Ali0 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, December 22, 2006 "Christmas is lot a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mnercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmnas. < Ca/vin Coolidge .Ç.e,isfzVes > I Atw a f)nI/ad y Jrawfu"(lflJci «9yii9rb <ew</ qlesup, mon(/>! 4ýe, MitoýnBa 1sfChýurch 900 Nipissing Rd. (905) 875-1626 - Sunday December 241h - Christmas Eve Services il arn Children'S Pageant 7 pmn Carol Sing &a qVt2ne 'ke .' & 2e4:~, G(vu4~#vLa~4,. 200 Main Street '905-876-3586 ,ýîIJ (t.o m BibleC? 111 LovinçJ Goà. Lozinq, people. Christmas Eve at MBC 10:00 arn Family Celebraion 6:00 prn Candie Ligiit Service Senior Pastor - Jirn DeMarsh a Youth Pastor - Mark Sfrickland A Fellowship Ba tist Church a Sandhrua r AChtirchlo iii lcv i, Sr Sunday, Dec. 24 10:00 arn "REDISCOVERING HOPE" tbtSaviour isesus" "Wlythat 'Hope Realizede 905.257.3987 Milton Sports CentrekJ 605 Sanfta Mana BId. (DNM Rd., west of Hwy.25) S MILTON Sx I-"FN 1I H-DAY Àogg& CliIi RCH 1Tlvteý,millo mi uc ktn Sabtil!niii err rs il Hugh Fostr Hal, 3 Brown Si. Milton ,, lati ia fi. tire Sner FREE BIBLE SCHOOL tiiiitttitutitssi\s rlit iiP)ii1 s'511 Fi ritiieu iii)ttrm ti,iirterti ii i rl in ircreriu i rrer . , iH CHURCH 0F CHRIST 1412 Britannia Rd. West, Milton, On L9T 2X8 905-875-2939 Sunday School Classes 10:00 arn Worship & Communion 11:00 arnj Thursday Bible Study 7:00 pm Minister Steve Corbett St. George's Ai .ii îîîrrttvr ire 150 Years Join ris ibis year ini a ceLebratjern f.. flic prrtrrhiniiuof (xi*.% rd in thirviruruirion the arpen iuurîir185. Corne andr1ururseswiiil- veru ulrrrud to mreui. RFCTOR: Bmv Canon Chartes Master Christmas Services - December 241h: 930 arn Morning Prayen! 400 pm Family Service of I-luy Communion/ 900 pm Hoiy Communion December 251h: 900 arn 5oiy Communion December 31st: 9 30 arn Morning Prayer 7051 <Guelph Une ai Derryr Rrad (Tel) 905-88-1363 Visit o<r weh site uwurst£eorgesruerUe.or£ rGRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH ieg 317 Main St. E Canon Dr. Mark NlcDermotteCrrl n(oH) Re%. Dr. Renéie Desjardins teCuc nteHt Re%. %Mark Curtis 905-878-2411 Christmas Eve Services (Regolar services at 8 and 10Oin the nom ing) 5:00 pm - Special (lnildrenrrs service ui h I «ch arr s 7:30 pm - Stiri[-ucIrarist, (irveirArrrhcrrrs 11:00 prn - Siirr I nchuristi i iradiîruial Rite., Coir Aniheiri and Sermn Christmas Day 10:00 amn: Sai ur)Icharisi- 4:00 pm: [-vseongr M Wheelchair Access through parking lot ' e wwwgracechurchmiltoncom MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N.- 878-3873 1000 arn. - The Lords Supper il1:45 arn. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesdlay 7:30p.m. - Prayer and Bible Study For ihe Son of nmn i.s corne to seek and to save that which was losi. - Luke 19.10 905-878-5664 KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ÇRACEWAY 'BAPTIST CHURCH LouthsnideyRd, ECOESO 1 03rua rtmn Strreert ?1 obhsd etrrreenthe Sports Cntre 170 ) M tirnlStF \tli lrrnr Q<5 75(-()- Pastor Walter H. Isaak Pursuing Jesus pdssondtey ana Director of Music Mîniviries- Sonia vanr de Hoef 10:00 a.m. - Sunday School connectinq with our God-given family Sunday, December 24, 2006 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Meet new friends in the café at 10:00 arn 10:30 a.m. - Christmas Sunday Worship 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service 10:30 a.m. Service Sunday, December 24, 2006 Thursday Music and Insightful Teaching from the Bible. 7:00 p.m. - Christmnas Eve Family Service 7:00 p.rn. Bible Study & Prayer Join us for our Family Candleligh Service at 7:00 p.m. 9:00 p.rn. - Christmnas Eve Traddîhonal Service "You'II always ind a friend ai Graceway" Pastor Jack Ninaber "CALLED TO S ERVE THE LORD" www.gacewabaptit.or Wheelchair acces«id washrooms Provided so ihat wwwgraewybatit. rawww. southsi dem!Ilion. org M al aay came and worshrp. Access ffMaryStreet. DECEMBER 24 10 a.m.* - Combined Worship Service Jesus - Beautiful Name 6:30 p.m.<i - Christmas Eve Candlelight *Service Captoned for Deaf/Hard of Hearing DECEMBER 25 10 a.m.<i - Christmas Day Worship Christ the King Have a safe & happy Chrstmas! Sunday December 24, 10:30 arn TRADITIONAL WORSHIP SERVICE in the Sanctuary Supported by mrusic from the At Pao/s GChoir Supervised Nursery Care from 10: 15 Coftee & Conversation after the services There wîilI be no Church School CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE Worstrtp aimneu l a yottog fattilies 6:,30 pm - Christmas Eve Wrship & Carols 1030 pm - Candlelight Service & Communion Corne Worship Wîth Us! ~:Rev. on Bnam & Rev. B12n Len m 1 1