Milton's Community Newspaper Since 1860 Weknd Ediîon N EW S Taxes going Up just over 2% S PO0R TS Burgess up for Trainer of Year A & E Band for those who can jive Vîsft us aI rnkrouflowoniw.Com 48'7 Laurier Ave 878-2881 1 A etrlan Meia rou pulictio # ol.147No.82 rida, Dcemer 2, 00640 age a 1.0 *.cl -..T. GRAHAM PAINE/CANADIAN CHAMPION HORSING AROUND: At left, Heather, Park dresses 'WiIIie', a 20-year-old horse, in his chefs outfit as part of the annual open house at Windrush Stables, a therapeutic equitation centre. WilIIe's bakery-themed stali came complete wîth ail the ingredients to make 'horse d'oeuvres'. Above, volunteer Bailey Harris, 11, offers minia- ture donkey 'PJ some holiday treats. Million dollar cul Lottery win just what the doctor ordered By Stephanie Thiessen CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Money might flot be able to buy happiness, but it sure can lighten the load - a lot - after a particularly dif- ficult couple of years. S c artngthe cae o wionathe $1 adK h Caseriht fo MwlonianseLi1 milionjacpotplaying Encore. LatyaKeith bad a heart attack wtth complications. He was out of work until early tbis year, creating financial hardships for the couple on top of their worries about bis bealtb. "IbisIl make up for a crummy year," Lbz said from tbe Ontario Lottery andl Gaining prize centre Monday. wbere they were picking up their win- - nings. Keitb purcbased tbe winning Encore ticket last wcek at Macs on Wilson Drive. The draw took place last Fniday Lz said sbe was in disbelîef wben Keitb showed bier tbe matcbing num- bers. "Hes made mistakes before. 1 was annoyed," sbe said. But after realizing the), really bad won, Liz said sbe started to cry. "Its a very strange expenience. 1 tbink uts only starting to, get me now," sbe said. Tbe couple insists the windfall won't bave a buge impact on tbeir lifestyle. -see NO on page A13 Insidek Today'1s Champion OPINION A6 DATELINE A14 CLASSIFIED A20 REAL ESTATE B4 GORRUD'S AUTO Liz and Keth Cartwright have had a difficult year, but things are certainly Iookrng up now that they've won $1 million, 9