rhsM ihs mBrh McCalIum, Cameron is thriiled to announce the safe arrivai of an eariy Christmas gift, litIle brother, Brandon Alfred Robert, weighing 9 Iba 1 oz et Milton District Hospital on December 15, 2006 et 12:28 pm. Also happily welcomed by parents Mike and Rhonda (nee Puglisevich), 2nd time grandpar- enta Fred and Dolores Puglisevich of Milton and 6 lime grandparents Bob and Joyce McCalium of Aliston. A veîy special thanks to Dr, Wilkinson and Dr. Gonzalez and nurses Beth, Jackee and ail the DB staff ait MDH. COULSON-HOSTRAWSER -Lisa, Andy and big sisters Tawny, Chloe and Piper are thriiied to announce the ste arriva of their son/brother Miller James. Miller finally made bis entrance toi the world on Tuesday, December 5, 2006 weighîng 9Ibs 3oz et 12:52am, A very speciat thank you toi Dr. Hanter and nurse Nancy for heiping us with our handsome littie man. HAPPY Birthday & Merry Christmas Kaitlyn Mary Viveiros Born December 17, 2006. Proud parents Paul and Jennifer (Swainson) Viveiros. Ist grandchild & niece of Brian LVîseiros. lt great grandcOid of Evelys 0yo & Ruth Swaînson. Many thanks for answered prayers & MDHS staff. Place your Babys Birth Announcenient in the Milton Canadin Champion, und you wiI receive a voucher for wiWeePiggies.cern 905-825V831 * 416-411eè Coli 905-878-2341 te place your asnaocement LEITH - Jason and Fran (nee Kranstz) and big sister Hannah are pieased to, announce the birth of Paige Jocelyn, weighing 7Ibs l4oz at Milton District Hos- pital on December 13. 2006. Thanks to the staff 0f [SIS, Milton Centre for Wom- en's Health. Mark Taylor. Dr. 'Hnter and the OB nurses. HEATH - Rodney &Anne and big brother Eamon are thrilled toi announce the birth of Bridgea Michelie, weighing 7 iba 15 1/2 oz at Tritlium Heaith Centre Monday December 18, 2006 main g Evntsm Coin g Evnt BALLROOM DANCING LESS ONS Milton St. PauI's Church on Main St. Starting January il, 2007 Beginning élt 8:00 PM 10 weeks $140,00 per couple Carol (905)876-4558 p c. tn S let Mîlton s Community Newvspaper Sînce 1860 Classified Phone: 905-875-3300 o à*,J Classified Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified Email: cIassified@miltoncanadianchamnpion.com u 1 J u V