Al12 - The Canadian Champion, Frîday December 22, 2006 Thief steals narcotics from pharmacy About $1 0,000 worth of narcotics was stolen from a pharmacy early Sunday morning. Police said unknown suspects smashed the window of the door at Miltowne Pharmacy on Commercial Street to gain access. Once inside, they took large quantities of oxycontin, morphine and codeine. Anyone with information is asked te cati Halton Regional Police at (905) 825-4777 or Crime Stoppers at I1-800- PoliceBlotter 222-TIPS (t-800-222-8477). Vehicles vandalized A man bas been arrested in cennec- tien wijtb a stew of vebîcle vandaltsnms oernîgbî Sunday Police said eigbî cars in a parking lot of a Brente Street apartment building bad their windows smashed. DELIGIS FUR fILL Of VÛIIR FRESH FROM OUR BuICHER Beef * Pork Police received a tip that a man was seen darting back and forth from a bouse te tbe parking lot. A 24-year-old Harrison Road man bas bcen charged with mischiel. Youths arrested in disturbance Four yocttbs were arrested alter an incident at Milton IFair Grounds Saturday niglhî. Police receivecl a noise complaînt at about 8:30 pin. and respondecl ii the tairgrounds whcrc they saw t*our y'euths llceing. They discevered varions oebj(ccîs includtng a tiling cabinet drawer tîad been used unsuccesslully te ir> te breakloen lie deer oet-of thie lbuildl îngs. Polic e satd bhe s'ut bs s c net clirgecl and wc i snstead placeýd ii thc 'eutîficlversien pregraîn Fry truck targeied Rtty5 A Brente Stect ry iî tclk was biekeni nie everniglit Saturcl. PREPARED BY OUR Polic e saîd uitkionewnus~pcts cnt amo 9m wthe p.dleck te gatit eniryinie C api n Gourmet Desserts J ysbu neîtng vwas takeni. Gourmet Take-Away Meals P lc r i g t Polce r/ig t Ilaton Regional Police are învesîîgating vandalism te a vehîcle. Sometime overnight December t1t, suspects spray- painted a racial epithet on the side of a vehicle parked on Malick Street. The total damage îsn't known. I4J~'7/I Gift Baskets Available ORDER YOURS TODAY! EXPERIECOSCAR~S 905-286-9250 Hours: Mon. -Fi. 1Oam-7pm, Sat. 1 Oam-5pm, Sun. Cosed 2850 Agentia Road, Mssissauga Think ahead to avoid drinking and driving Think before you take that drink. Its a message Halton Regional Police want everyone te remeînber, particularly duning the holiday season. Recent RIDE spot checks and district enforcement ini- tiatives show theres a slîgbî increase in impaired dniving investigations in Halton. Altbougb ne one bas been arresîed for impaîred driving as a result of a RIDE spot check, 23 people bave bad their licences suspended because roadside screening revealed tbey bad over tbe legal limit of alcobol in their blood. iTbe RIDE pregram started December 1. Since then, fîve people bave been arresîed in Milton for împaired driving ettences by siticers tnvolved in ether enlercement initia- tives. "At ibis timie et ycar we are remincteclef tbe need te use gessd ricîgneni wben we are enijeyitg beliday cebeer," saîcl clîset Gary C rewell 'Vie need te rensember ibai necc l ase s.xiisireugheuiibe >ycar. Itlalien police \vanite remincl the driving publie et the niec te antîcîpatc pi eblems. Ain alcsibelic drink can take troino a ew minutes te an heur te attect yeur sebricix' The l,îsi drink yon econsume migbî net begin te affect y'eur udgmiîet tuntil alter yen begin veur dnivceroe. Police bepc peeple will instead catI a taxi, get a ride trein a seber rîcnd er use dcsîgnaîcd drivers. find vehicle vandals Crime Stoppers 0 F H AL TO0N never have te give yeut liante i testifv ini roui t.Ctrine Stoppers of Haltoit doesn't subscî ibe Ie call display. If yoti have any intformation CatI 1-800-222-TIPS (1-800- that leads te an artest in this (), 222-8477) et check out Crime aîty other mottet, yots may be eli- Stoppets' Web site at www.halton- gible for a cash rewar-d. You will LOATE a15 Dnld. vd 4tnO Tol:q6 4,d94? hne 5q ,5 14 LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOUR STATE FARM IS THERE- Providing Insurance and Financial Services k~qfcr~i. ft~t&~&M/ Wy.w4.Ikioaas statefarm ca " State Fram Auront, Ontario