Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Dec 2006, p. 6

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A6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, December 15, 2006 OPINION Most residential fires preventable, says fire marshal With the last-paccd lfestyle rnany af us lead, forgetlulness and fatigue can be a deadly combination that cati turn spe- cial urnes into tragedies. Thatus especially trtte dtînng the holiday season when rnany people lînd thernselves burîîing the proverbial candle at both ends iii preparation 1l1or sharig saine quality urne wvitb farily and lriends. Ontarios Fîre Marshal Patrick lirkc asks residetîts to bc extra diligent over the holidays tri avaid lîecaming the victirn of a mornentary distractioni or inenory lapse. Between November I, 2005 and Januarv 31, 2006. 24 Ontarians lost their lîves in pieventable botîse ires. Burke ernphasizes bow risused and forgorten candles are one of the mosr camman cautses ofl bouse ires at thîs ime oîf year. And that message is also anc of the Mlton Etre Department. Other contributors ta holiday celebrations going up in srnoke include improperly used space hecaters, pots left unat- tended and careless smoking. "People need ta pay attentioti to potential ire hazards in their bornes," Burke says. Simple tips that could save your home - and your life- include: " neyer leaving pots unattended whîle cooking; " smorbening pot ires with lîds and ttiring off stove bumners rather than attempring ta remove an îgnîted pot rom a stove; - neyer remaving batteries lram smoke alarms that have actîvated while you're cooking, instead relocate the smoke alarm or purchase ais alarm wîth a 'htish' feature; - always placîng lit candles in sturdy candleliolders with glass shades and displayîng them away rom chîldren, pets and any combustible items; " keeping matches and lighters out of cildren's reach; " drink responsîbly atnd keeptng a close watch of others who do not, since alcohol cansumption is a contrîbutîng fac- tor in many residential ires. The ire marsbal reminds us that more than 90 per cent of residential ires are preventable. By paying more attention ta how we celebrate the season, we can al avoid becoming the next holiday ire staristic. Readers Write Send yotu lettera to mtlÈtonWd@haltonsearch oem or drop them off at 875 Main StE. Take time to know where exits are DEAR EDITOR: 1 wanted to write and clear up a mis- conception that mnay bave been leIt witb saine Miltonians alier reading last week's article about the grease lire at the new movie theatre. The issue concerns the practice af evacuatîng a buiddtng once the ire alarm sounds. When a ire occurs in a building, any building (especially your borne), its always safer ta be outside than in. [bough diflerent buildtngs bave dii- ferent levels of ire protection, wben a ire occurs many dillerent things can go wrong, sa its generally saler ta attempt to leave a building at the first indication of trouble. 1 would encourage A Miltonians ta make a conscious decîsion ta be aware of their surroundîngs at ail urnes, espe- cially during the holiday shopping sea- son. Wben you go into a store or a asea FIRE on page A7 ZIIr Qaiabian cijampion M o n' tr ririty Oespapen Oince 1860 875 Main St.E, Milton, Ont. L9T 3Z3 905-878-2341 Editonial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertismng Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 wvww.miltoncanadianchampion.com Publisher Neil Oliver Advertising Director Wendy McNab Managing Editor Karen Miceli Production Manager Tim Cales Circulation Manager Charlene Hall Office Manager Teri Casas The Canadian Champion, publiîhed every Tuesday and Fniday at 875 Main St E., Milton, Ont, L9T 3Z3, is a division of Metroland Media Group West - Group Publisher an Oliver. Adeati5ng s annaptad on thacondition ha, in Sthe enofa typqapica eronntaprin ofnthe adasng space ocupiad by the enonoan[lem, ai stlan ainsI a easonatie alinasanne for signa nana asllnot nahag lfobt the baianenof theaderisnnent wli ba pan) o an the appin abe ana. The poblshen esanvas tSa nghtto caeone ad5tsnnnsorn)aninne CCAB Audited R{oonza.d for excelitanne by ~P fa OntaaoCanunsty à MNewaspapa s Assancatin Casadian Communnsy N A easpapens Associatina Sotasaban Nawspapars Sv f SAmina Upfront Spots, and its coverage, should be open to eveiyone Wheni it cornes ta sparts, it doesn't take holds truc for sports coverage. As lon g as are some ncewcomcrs in our cornmunity wlîo rnuch to pusb my crnotional buttons, you've got a star>' to tell wtb enough success for one reason or anaîber were reltîctant ta At the rsk af taking some ribbing romn and/or general appeal attacbced, it hring thetr sporting stonies ta tlasc int local campetitîx e circles, l'Il admit 1 should bc told. 1takc tîtat ve ry rnysi attertrian. >lter ail, sortie get downrigbit choked up during more than a seriousl's. The idea ai anyone ( I nigbrt figure that thev havent cwsparts rîo'sie's, usuali>' thase în'saiving bing cxcludcd rom ANY aspect been here long cniougb ta war- David vs. Goltath clashes or the alwsays- of sports ts anc that doesnt sit ~ .rant coverage, ar lel tîtat raucbttîg laher and san moments. well witb mie at all. because their particular sport And that RBC comnmercial about tbe aid Which lcads me ta a somcewhat isn't af the traditional ot main- ni~ ~ ~~~~~ý1j ni n"n,', oat0n n I "I'n"i'tilIS trrggers the warerwori ir yours tt cly. In that particular case, its the effort made toward breaking down barriers that 1I [md especially heartwarming. Like many who are passionate about sports, the idea that they should be open to everyone - regardless of age, sex, background or physical limitations -is one i hold quite dearly. And as far as l'm concerned, the samne and others in Metrraands edîtotial Il cater ai thcasc argunient.s ranks recently attended. With the - is wbat's holding you back, bold presenter also hailimg from Miton back no longer. - and providmng the best work seminar l've The oniy criteria for getting in The ever been part of - a fair portion of the day Champion's sports section is that you've got revolved around how our town's tultural an interesting - and timely (please) - story nîake-up is slowly but surely changing, and to tell. how thaffs relevant to its newspaper. And if 'm not familiar with your sport, Having said that, I had to question if there hey, I'm always wiling to learn. Thesn i«ianoChaimpiono sa a panns tioa'dfians<os<oe toi: nleBtl F nd UNITED WAY OFMILTON - T V AUCTON Showcase Miluon GALA ~A .d MILTON S ANTA C LAUSt PARsADE

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