Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Dec 2006, p. 24

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A24 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, December 19, 2006 SPORTS SPORTS EDITOR: STEVE LeBLANC e-mail sleblanc@haltonsearch.com GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION BOARD MEETING: Adam Poirier of the Milton Winterhawks tried ta dig the puck free as an Oakville opponent struggles ta keep his balance in Sundays OMHA mincir peewee MA game at Memorial Arena. Oakville won 3-1 ta complele a sweep of the lwa week- end games against Milton. Unbeaten Royals batie for first place Senior hoops squad aims for another title shot By Herb Garbutt CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Tbey've played nice - sbaring tbe Halion Nortb Division lead ail season - but Wednesday xviii be tbe end of tbe pleas- anîries as tbe Bisliop Reding Rayais and Georgetown Rebels meet for tbe firsi lime ibis season. Boîb teains began tbe week, sporting a perfect 4-0 record and barring an upset in Mondays senior boys baskeîball action, îbey'li be playing for fîrsi place on Wednesday. Tise Rayais, Halion binaiisîs ai ibe AA level tbe pasi îwa years, are again servtng notice ibat îbey xviii baille for a tille. Starters AI Alilovic. Lee Maîbe and Lance Codner are back ibis season and tbe Royais bave also been boisîered b>' tbe addition af Aaron Aiston. a 6-fooî-4 forward vvbo joins Redîng afier îransferring from cross-tawn rival Milton District. Aiston gises Reding îwo big inen for opponienîs ta conîend wtb meaning ibey simpiy can'i kecy on the 6-foot-ri Aiiox'ic. Alilovic bad 34 points in Redings mosi receni viciory a 71-49 îriumpb over Acion wbîle Sîepban Gray' bad 15 and Aision added 10. Zac Scboltz and Joey Melo bave aiso sîepped ino bigger raies, beling offset tbe loss of veterans Lee Maîbe and *see REDING on page A25 Local trio named to national show jumping team By Herb Garbutt xAili bc working wiih txxo nexx borses. \Vîîh Wbilc there xviii hc an adjusîmeni, Ainsley gai some more valuahlc expenience compet- CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Catcb-22, Ainsiey inade tbree Worid Cup said the sevdn-ycar-old Top Gun sbould jusi ing i Europe. She was ta campete jusi tice finals, won tbe 2001 and 2002 (anadian hc coining iat is pnime. but iben cansied an invitation ta a competitton Ainsiey Vtnce bas been a fîxture an tbc sbow jumping cbampionsbtp and belped "fi takes a smart borse as well as an atbieîîc in Belgtui C anadian sbow jumping ieam for mare iban Canada w in tbe 2000 Nations ( up. borse,' sbe saîd. "Sarie bave ibe ability but "li ts one of tbe bardesi places ler sbow Tbe a decade but sbe was stili a uitile surpiisecl by 'Iles been w'onderful. 1lec doesn't owe me neyer pari oui becausce ibari isn't iberc but cour ses are bigger and maie dilficcili iban ai tbe news ibat sbc bad been namred ta tile any'tbing," Ainsiey said of' tbe 7 y car-aid bie secims ta bave tise w baie p)ackige." haieani tiere are a lot more hoi ses and a lot national team for 2007. Dutcb \Varmnbiood geling. "Ver> lcW borses P'artig sxavs wit a ling-iinie ride is flot mnore oiders." (anrnex said. "But it lieipcd a "I did not bave a steilar ycar," Vince said arc able ta sustaîn success for ibat long. ibere new ta f ourines, aitbougbr ibe ctrcumrsiances lot. Esers imie sou mnakec a mnisiake yau Iean l'rom Wellington, Floida wbcre sbe us train- cames a certain rime, tbougb, wiîere dsev aust i bier case bial iragie coitseijuences. Afier lromn it or y ou gel confidence (if you donit îng for tbe upcamîng seasan. do wbaî ibey used ta " seven yeais nidtng Jasper, ibe boise becaine iii mak-e a miistake)." Stîli, it was good enougb îo land ber on tbe Ainsley ciîd get ait apportunrity ta nide Top and dieu. Gninycr vxho ow ns and operaies bis ox'n 20 inember Canadian teamn wbeie she'l hc Gun, anc ai tbe two new boises she 1vii coin- "It's bard hecause tiiere's a lot of cmotioni- stable naineisie tuuncd ia third- joinecl b> bier sîster Courine>; Campbeilvtiie *s pete wîîb ibis year, lasi yeat in Flbrida. She xxiii ai aitacbiinet" taurin-s' said place finitsh ai tise Kiibuta ( up finai aind a Niîke Grinyer and former Milton resideni aiso ride Kaniatîn IL xsich lîke Top (nu, is Since -laspet's cleaîb iso aiid a bail' >ear- îîîîîîbplace finisb iii the c unadian champ- Eryiu Ballard. oxsncd b>' Caiedon's iran i lor-se Farin. ago, Couriney lias bcît niding Naila, a 11 - onsbips ai tbe Roal a Agi iulirirai \N'inter Fii ibis xs"nter xxiii be especial> imnportant lac "I've been ver>' fortanate," Ainsie> said. y'ear-aid Driicb W'artibiood mare. in Toronto in Noscînher. Vînce. Afier a greai i 3-yeaî partnersbip wit "When y'ou've got soineone ss'iiling ta beip) Wh ile Nalia iacked experictîce, thes Grins et. xx o bas liad inneili sucu ess C atcb-22, biei reiahie borse wiil bc e îciîîng y'ou and back > ou tiiiwo borses, îbex"se reacbed tbe G~randi Prix lese ci t ie second ahoard Alcatraz, itrodtccod a sec oncl boi-se, Iroin competition and tbe 30 year-aid rider been ssodrui'sapri eat togetber. 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