Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Dec 2006, p. 9

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, December 12, 2006 - A9 HIGH SCHOOL REPORT "1SPARTAN FIEE PRESS" There lias definiîeiy heen a hectic an o <lie firs semester of the school yeae ai Ernesi C. Drney Sehool cf <lie Oeuf At lie very moment me look off one n an er sandats and steapped on <lie mn- nîng shuex. we were inaîanty caîapuiîed ilrongh <l ie li nd of liomework, leachers,<lie sahoot dances, carrer days, those îedious essaya <liaI mere suppua ed <c lie due on latxiday, voiieyhaii and Ryon Harding soccer teanis. <le speciat enenîs organized hy <lie Sîndent Parliameni, and îuîereaîing cafeteria (cod.. But, as overwhlinng asi may seerni o lie for ycn, we att do feet xc fortn nale te liane a railier monderfut and snccessfut slart o ibis scotl yeae. Wili heip rom <lie <rchers and <indenîx invoturd mîith<lie Siadeni Pariameul, <le Wetcome Back Dance. the xpeciut enenl wliere oid and nem sîndenla eau meî eacli cîler and tearu <c make uew frienda Ilrougli <le fun icebreaker gumes. and <lie Halloween Party mere sucl i hg ita wiili <le sîndeuis <liaI me ait are îhiiled o kno <liaI <lie X-Mas Dance iii lie np nent un euriy December. Il miii mean lois cf Candy Canes, sec- iug <lie Sata Clans liaIs enerymbere n <lie school halls, and exchanging E.CC DRURT SCROO16 FOR TUE DEAF sertgifs.Howvr t snto li heSdenParlimenlitaliad aling sucs nhosig tli hl aceThe HOUSE cmmitean orgauiza- tio repoil orpmotig th lioo p iri. ldarteixîugspirit meek for ns <n laie Sepienîber. lu eael Haînse (Orange, Bromn, Bine, Pnepir, <nid Buegundyl. lie sîndels liad lia mork ogellier t<o ey <te, lie mcxi coionrfnt. brigliiea<. and loudesi for tlie jndges. Iun<lie end, Bine snaggrd firai place wmlue Bnrgundy gel second, Il mas evideul <liai achool spirit maxligliîeued by Ilial eveni. but mlial ix a sclioli milloni sports ieamx? The boys and girls voiieybailtîeams dîd exiremeiy meil in <lie provincial voiieybaii lournameul for tlie drus' lin Belleville. 'Me girls mon <lie cliampîonaliip mhiie <lie boys came liome mili second place, îlianks o <lie meeka cf liard praclîce and thir couches, Laura Haedman, Lucia Jackson Tamara Witclier and Juxtin Dresxier. Earlier in Oclober, Iliere mas suppoxed <o lie a soccer lournamnul lelie lin Rome. Nem York. luI,unuforunuatly, i max caaceiied dne le an unenpecled blizzard. Alliongl iti may lie dixappoiuiug for boîli Se. Girls and Boys soccer leanis. me ail knom îliey morked liard in Iliir practicex and montd liane doue a monderful job in antemptiig <o min <lie cliampionaliip. www.youngdrivers.com "&MUSTANG MESSENSER" Megan Cheema Harbi Nati Courlney Coulambe MILTON DISTRICT Bien1 SCHOOI1 As the end of the semester wixkload is siariig «a pile up. theixiily thiug keepin' us gela <is kiiixivi thai the Cliristiias breaik <s jusi cte days axvay! Yei wiihin ihaise nexi ica days. tings are s'enfa gel preiiy erazy ai Milien Disrict' Speaking oii craziiesx. <lie iiauch-aatiipaied Chrieisxi daînce as anls TWO DAYS AWAY' l, is gaxils'ciil aii.hi lulil f'îeîs'y puipilis musie. axs aolf'hisiîa heer iiid iof course. dani ng' Il wu<axa ixen'i baiaghtilaticket s'eu xx hai are veuxit aiiiigfox!'?î(ici s ux s oior alurnas' îxriaads aîîd 4 lfoi aixi cacha hucka If the dancae scelle isi't ar voicaaixe sce the (heiiiia f aiei i u onu by <<ar iusas depariieiii l'haiian«ail cxcii i s lua\,it ecls fui[ of delighifal hoiadsfuite, a ilsal ceenaiiuly lieai eiicriaiaiii sieiThe lixars xxi1Il openian ayaaae iaieresied ail 7 iiiîînanesi faicsdis risci , arc aalabic ai the daxar: $< aidLlas s 1i',ýualîis & x oiie.ar $101 ler l.ainiIlx Su hraxas' iuiilainilv ,analflrieiLaaind saxixe sec ashai lie musas iaîdueaix .hase ii staore! Alsia. axi ail baise ihaix airaereal s irais frau i f ipaai a aur uîd raîse r:the xx ders x i <i bc ais ailaihie lao ilcks-uipune xt Iondxiais anad iaeslaas <Fir l ais %%[aIixiiliec aiîeudiîxs'the since ia oc.aaicb ) u arirsa tao<li Hixpelulîs' evea siiîicssas abie ixatendalthe aaiiis'asseau hlli lisia gru niai lled -AbsaIuie- laisi 'acdiicsdaix Martîy diii eren<a people shareal their ticrsoaiial siaries aad hlcîeal lirng axa areiess <aiflic sirai'sles ihai <enx are lasiiis'arauiid us euh daîy.Sonie of ihese asxacs îxaîy sce unipainant, but haiplull exryixne eau see <liai Iiese praîhîcîns eau lie friand tiîu aar schaxl. <axai The assembîs mais incredîhlv siudeit-t*riendl>. ais a rock band enieriai ned as heisseca ihe seriiiusness, and eci siars <as eeuseyed wxx «h lumoaurashile stîll geting <lie poiaîllarias <Ilsas a greaîî experience for tlic studeuis. aad a big ihanis yau fiAlisalule <ar comiug <ai <ur sehixal and apciig <ur eyes a l<11e mare. Noxu hefore mc gel <00 exciied fer <lie holidays. remember iliere s xtli another aeek aad hallcf classes o go. Try îo keep the stress lesel lîîm. hy îakîug a break and hiting Up <lie dance or cteskig aou( a baskeîhall gume. Till nexi week, keep yu headx np, Siangsa ""TUE ROYAL REPORT"9 Erini Hetherington Lindsay lohoston Juia RiddetI DISDOP REDINO B1GE SCIDOL Dcmbe sabs nnh tr uet tBR, seilyfrgas kccp yau aon raiek. Thi ssvcck. mc'iiliecliasusins' au <ur senacîs Ilax uk suîc lhaî<se're <au «op <fcxerylhing, Caliege aaîd ulîlsersîls' preclitaiis hase aii been siaipiled andîi pn tallabers liaive arrivedx fiaunselairs an Siaidenîs Sers <se s aau id ise ita bas eeners xe applcîaions diancas saaaa as paaxsîic. toa axîi the lasî mintelu mxiibeiaare t<lac aadiîîes ijiiveestappaiilicationaîs hould al aae beenciiiiîpieicd hy ieceiabeai s. sia il x,)fi haaas' «axafileta «iii a <an saînaîclaîr îa -elty>ouii<n i xuie bok iîaa ii appipat aliasn t AvAl'I aidlike lai doa yaui apîplieacais oatiixe las dessa bcd th le tiaîia.l s'axera litaNaaciiber 1 th.xiuaxsaaiaaisil i Mi.xrtit xi al ia auRik aie alssays x lliais' lxx ti a haîî ai Ici îe x.xiiiiî ,.fil li\ou aiipaiainieni. picaise eisiare a lau has\e aa aaaîkaîî coptu the .iisappiaaiin iiia.saailie c aised t alatapacisaî' i sîusiîîels aa.cý les 11e l apllxaiiicatindaaliiia. <sli be thise cis a) i aa <latinaialler firsiia asi lc sallage *isappli aira aoi axaisokiplace allaNaxcîl ier 2ASili iý ta Ia sud aîaaî atend hoildaialsax xîk uîî te applic<luatin ackage I<iii Sindeuti isis ses Apxlicatlioniss ait ba donca asf<la)tsaaîse iliioubiae trll Deseiii ei 1 lxli escii ber -2W. i<Ixakis y i ai îxaîinacaa caris Besîsies iaîxîlaaaîaax sciiars aiItaxbicla'sure lia hase slunter hiaurs saaîîîicea<Faar<y saîlialunal y sers le' aaues arc Ri'QI<'REI.) <ar g'raduatiaon.Whiehey dio liat haise lai bce iaîaîsiad bv <ihe ai fiur Ixoxi secsndary .applicationa. <lesnîustib lie anpiccd and subuîiaitt by lac end ail May, If xiu have aîîy questlins rccardiîig ashail types ail xsark arc asseptabile sammunnîy services. <isI eau bc piasidcd in sludcnî Graaduation pîsînres mi ll aken <lic week ail iehruaey iSîh ihiongli 23rd. Sîndenîs mil bc able lai book appalînîmenîs «a hase t<liîr pîclure laken durîîîg ciass haines<liai week. Fînaiiy. lia make sure yaiu are able <o graduale. seniors must sulriî a graduation applicationoîîlaSîdeni Sersvices. This foem s îincdd<n the unîversîîy/caîiiege applicatiaon packages and eau lie suhmîled <ai the bon in the Counseiors'aoffice. "D6ATELI1NEDRIJRY9" Ashley Carlisle Michelle Staples Stephen Jackson E.C. DRURY M109 SCMOGL We've geat a haine <o pick witb the student government. They have heen luring us vint into the freezing Canadian cold ...fvor Ifooad' Where once a harhecue waîs a rare occur- rence. nain Student Gcivernmnent is hostine a harhecue every Friday. selling hargers, c bicken haîrgers and bot- daigs. JusI llîougbl 'av aold throw tIsat iin helore <se geai (105 n la the seriaxus business. Our Junior Girls Vailîcyhali <cana hostcd ai <ourninauent on Tucsday Decemhber 5î caiacbed hy the laively Dehhie Iauncan. Her Lady Spartans l<nded <n ird place out of I10 scbaiols. We hope our hboys actually paid attenîtion te the gaine and dîdo't gise the girls tous rnaîcb trouhie... But su bairocks spandex even maire than (aur volleyhall girls*? Our rookie swvinners! They donainated aI the Raiekie SsvimiîMccl bestcd bere at Drury van Friday, Novernher 241h. Special congratulations go eut tai Elizaheth Manton, wvbc doîninaîed every heat she was entered in. and Coline Craie, our only senior rookie, svbo also received numerous first place wins in ber races. We expeet great things from aIl of our swimmers in the meets te corne. Howevcr they aren't the only ones who have heen prac- ticing their swimrning. How about ail those interested huyers swirnming in a sea of crafts! The faIt Craft Sale took place on Novemher l8tb and l9tb. It uvas a huge hit and we thank aIl the volunteers and creative vendors for their belp. AIl of the proceeds went towards needy sebool projects. We are looking forward te our next sale in the spring. Next off we have news from our music department. Tbey have heen practicing their holiday carols for their upcorning Holiday Music Spectacular. It's hosted hy Mr. Di Giorgie (sorry about the spelling lat week! We'll make il up te you!) , and takes place Thursday, December l4tb, at 7pm. Be sure te he there! Lastly, we just tbought we would tbrow in the fact that Steve Jackson got hit in the face witb a hockey puck. We guesa bis hockey game went well? Wbether or net this actually helped... he's proud either way. Way te go Steve!

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