Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Dec 2006, p. 52

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BOTS12 -TheCanaianChamion Tueday Decmbe 19,200 Martin Street School Grades 3 an 4 Wbat Cbristmas means to me. Christmas is today Its the time to iaugb and play Peace is ail around. Snow is on the ground. So lets bave some Christmas cheer... ail around the world this year! EMILY MORSE What Christmas means to me: Christ beiping Rudolph entertainment stockings tree merry Christmas angeis Santa JEN BRECHIN \Vhai C hristmuas meaux t ime. Siîîsx ix, faliig. trieîids are s.aliig, exvs)iie ix smiil îîîg. Christmas shopping, people aic trs)!) pîug, iîaving Christmas i.heci. Merry Christmas bo all! spend it with my famiiy HANNAH MORRISON What Christmas means to me. C- Christ H- Hoiiy R- Rudoipb 1- Its snowing S- Snowrnan T- Tobogganing M- Menry Christmas A- Awesome S- Star EMILY MCCLEAND Martin Street School Grade 5 Ou Christmas day mv iainily and i gel up and cal breakfast. Alter ihai xxe siari opening preseuls. Before i oîpen mx prexsenix. i thirîk about aul the happy' shrisiascs i seliad wiîh is' faînîly Somelituex icar peoiple singiiîg Chlrixtmas c arois, otsidc anîd i lte! i-eauxy ha :i xcixý ( hristias i ihis s. ias! bas becîs a mcerrs' ()us. JESSICA BUDGELL TAYLOR SEARL i xxiii aiways liîke Ch risîmnax becauxe i gel 15) gîve glis. Lxcers vear i gel iii sec peoplex \Vhaî Christimas means Ici me. fi ineans faces in axxe sof wxhai îbcy gel aîd ihati makex speuding lime wiîb my family and beîng me happy Christmas ix an important lime ofC helpfui. i love Christmas, itîis so mucb fun. year because the Sais ation Army coicîs ils the best time of year because i gel to money and gifîs to give 10 people that are cà _ââ Everything is poss ie when you have the support of good friends! Thank you for being ours. Have a wonderful holiday' Ili Main st F, Milfoêi (905) 693-1117 iess fortunate than me. The that i get to spend tîme wit JACOB S What Christmas means think about Christmas, I i singing Christmas carois an bouse wvith my famiiy Its when my family gets loget the mail to sec Santa Claus and giving presents to my fr is the lime of year for givin ness. best part of ail is [imy family UMMERHAYES Not everybody celebrates Christmas like i do, but thats okay. i love Christmas. ASHLEY WILD to me. When i At Cbristmas time everyone in my family bînk about kids comes together at my Grandmnas bouse to .d decorating my celebrate and open some gifts. We bave a big the time of year dinner. The best tbîng of ail es that we bave ber and goes to fun with each other. My favourite part is, i i 1cnjoy buying watcb a Cbristmas movie witb my [amiy. iends. Christmas Everyone in my family gives eacb other pres- g and for bappi- enis, but it doesn't matter about the presents that we get or the money that we spend. JEEVAN HANS Wbat matters is tbat we come together and i îbînk Christmas means to bave a good lime wîîb your family and friends. Christmas aixo means tbc hehankiol for what yoi. have. Sure the preserits are nise, but tbaîs uol whai ils, ail aboutî. ils aiso a Ince îimic ai Chbristmas hesausu iheire ix usualis snoxx' anîd hot choio- laiec 151 euîiî. Yiu uii aiso gis e and res cix e thiîîgs. Il sou (Iio goci thiîîgs, iheis giîid ilîîîîgs xxiii iiappen Io s ou. Do uoî loî-gct îo Icase oui inii andi Cookics lii l)alîî Nick. 1lc sixe exfils Ciiokics TAYLOR ROBERTS C hîisiias ix vvIheu famils' and iîcds ssîme îogether. il-s \vhen sou are happs and josiol. ils when vout are thankfIl for ibe gîftx y ou îeceîve and'happy about gis 1)0 gise. Ou Christmas day i open my preseuls, go caroiing, and if il is Sundayx i go bo cburcb. r w CW// 42f49tXf Toour friends, neighbours and patients, ; / Owe extend our warmest wishes for a blessed and joy fui holiday season. 13ARROW FAMILY 5> 180 Ontario st. S. Millon ~ (905) 878-4994 5 s)~ Fax:(905) 878-1559 Z - matil: drabarrowesyrmpatico.ca - «oo me. s vMoyuu îappy bolidays and a meers' Christmas! CHLOE COULSON Chbristmas means a lot to me because i get t0 spend nie wiîh my tamnil. li aiso means gis'ing and receiving prescrits. i aissi îhink thai presints aie noi xx ai xxc need, sse real- ix nceci fails 1 thiik sxvc -hoîid 'alwavs ienbuîhc lios (Christmuas Caime to hc. \Ve xiiiiîld remieier to lielp) poor peo)ple at thîs tinîic of- yeai., Atî m bouile xx e hav e a big din- net. \\ce go ouiside and lplas ini the sniow and the cîxe go back inside loi somne bot choco- lite to xx aiu us up. ilasing frieuds and tam- dvy arouund me duriug ibis tîme of year makes me fuei good. i appreciate beîug able to cele- braie wvith everyone i love. MATT DEFOREST ai /ya' i 4/s/"~ 111 of////I 'i l Main Street East, Jazz, Tap, R.A.D. Ballet, Musical Theatre, Acrobatîcs, Hip Hop, f Boys Boom Squad, Ballroom, Stretch, __________ Latin, Lyrical & Pointe a Ages 3 - Aduit I Taylor De Oser, Artistic Dioector D.MA. CD.M.A B.A. TO, R.AD PAEC tay/orî(>thodancooe1oment Ca * 905593-813 -- ,M- 91 FREE TI ILASS *Competitive & Recreational Levels *R.A.D. Ballet Examinations *Boys Dance 1/2 price J-- 1

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