Al12 -The Canadian Champion, Friday, December 15, 2006 Pregnancy and mom fitoes yoga, peroonal trainng, brthservcesandmore. 5. Feie lo to Atilete. Pe&Post-natal classes starting in January SMake Changes for a Lifetime 416-821-7240 VIsA] àdJurGaýu megg M901y EX ERIENCE OSCAR'S RGENT0fl 905-286-9250 Hnurî: Mon. Fni lOam-7pm, Satl fOur nSpm Sun. closid 2850 Argeotia Road, Mississauga -Man tries to escape police in hospital A Milton man bas been charged with assault and escaping police cils tiidy. Monday, tbe manager of' a Main Street East apartment returned borne to find a man be knew insîde, police saui. An altercation broke oui, and the apartment manager suflerecl a cut to bis band. He tried to eal police, but tbe suspect pulled tbe pbone away from bîm, causîng minor injuries tb bis sbocîlder. Once inside anotber room, tbe vic- t im pboned for belp) Police arrested a man outside sbort- ly after, and tbe suspect was beld in custody He later asked iii see a doctor and was transporîed tii Milton District Hospital, wbere be allegedly attempted to escape, police saucd. Officers cbased tbe man down tbe bail and tackled bim, placing bim back into custody A 46-year-old Main Street East man bas been cbarged witb break and enter, assault and escapîng cusiody Resident cbarged witb drunk driving lmpaired clrîvîng cbarges were laid after a motoristi eh a twîî-car coîllision December 6S ai Stecles Avenue and l'lie lialîn Distriîct Scliool Board recîoîres a inaxiiii ofoî thice ojoier aii\ lan ils Speciai Educatin 'Sd i sni) C'niiiiiec iA 'l'ie l.niiioiiitee. aio ad uisoi y grop în the Bonard. %ii hin orutaid îinrmaion aîîd reemiidaieis regardiog prngiams and seil ices for exceptioial popils. f\ý ninrustes and 12 nmeier represeilor local assnciains ai sosernîcon St -A(' The oieeres ai large- mous haie flic finlnnig qualificaions- *a ('aoadian c iti/efi o>1flic aget of 1 y eais oîr oder a e i t fite JLIII diCion oi the i falin iisiict Sdihen Board. and *a pubhlic schen i supporter A Boarîd emm nioeeiinoi i'Iiginle foi aifiiiiiiiiiii. loleresied enîiiiiiiiiiiity oieiiers shiîîid sîîhoi iheîi applicatin iresuiîîc mathîi a leifer iiîdicaliiig whai sîrengths ihey ninuid hriîig to iiis polsitin, in: Waynie Jîudrie. Diîrecinr iii [ducatin i iaiinii District Sciiîîî Board 201)1 GuelphLinîe. Borlioiî Ontarioi i_7R 3Z2 Beadioe for upplicaionis isMTesday, January 9, 2007. Iterviews miii bie seheduted fli inig the applicatin deudlice. Gillian Tuck Kutarna Chaeir if the Bloardl -M Wayne Joudrie Dieco of'Educain HOME THEATRE EXPERTsi in Today's Canadian Champion! If you don't reoeive our flyet, please cai us at,805-878-6163 or e-mail dgeddes@& Milton Crossroads 1220 StWeo Ave E. 905487846163 PoliceBlotter Tb mpson Road. Tbe collision tîccurrecl ai about 9.30, ahiter wbicb a wbite Ford Probe lied tbe scene, police said. A sbort wbile later, police arrested a miîidrist drîvîng souibibound on Tbormpson Road. A 26-year-old Cummîngs Boulevard man bas been cbarged wîtb impaired drivîng, baving over tbe legal liniit of alcobol in bis blîod and failing tsi stop at tbe scene oh an accident. Drunk driving cbarges laid A Martin Street man bas been cbarged wubh drunk drivîng. Police saîd tbat at 6 p.m. Wednesday, a GMC Sierra pick-up truck lîgbîly bumped into a vebîcle waîtîng in front of it for a train ai Martin and Margaret streets. A 27-year-old man bas been cbarged wîîb baving over tbe legal lîmît of alco- bol in bis blood. Collision leads to impaired cbarges Poîlice laid drink drîving cbarges alter a car but a sîrectlîgbt ai Ontario aînd Pîne sîreels last week. MR- ..- .- nu Police said tbe incident, wbicb involved a 1995 Forcd Escori, occurred jusi belorc noon December 7. Tbe driver, a 47-year old woman ol' Paris, Ont., was arrested and cbarged wvitb impaîred drîvîng and baving over tbe legal uinit oîf alcobol in ber blood. Construction equipment stolent Scafloldîng valued ai almost $14,000 was recently stolen [rom a construction site. Police said ibat sometiîne between 5 p.m. December 1 and noon December 4, unknown suspects used a large vebi- cIe to carry away scaffoldîng left near Laidlaw and Tupper drives at a Twin Brick Masonry site. ATV stolen An ATV was stolen [rom a trailer parked in tbe driveway of a Campbellville borne Tuesday after- noon. Police saîd unknown suspects cut tbe padlock to tbe enclosed trailer to gain access at about 4:30 p.m. Stolen were a Homelîte I 8-incb cbaînsaw and a yellow and black 2001 Bombardier Traxteî valued ai $5.000. Sebool broken into Pollice are lookîng for two suspects aier I \Fosier Public Scbool was brolseî it Sunday moîning. Police saîd lwo maîlcs were captured on vîdeo siasbing cloor windows to gain access tii tbe i.oxe Boulevard scbîîîl ai about 9:30 p.m. Notbing was takeni. Policc aie looking for îwo mnales wearing clark biiodies. Tbe estimatecl value oh tbe daniage to tbe windows is $500. Woman cbarged in fraud A womnan bas been cbarged witb using a forged credît card to do some Cbristmas sbopping. Police said ai about 4:30 p.m. December 7, a woman went to, Tbe Source by Circuit City at Milton Crossroads power centre on Steeles Avenue and put $2,300 wortb of mer- ebandise - încludîng a TV - on a credit card. Police bave cbarged a 22-year-old Mîssîssauga woinan witb using a forged credît card and possession of stolen credît card data. Pair of businesses entcrcd Two Main Street sbops xserc broken into overnigbit lasi Friday lut tbe hirst incident, police saîd unknown suspects smnasbcd a window at K.C. Macbine to gain ei-îv. A small amnouni oh- casb was taken. Tbe estinmated value oh tbe damage to tbe window is $200. Suspects also atiemptecl to break mbt C . Turner I td., a sports injury busi- ness, by smasbing a window but dicîn' succeed. Tbe damage to tbe window is Purse stolen A purse was stolen [rom a vebicle wbile a woman was bîking at Rattlesnake Point conservation area. Police said unknown suspects broke into ber 2005 Toyota, wbicb was parked in tbe lot, by prying open a win- dow The purse contained casb and per- sonal items.