The Canudian Champion, Tueneuy, December 19, 2006- A9 HJGH SCHOOL REPORT Il "MUSTANG MESSENGER"9 egan Cheema Harbi Na!! Courtney CoIambe NILTON DISTRICT INU SCHOOL &ih only afev shoriday ntiChritmsbrek siaris, here ai MD we canit help but pet mbinthe holiday spirit as we enter ihe muosi escitine. mii filleti. and busiesi lime of' season! Lasi week xvas deltnîtely flec mos1 heciic wxeek yet xx 1h everyone ai MD fînishînp up assipnmrents. anti wriiinp those f'inal f'ew tests jusi belotre the holidays. Dont w orry ihomîih the humnewurk tutu 't tlanpeîî aiyoie' s holiday cheer since te aititîal Christmas Dance. better kiios> t as hSanta' s Christtias, Dance Shup' wvas helti on Thtîrsday. This pasve ex cr oiie ihe perfect oppurtti-iy iii take îha t iuch neeteti break, andtihasvc 50>11e fun. Once apaîn.te tiance was a 1hune suc cess. d Musaîssere espet ially lîîcky since Mrs. Clans lherse! I', mate an acînal appearance al i Mlton Distitc antI wis kintl eniîuph lu i)vise wvith studenîs \\ hoi> xshiedto have ler pcture takei. Aloîgte xxlîlI the funi>ce're has'îip itîrîie Ibis inie iii seasonl. xve caunot furpet lu cîîtrîbttt rhe animal ('hristmîas Fooiîd Drive 5sv e can help lu tîtake sutîleîne cisc's hiiîl.iy tbe besi i ciii be. Cantiy Craîtns îre beîîîp sîîlel diîpl peritis '3 and 4 in the freoit hall su be stîre Iu btîy soîce f or y tîtr frientis chile supportiîîp a great! Speaking ut greai causes we alsi> cannîlotirpet iii îîentionounr îerrifically successini Habitai for Humnanity Adîîpî a-Day trip. Nineicen studenîs hadt he uppiirluntty lu spenti a wveekenti in Eîubtcuke buildinpghbouses l'or a charîtable cause. Allhhth ie builtitnp was dune inîîtigi conditions, everytîne irbo w cnIt lincludinp ail three Mustang Messenpersl will teli yuu thal îhey hati a wonderful tîttie. anti are esîreîaely pladt hes ivent. Holiday eheer. a Christmuas Dance, a spectal appearaître by Mrs. Clans, a Christmas Fouti Di-ise, ant i cviue lu chariîy... ibese are îîuly a [cxv îhinps lii help youupet itt thai festise holiday spirit. Alihunph il seenîs lîke se'se preiîy much cuvereti ail there is lu cuver. MD stîl bas une mure îhînp planneti. Milton Disîritus Christîmas Concert is beiug heiti tunighi ai 7:0Opm by our brilliant mustictiepatrimeni! Tickets will be nolti ai the dour: $5- adulîs, $3- chiltimen. or $i10 per family. The show is sure lu be very enlertainînp prumisiup lu teliver ail your favourite holiday lunies, su dont miss oui! WeII Mustangs our much tieserveti holiday is uniy arounti the corner, but befure we al cave lu enjuy the hlitiays, un behaif ut MD we sish everyune a preat holiday, a very Merry Chrisîmax anti a Happy New Year! We'ii îalk lu yuu nex i n the year 2007! * ÂREFR H 0Â1 ÂAHEÂI Course Dates & Times 4 Days Dec 27, 28, 29, 30 Wed, Thurs, Fri & Sat. 9:3Oam 10 4:l5pm 2 Weekends Jan 13, 14 & Jan 20, 21 9:3Oam tb 4:l5prni A YD Ouft Certificat. makes a great stocking stuffer - paired with a Learnersprep CD ROM! YOUNG DRIVERS nia nvxncnCu.tVEDBGNunvEx RE EnUCAnîns COURSE vunsInEn "DBATELI1NE DRURY"P' Ashley Carlisle Michelle Staples Stephen Jackson E.C. DRURY DGD uSCHOGL6 Toii stîhîngs titi, ise lîrsi ctingraiuiaieounr Senioîr Scbîîîl Reach ie.iit xhîîplayeti ini ieir lîrsi lîîurnaîîîenî iof the ycar j titiaStt xeck. [hes itppthe I i rsî plîce titte ie tbtheir nncanny knîîxlced iiofi tls anti exclus.Way li pi.ou,-ys> Att exen ltîci xxay Io "reacl-i's îlîrîîîgb te l)îxcsîty t'ritttle. thlîy taxe laken us ci tbe lucher bay ftîrounr ,îînîîai ('ulture lesýt, .51 ibis xvcek wce bisebecu celehî.îîîng ihe unique cuilture,, lvii> ,roifilue ixtirlditi uebllîcie il IC. Drîîrv>'[he ('tiiitlec' bý at iaîc i ,îclllren cîî ,ciîy IoIiakc'plal.ce t>ilunCch foi e.ich day of Ibis xeek Moittas xx as Illeiclchler tash iii> tutus Saîyt il-îîîr ecuîenecl etitcattirs lasittîecian .rray 01 t tîîtttes Iý,frnit iii ix cthe istriti. IonithIe tî,îtiîîîtl crets of' the Mayauî peuple lti res citîthes, it> 11Pdiistaît li îtr xery îîxx t> fatî.di.i t lsiitît citsistilte tof utînîcrîxîts aseiso ii oI iiianti a baklIxo ieî f l bîgîîhi>ofte slîîîx xx s xi len Mi. Spr.igcanti Mi. Di flîtrnîi siîîîxx c i eu kitees i ii tlîîîîîîlScîttiîsit kilts andttirie. (Nice c ,cît. Spu.îege i The cultnuralututybetît ciniiieclon Taesclay ýi tb Music aCti Dlance. '[be lucher bay \xas fill ict xîthie sîîUnts ii truînîmîng as Ali Hilclatia tiruni cîrcle. There xvas stîlîe escellent îraîiîtîîu,îi dancing instîlseul lutne iii te tîsutai hîp hîîp nîtîodertn dance ixw usiialiy sec> Sitîeticîs gput li îsx iioIfstîlîle ioftilt'dances, of' ibeti hottme cultures. il enticîl xx lbairap by Ais nmd Rishatsn. Exen betier iban nînsiC anti datîce, Wedncttlay hrîîîîgbus uts huit i(ohb gloitîîtts food')! iBîîîîîs cîîniaiuing delecitbie ircais fInit tîrtînuthie globe xerebc beinnîlscateret artianc fbicker bay. "P.isspirts' lii try tbe fotidseere îîîiy one doullar, atîi Ithe resi of- tbe lunch perîtît xs etinic taste as luînchof' the unique array ofi teiciut rcaîs ussxwewanîti anti heluexe us, xxc xanitl A LOTi. A pcrstînail as tît letf uOurs xx ere the cîîcîîuuul uîlk truîuîuHaxwaiiu anti Mrs. Ruîbuusun's assuîrîuîu t fuitodronitfieruîîauy. Tburstiay bruugbî "Gulne Day", xvbucb basucally tus civet a Kendo> tiemunsîraîîun by Mr. Thomsoun ib e luîekeî bay ixxe tlitycu tbey toch over tbe lucher bayi. Mr. Thomsun s a scasuneti Kendou figbîer, anti bis skilis ire sure tu hirli une siodeuis. Anti Frtday s tbe top-secret finale iu tbe auditorium'!! Gasp! Wbai culdit tbeX> Wiub al ibis culural excitement, nue bupe nu une bas furgoîten ibe Elf Auctiln un Montiay. We're sure ibis year's baicb ut seniurs xiii bruug iuniiatis uof meney foîr tbe Miltoîn Hospital. Milton Ph: 905 875 0480 ""THE ROYAL REPORT" Etcn Hetherington Lindsay Jahnston Jua RiddeII DISIIGP REDINO 11101 SCIIGOL Dea Miltn 'hI nstie Sîturce xsîînd ltke lii tAc a break irtîtu tie everyda> lînstie atidi usile iof tehooliletic ititeai. 1t isu i Ishare sotîeihîtunhîs abîout tiis biliday seat>»>. anti hipefllty spark suite discussiointin itays lu spîcail jîy tiit ler. 'lliteliiii>îg is a stutient-fi reîdly guide t cclebratig the hlcidayt: Break oui the Glitter Glue Cîxtinp s xx at ['irisîmas ts ail abotut, hi>> ntiiofi le ci> up s ticuteti on tîcîts ofi tiitetars isealîli iInsteati mil tpeuidita fotnte. îîî.ke c uitîîe,îtanill riiiiiituade nis.Otie Ïra de,> te nî,îkîîeirtis Ktuai otîtitîe te besi qualiftes ofitihe pertitt. su iti axoutinte îîîeîîîîmnes tîpetitet.i iiluttix "tuside- tikes. Itistead ofi p;gitstttg lotteit cloiiîeti iiiýisnt> tatch of' tales. lotokix iti»yîîur Deek the Halls (for soneone cisc!>- dne otihe nios> isp» Cgin part> of)th ih iîîidycate is fslitecti iii>onhelpîîîg thitte less tuliiate tuait titi> els et Althciieh thiis u ite> edîie. tîlr elderîs andîttituer utetithers of flite ciinititiitilaie situneintes ix eritîtketl There is îîîîtîg Cii C rex ai xiîîg tait helpin att eileriy îîeîglîhîîtr decitrate bts tirlber htomte. tîtakie, Christmas ciiikiet lfor a senioîrs' cenître.tir sltarîtîg tites xx it stîtttof'iflite resiîntîs.s>> gise flite git of'yîursell . Ttîîe is irtilu the tiotis>pîccîitis thiîg youn tan give. s>> dît ttibe airaidto fencdt y mursel iîritiz - cicuple tif veek.s agit, Jasheti a six >ear oltitigil liai the xx at gîîng lii ask Sauta tir Ibis Chrisnmat. She tîlti mec iat she t> .intcci liigî the zoobe ait>>xii>lier paretnt, butishe itîtket ittsappîîted as she uttîredti iese xx trts, i questtîttetiber about the cause tiflber dislress, anti she inuîruteti nie that bier parents saiti il %xas nul pîsstbie. 1cuiiîîîsly soîu-itflite reastî ti riis. sînce i1etîtldti iicîînprelîeîd xx hy attytîne ixîtuldti ulani lii spend ttme xx lb ts fantaxtie chutd. She tutti te (bat ber parents ivere liii busy ticcîratîng. sbîopping and atiendung Citrîsîntas parties. [bey bat ttdti er ttx year nid dauphier that. 'Itis ixat jusi a bat iiîetif yeaî foîr ihat ktnd nof tliing". i ixas appaliet. especiaily sînce îts is ihe perlee fituni fyear Ru spent iie xvtib yiur lanîtty. Ilitsas ai ibis pîtint thai nîy pritîrittes becante elear: yet. t inade nie coutempiate tbe prtortttes ut unr soctety. Snsnome on- put down tbe 'vailet, ccli phone, Blackberry. anti agenda. and litent on the reasuu for unr existence. We bave the poiential lu change su unany lises for the benter, anti il takes surprisingiy uitile effort. (Jettiîîg lxi in materîalitxm couxumerisux anti perfectonism is so easy, yeî none cf these tngs are cf value. Sbaring life anti luxe it more titfiltin tbts chaotcexsrid. but is cf mucb greater value. Lets forget the -isnîs ant i ive for eacb other. Have a %tondertul Choisîtias, One cf yîîur Inside Sources 0