Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Dec 2006, p. 1

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Milton' Community Newspaper Since 1860 R E AL E ST AT E See what's on the market inside S PO0RT S Novak new IceHawks' coach ww.nitoncanadianchampion.com C O M M U N t T Y Meet December's Teacher of Month Iwwwkfndws"o.I I487 lurer4AeI A Merolnd ediaGrop Pbliatio * ol,147No. 9 Tesdy, Dcemer 2, 006 6 Pges$ 100 (ncl G..T. 1 GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION O CHRISTMAS TREE, O CHRISTMAS TREE: Eleven-year-old Mitchell MacDonald carrnes on a famiy tradition, choosing a Christmas tree with his grand- parents. Here, he hauls out hîs choîce - a spruce -ai Clembrook Farm on Derry Road. , Georgetown trustee new chair of board By Tim Whitneil SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION Trustees with the Halton District School Board have elected a rookie to lead ihem ai thc start of a new four-ycar term. First-year trustee Gillian Tuck Kutarna of Georgetown defcatcd veteran hoard member Peggy Russell of Burlington for board chair for 2006-07 in a voie conducted duning the inau- gural meeting and swcaring in of the new board Wednesdav. The results of the bailoting by' the il trustees werent made public, as is the boards custom. Thc positio)n of hoard s icc chair svcnt to s c c o n d - t c r "I Burlîngton trEisicc Janic Hamces, 55ho was acclaimcd." wouldn't commnt on whether she was surprised to beat Eout the expericnced Russell but dîd say that ail trustees dis-i cussed the prE)ccss Gillian Tuck Kutarna pre-viously and that she knew she would be going up agaînst Russell for the chairs job. A family and speciai education lawyer in Georgctown, Tock Kui,îrna saicl in thc past shc hanEldcElciicnts connccicd 10 thcetialton schiooi hoard. Thc pEtential for confllîc of intcrcsi mcans shc won'i handlec EEh cascs tri licr currcni roic with thc hoardE. 1 cxpcEt to carry a redceEccE ascloal,' shc said. MarricEd 10 Jirn Kutarna and a mothcr of' four chilcîren in gradcs 3 to 9 in the Haiton public school system, the 44-year-oid Tuck Kutarna strcsscd îeamwork and accountabilitv in her inaugurai address to the board and thc public audicnce. 'We're in the scrvcc industry. Our clients are children and their parents. Our oniy.job is îo mccl their nccd for ant excellcnt cducaiion. -see CHAIR on page A2 Fund stili has long way to go Slow as the molasses in a ginger- bread house. Unfortunately, that's how The Champions Christmas Bureau Fund for the Salvation Armny is coming along. To date, we've received donations totaling $8,505.86 - a far cry [rom our goal of $25,000. Fund organizer Sheena Cameron is scratching her head wondering why people are reluctant this year to give toward the [und, which has been a Christmas tradition at The Champion for about 25 years. Money goes toward Christmas din- ners with ail the fixings for local fami- lies in need. Last year, $2 1,418 was coliected. Resîdents can drop off donations at The Champion office, 875 Main St. E., betwecn 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday to Friday until December 21. Ins1ie Todlay's Champion OPINION A6 HIGH SCHOOL REPORTA9 CLASSIFIED A21 CHAMPION COUNTRY Bi DATELINE B2 wwwitonicanadianchampion ccm www.miltontoyota .com GORRUDs www.gorrudsautogroup.com j

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