Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Dec 2006, p. 22

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22 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesdsy Dacember 12, 2006 Bush, Annie Pussed uwuy ut the Mlton Dstrict Hospi. tai on Sunduy, Dacamben lth 2006. An- nia Bush of Mlton, beioucd w/fa of the laie Ai/un Bush. Jean sistan of Mary unr han husband Fred Workman of Ayton. Predaceasad by han brothars Victor anc Gaorge Hall and six/ar Catharina A/kin son. Surviued by many niaces and naph- amo Fassi/y and friands are inited to vis- t t the McKERSIE-KOCHER FUNERAL HOME 114 Main St. Milton 905-878-4452 from 2-4 pm and 7-9 Pm on Tuesday The fanerai service wiii ha heid /n the Fa- nenai Home chapel on Wadnasduy, De- camben î3th 2006 ut 11:00 am. Inter- ment to fo/tow ut Miton Evargnean Cama- tery. Memorrai donations /0 the M/ton District Hospital Foandation in Annies mamory are appnec/sted by the famiiy, Lattera of condoience muy bha att ton the famiiy at ww.mckersie-kocher.ou RAIE, Otha Eleen Died peacefulty aI Milton District Hospital ater a lengthy batl/e with cancer, on Sun- day December 10, 2006 at the age of 81. Predeceased by her hssband Ernest Rae and her sister Margaret. Beloved mother of Pst (Lionel), Stephen, Bill (Mals), En- nest David, and Ruth (Rick), Grandmoth- er of Lionel, Calvin, Colby, Justin, Bran- don, Trevor and Graham. Survived by han brother Fnank ITheresa) Huofler. Frienda wIl be raceîuad t the J. SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOME, 21 James St., Mlton (905) 878-2669 on Tuesday from 2 - 4 & 7 - 9 p.m. The Fanerai Service will ha held in the Chapal on Wednasday De- camben 13, 2006 as 1:00 p.m. with inter- ment to follow in Evargnean Cametery if desired, donations f0 the Breast Cancan Research & Education Fond would ba ap- preciatad. Condolancas and donations may ha made onlîneaiutwww.aarlyfunaral- home.com J SCOTI Efflh I~n Mram In Mmoriam Faithfrll Frederick -June 8, 1979 and Lifian- Match 31, 2001 Sadîn ynisod along li/orsiu'y Quiirly ruinirncrr vcry day No longr ininr lifn te,îshar Bnt risontfhuarts y orn aIay dicte. CaroL Da, David & Chr-isine n Mamoriam donations to The Willow 185 Onia r si O Foundation Milton ON L9T 2M4 ana truly spprecîatad. 905-878-4141 r, nob M I rd fThnks ard ofThaks i/r Faîrrîlu(iI Ruth C14rk J ,il lket I r Id Ia i / / ,ti/f ri/rîuîl n/n fH>p licii .raiid cmnain "i raftiI and fricidsid îî tindal J forit/icir r idlr.r/i i pport i o g ae i H m IilI R0h n Jclici ,iîî .ud andJgrciiuupp1rt rin Sincerely, RurhiAnne -CoULing, Marg Roabertsr, Rober-t CLark, Cynthia Krenycb, Bill Clark 4i. * î A sricienid hrair/rirriiankyipuriî farnily & /rends fotirnakîng îsy 6iîh Brrhd.ty stcian vîrîyali.-ray illcirsii la A specia.l hank yrrnrî Louie &i.rrrpany foir AIof r if iir efrtn in aki ng tiîra wonulerfui celebration. Love, Bev Holloway De Luca, Maria Thursday, November 30, 2006 at Milton District Hospital at the age of 75. Sur- vived by his wife of 49 yeara, Emma. Loving father of Frank (Mary), Rosanna (Joe) Messins, and Peter. Lovisg grand- father of Maio, Phd/ip. Jsckie, Bnadtey, Jessica, labeta and Nicolas. Memoial mass t0 be held December 30, 2006 at Hoty Rosary, Milton ON aI 7:00 p.m. CHILOCARE in a Iovnn fan educationai home. Exi Jcellent reterences. F/rs AudI CPR. Non-smoking. Police/ C.A.S checks. Lar- rie 905-e75-22e2 Dare DAYCARE axai/chleien a louing cains home. Fîrot Aid, CPR. Nati tionai meais/snacks. Pieassa cali Heather 905-299-1641. &LIstruction GUITAR LESSONS Priae untarlassoos auslabia 1rmw anperîaocad, prutassioxal nsiuclors, Naw locationr Rick /905) 875-4601 Gift Certrhicatas Avai POOL table, protes- suonai serras wih anry upgrada 1" slae $800 wunIS of accasso- ruas. Brand new n bor. Cosi $5.000. must sali $1.500. 519-722-4077, HOT TUBS Wure- hoasa Direct open lu Public $aturdays on' by appoinimanl. Fantusluc sanings! wwyctwd-ça 905- 693-9230. PLAVSTATION 3, brand naw! Nanan opanad, tactory-seasia. 60GB. But-rn BLU ray dîsk dr/na for hîgh dat includas Taladega Nuhis OVO 1.,2100 905-864-2822. 65001 watt Honda Gan- eauon. Naacin a bat- iery. $2500, 805 466- 8680. A Sîorng 100w. cherry- wood, doubla padastai tabla. 8 chairs, buffat, huich, donataicon- struction. New sîil n boxas, Cunt $11000. Sacrifice $2600. 905- 567-9459. A Kng Pilowton Mat- rans Sat. Naw n plan- ic. Cool $1600. onl[for $450 905-567-9459. BED, Amazing bargaîn, quen orthspndîc yl- lotny sat, nec n nias- ic, wsrrunty $2500905- 'vo ou Bert chesu, dressar, 2 nghtsiaods. OonataiConstruction. Nanan opaned Cont $8000. Sacrifice $1.900. 905-567-4042 CARPET i banc neneral 1,000 yards af nec Stain ManIer & 100% nyon car- pet. WIl do living room & Ssii for $389. Includen car- pet, pad & installati/on /30 yards) Stene, 905-633- 8192 FREE Information Session! December 131 at 6:00 pm 905-333-3499, Ext. 121 www. thecentre. on.ca ,(»j>,The Centre ý kilis Development & Trainlng Christine Taylor General Sales Manager christaylor@leggatautogroup.com AIl inquiries kept confidiential. We thank ai applicants for applying, but on/y those considered wl/I be contacted. A growing & dynamic equipmesot leasing company on Qakville requires a strong accssnting profession- al, wth leasing induatry eap. for the position af: Assistant Controller The Assistant Çontrsller as responsible for asarot- ing w/financial statemeot preparatian, accouait rec- ociliations, and Tas flingo. The persan in Ibis raie must posses trog Excel & communication ski/ls. stuart@equirex.ca s seeking kind, :aring & personable indi- Have~ brd ~MU2 viduas to prou/de non-medical in-home HM YU Ild 9 111? cre. Companlionahip, mesi preparation, cbww» b " i ght housekeeping, shopping, etc... Pull cIauffife & Part-Time positions sa/fiable. Es- peience and education within the qldfradxhaNCKM gerontoiogy field an asset. arirorand@-o-..fu.or.Lteepersca1K §g FREE Ctumaten Gont - wobb/y chairs, tred look- st îng cood finshes? Fieds . Custom Waed Retîoîshing - and Furnitane Repaîrs. 9-9 905-632-9090 HOT Tub /Spa/ Coners bent pixe, Bent osaiW. Alil -shapes & colours. Cali 1- 866-585-0056 www.thecouernay.ca HOT Tub/ Spa- Band nec r w/ail options, /nciuding couer, 2006 model. St/h /in crappar. Cost $10900.. Sacrifice $5.500. Cali 905- 971-1777 LEATHERi 3 puaca Italuan sel. Sots, lonaseal and chair. New, n plastic. Cosi $6900. Sali $2500. 905-304-4873. POOL Tabla. Protassînnai Sanies, Salid Wood, t Sla. ,Ali Accassories, New. Stîli Boned, Cos1 $6.200. Seli $1.950. 905- 304-9994 SAUNA, 2/3 parson,' om home. c/c.S. pister anS ighis. Nanar usad. Csst $5500. Sali $2750. 905- 304-7775 TER RI1F IC FaIl Salai 50-81 ofnu many n sock Sacnnator Iabrîcs, qusult custom uphnlstarrng sofas trom $788, chains tnom $249. 0/R saabts rom $19.95. Fields Furnîtrr Fabrîco 905-632-9090 TREADMtLL, praclîcaliy nec. roi-up Sesign, high qualîro. pulsa gnuns, digital. Oniy asad ton brat cuiks a fac imas by aidariy lady. PaiS St1300. Anyreas- sonabie offer. Call 905- 257-178 1 LM AticesWanted BEST CaShS PaS -Art Antiques, Ca actibaes Ohns, Crystal, Siluer, Figurines. Royal Doxllon, Scannunku, Glass, PoOaery, Etc. Estata Spacialunts. Top Cash. Cali John/ Tracy 905-331-2477 8 1 Sale~ 1994 Oodga ShaSoc. Nec timing bal soan x haussl n 2004. $95000 obo. Cali Bll ai 905- 693-8755 after 5pm, 93 Transporr SE Mînînan. Full oaS. $750 OBO. Anail. Oncambar 17, 2006 905-878-5122 on 804-351- 2761. 4,,,4Wheel Drve 6-cylîndar, lup aqaippad. $3,995 certif/ad. Siessor Molors 905-878- 1797. WO OO frnilare, re- pairs & ref/nishing, ras- sonabie rates, Cali 416-566-0492 1 Th Dffée., in Dstrbuon OALLIN59R Required immedstely: FlTSC.YtC8 TIRE&kUBE TEC-ICIAN P/case drap off resume inpa non ta AU/1Q tULLIiiN 1tECHNICIAN 21a VEAR APPRENTICE MINIMUM* Please drop off resume in person ta reception A lin: Scatt Barnhart ar E-mail: collsioan@gallingerford.com 655 Main Street East, Mlton, ON 905-875-3673 Posrtions avaiabte rn departments such as Sales, Marketing, Logistias, Finance, Business Operatonos, andIT Positions crîhîn the departments: Ordr Aoininisirainrs, MarketisgBuayers, nnrrnasi Managernisribtiol.n Annon aIrsMansrnsane a A/siinisolr, nr or Oprraîins seno/iOrorarons Administnrations Liensig Adiistratnr, and I Tech Data Canada Corporation fr911 Cîudilviow Rosu MISSoissanga Onrtarin L5N 8G1 1 - w w . t e0h1da t a .8c0 IAco YMCA i okn o ndîrîdusls thut ane ddctdflxead e îhsslîc for the foliow- Quai eda Cd n0uulifiad) Pieuse e aal exume o kathryn s ýehnke@ m ae i Or fus ta Kathryn Sehnk )rN.CA 905-877-2661 after 6:OOpm Oniy qualified candidates ciliib aldfra itriw NO PHONE CAILS PLEASE. Clssf eP. 8782341e Fa*876236 Tech Data, nonni Sftheworlî/s o msl sîgSly awardnd and IrirOnt occeSsiUilosribuinrs nI un prnduslo as risun laster orthn Farusne 500 Iran arrp olSar conmpany LasI pr-ar alose wu usInd$20 billon us revnuenaAnd cr. nwn rt alt ounr pepleoImagina he ynssîbilîns nI a i.areer-wihnus N14 s tohe ime tn jnrsus as m launch a branS soc busnssunsil Please take a look at the career section of our website for more informnation. Interestedi in the Trades? Attend a free information session on APPRENTICESHIPS IN ONTARIO Tuesday Decemben 12 startîng aI 6pmn Cali the YMCA in Burlington @905-681-1140 Funded by the Govemmenf of Ontario a I rofThanks M CIarofTaks - erToe ng " aer Turaig 0 CeerTainng er Cazzr H- rf.urili ur/ (I.ara Roth %vold liLk, ihankl uMilîru i iriciHopil îcur loinune Co si e in l araricM NA E of Morî illn ao rLs 't miiii /rarcililiuiili ilic Requîred for fiual r Fhrliîli , ky.riiNiciiliiii, High Volume GM Dealership t )iroilin. (Jauic Hoaîli,,r, Oliru. Kirsteiii, Luia \lr aoMclanrou, Marilyn. (ail, irrri, C m e r i lCandidates must posseas: uai n 1P , M o n iq u e , i.ui ruvan d ur uî , D e a le rsh p B u s in e s s O ffic e E p e ie n c e wfflir hk Di.Kainnn.îfiru ning AdProe Track Record rirîrî:1ý n Mri .t ni(linrciirr, Hou1al C n s r u t i n l Excellent C ustom er Service Skills I iljPai, forhiiiîrrayrrrand gnidaiicr .OMVIC certification 92 careers 0 Careers

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