BOTS6 -The anaian hamionTuedayDecmber19,200 Hawthorne Village School Gradle 8 Cbristmnas in rny farnily is one of tbe bustest tirnes of the year. To me, it means working bard for weeks trying to get my brotbers to slip out the secret of what tbey really want as a gift. it means waking up in the morning, running down the stairs and seeing beautifuily shiny, silver tin- sel on the trees. it means seeing ail the wrapped gifts neatly stacked one on top of the other. The stockings, bowever, lie on the sofa rather then the fireplace. Everyone from our family drives or Hlies to my bouse just to celebrate this speciai occasion. When it cornes down to Christmas Eve, everybody is realiy jumpy, trying to get peo- pie to crack and finaliy say wbat they wili he get- ting. We decorate our bouse wvith Cbristmas iigbts, and turm on the lireplace wbile drinking eggnog. We ail open one presenit and get excited for the morning. On Cbristmas night alter din- ner, we ail walk outside and carol in front of bouses wbile wishing everyone a nierry Christmas. Personalliy i tbink that tbc best part of Cbristmas is seeing your iarnily once again because sometimes tbey are relatives tbat you only sec once a year, So you se, tbere are better tbings about Cbnistmas tban just reindeer and presents. Its ail about bow you look at it. TAYLOR SANDERSON s4ro TenSaf L-R: Brenda, lanfine, len, joanne, Megan, Rebecca & Ruth *MANICURES . PEDICU RES. FACIALS *MICRODERMABRASION .WAXING -BODY TREATMENTS* SPECIALIZED TREATMENTS Scott McCrae Grade 8, Hitherfield School [l.7wer~ WWWJOHNSRVCENTRE.CA <905 878-4765 103 SteWm Ave. Units 8-9 "' 'h- ~ ~4r=17~ Riley Forbes SK, Hitherfield School Preanka Dhanoa Grade 6, Hitherfield School ienny Dunne Grade 6, Hitherfield School Stephanie Veltri Grade 6, Hitherfield School 42 Bronte Street South 91S 95693*1943 e It.Open Sunday, December 24th tram 10-4 (for gift cards) Ëi,,' On the eve of our Saviaur's birthday we wish you inner piece ... true joy. Smncere thanks to our customers during the past years. CATION EXCAVATING LTD. R.R. 3, MILTON 905-878-9313 IALLIIIII