Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Dec 2006, p. 6

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A6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, December 19, 2006 OPINION Just plain wrongA t hierc aiec 5010e îbings in lit' that airc just plain wrong no matter Iîow ansone tries ii justiiy'temn. One is Ontario MPI>s giv- ing ilbemselves a 25 per cent wage hikc isso weeks hefore Ch hstmnas. Not only was il bad enough ibat Dal ton vt(;uinty 's goveromreni întroduccd. surprise legîsia- nion taxi Tuesday that would sec MPPs' salaries soar from- $88,771 to $110.775 a year, McGuinty did so after earlier saying he wasn't looking at pay increases for MPPs. Anotber broken McGunty pledge. To top it off McGuinty îold Conservatîve Leader John Tory (a longtime pro- ponient of hîgber pay for MPPs) of bis change of heart on the Monday hefore, but then sandbagged NDP Leader H oward iHampion (who opposes the buses) wîtb news ofthte legislation only' minutes belore tbc bill was iniroduced. In an 18-page report, Integi ity ILomnmissioner CLoulier Osbourne suggesied MPI's are underpaid coin- pared to thecir lecteral and municipal cotînterparis and provîded the impeins for last wecks legisiation. If MPPs so desperately wanted to bring their pay in fine with ihar of their munic- ipal or federal couniterparts, raises should have been phased in over several years. Doing so in one il swoop - wben the Province faces a huge defîcit and funding shortfalls in educa- tion, healîb and other areas - only makes MPPs look greedy Readers Write Send your letters to miltoned@haltonsearchcoem or drop thein off at 875 Main St. E, Us Malboeuf running again? DEAR EDITOR: Rick Maihoeuf must be running for somerhîng again. The perennial candidate sbowed up at one of my Town Hall meetings, doing wbaî 1 believe must be researcb for a eoîning bîd to be ibe Conservative can- didate for Halton MP Niaiboeuf says Haton sni't getîng ferlerai infrastratture imone>' because 1 sit as an indcpendenî N'P As 1 toid bîm in ipesontbe day s of governiment pok barreling to support ibeir owxn mieitibers arc ilt ottîs gtnc, tes îce le gai. .tnvv ay, bc', .vrong. Mltion bis tcei\ ( Cd ledral nîoniiy xxbi e elceit %il Pand xxiii doubtiessîs be geîîng not.i i i eriainis igbin g tor it. Mxaibtncri l aio sI rongis deciiuled Pariiaent's action to iatnioisl tus iii the people ttl Qiieblet is oted against that move sînce we live in one country that we federal politicians ought to lie supporîing - not carving îap. l'm also vcry suspîctous of voting for anyîbing the separatists want, and rhey loved this particular move. 1 max' be an MP wbo lbas sirred tbe pot in Oîtawa, and 1 may bielieve this prime minister bas made a iew bad moves, but 1 wll neyer agree tri wbat 1 helieve tbe Rîck Malhoeuis1 of ibis xxorld xxanî xx'bîcbl'h 10 oput a politictil parts' abead of the s otet s Secitis o nme xx e baxve lar too rnucb pariisanisbip t itese cia> s and îot cnotigb conîmon scnise. i1xxork for the people whoti ciccted me, not tbeprie minis ter Il people in i lion xant oibcr- v5i5e. sc1tbcy inosx wbho Io xvoie or GARTH TURNER HALTON MP Customer's honesty much appreciated DEAR EDITOR: i'c tlik- hi r \ttid a Inîts iatti tiati s HiI C i tii gtîî n 51-11itatii x1loi t'lst ClitcnkICIot îtaur' a ilic îtnss .\cçt oit FioipsîiiîRt.tl utueast minute i decîtled totîalkcout niîuîns tîîg tbe cash bath topîion, somcethtng I don t norimilly dri 1 proccedecd wtb tuuv ebr'ckttut and left tbe store. Reacbîîîg brhotearid put- ing away, my groceries, 1 lookecd ar rny bll and notieed 1 badn't taken my cash out of the slot in the machine. i Calhtd \tS.P oiîtnîg Ilit\s xxuuld be abir' to lbeip andthie riendlisstai i did luilititti x w.ts ,loritinate tuai ait *,tttdaîris, but lfoi 1tLil tt atid lîîsîîg il sxoilt i lia e en lbeari hicakintg- botb inarîeiaiiy and emo- i xani tri sîncreiy îbank ibat speciai person for their bonesîy and allowiýng me to believe in the good in perople again, GINElTE GIBSON MILTON Sensitivity to certain scents a real concern DEAR EDITOR: I would like to address a health issue in the commu- nity involving the adverse reactions to, fragrances such as perfumne, cologne and scented produets. We can thank God that we live in a free country and have many privileges, one of which is the f reedom to attend any gathering of our chof ce on any given day Unfortunately, nor everyone can freely attend these gath- enings duc îo the increasing inîensity of personal fra- grances used in enclosed public areas. The use of strong scents ctn creaie seriorix breathîng prohlcmrs for people wirh asthîna. allergies or other breathing prohiems. Such reactions involve hreathing difficulties, a innny tr stuffy nose and watery eyes. In sorte cases, these scents cati conîrihute ro astbmatîc attacks. skiîî reac- tions, severe headaches and nausea. Many otf titose who stîfier do so in silence. Halton Healtheare Serviees bave mnade our bospitals scetît free, as are orîr nursing brimes. Fmployees xx hi refuse to comply tan bc distnissed fîoîn their jobs. iihviously such strong deterrents ctnt bc as casih' enforced in public gathenings sucb as Sunday Mass otr tbrîrcli seri-ce. Butî1Ixx uld prîliteiy as people xxho dît tise -st etts iof an:;x arictv'i it t Iio\ îrstr,înt 10 (hoir ust mlatis ercîiy iniliti tot rîtici s hy tLîîîis ig ti xx cal scented producîs. If y'ou tir soîneone y ou knowx sut fers froîn tItis bicalrh prohlem, please speak up so people will know and understand this very seious bealth issue. And please, if you do use perfumes, remnember that your scenî.s can and do affect others. JOAN RONCATO MILTON lE rC nilti itio 875 Main St. E. Milton, Ont. L9T 3Z3 905-878-2341 Edîtrnat Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circultrion: 905-878-5947 xvwwmîiltoncanadaanchampion.com Publisher Neil Oliver Advertising Director Wenidy McNab Managing Editor Karen Mîceit Production Manager Lhm Coles Circulation Manager Charierie Hait Office Manager Tert Casas The Canadian Chamîpion, published every Tuesday and Friday at 875 Main St E., Miltton, Ont, LcT 3Z3, is a division of Metroland Media Group West - Group Pubisheî' an Oliver Adtertiit t satiepted ttihe condton liatin the event i a spogiaptttat ertit uSai potton if ihe adver tising tite orrîpted by thtie enetît tiem, togeiher wtt a teaittîbte aiwante for signature, wttt iii Se iharteti for, btitle btante oftihe adiertisemeit rit tbe paiire il the applittablterte The tîbtîttet teees e ti ghtt tîtegîtîze adetiseteents ni deitte, CCAB Audited tiecrîgiized for excellenrce by OntaraiuoiCommunity CM Neitaîtî Asoitionn C CNA cii aian Ctrruit Newipnpeti Sîîcitiî,a,î tSLi bb, Neipipeit of 4~Arne4 < UNTED WAT 0F MILON TV AIICTION MILTON S AN TA CLAUS PARADE Sho% cise Milt,itn- A4wards

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