The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, December 5, 2006 -A9 HJGH SCHOOL REP ORT Course Dates & Times Milton 4 Days 2 Weeke Ph: 905 875 0480 Dec 27, 28, 29, 30 Jan 13, 1 Wed, Thurs, Fri & Sat. Jan 21, 2 9:3Oam to 4'l5pm 9:30am t nds o 4:15pm YOUNG DRIVERS MTO A5PPR5tS BEGtNNER DRIVER ED OUt5iN COUSEa PR5txIDtR "1MUSTANG MESSENGER"9 Megan Cheema Harbi Natt Courtney CouIambe MILTON DISTRICT HION SCHGGL 1 t.dflt beliexe it' December aiready! Wîih December h er. aiready. surmmatives xviii bc here in no line, which means Christmas ix praciicaiiy tomorrow!r While we'rc moving fast. cati you believe exams are oni> 2 monihx axvayt Hoxx cxciting! Whiie xve stili wait for the snoxx io arrive, ihingx here ai MD are heatinz up and the stress is bnringl UiS siodenix Up' To heai the stress. Siodeni Parliamnt ix hoidin- the second danice ot the N'a -a "Saînta's Christmas Daince Situppe" Io get i n the Chrîxtîttas spirit' Tickets xx il] bc on sale xixun bai remiember oui> one Ouiest pe' Stident xxoxe iticket mnusi hc bouhit in adxance. Ex enîx for ibis ycar .ire janî-packed and the xciîxoi lid a benefit concert oit Noxemiber 24îh xvîîh souiids SîaîîXpîîîîci xvho opcned for Topp Cîirie. The mnusic. xxas axvesuîme aîîd the people ihai xx'cîî had a biaxi If you happeîîed Io issx titix shoxw. bc sure iii keep yoxir carsx opent ii ixîne xvhcn xx haxvc our talent shîoxv S.A.A. hax becs seiiint, pxop alter schuiol. aiîd Sîudenî Parliament ix stili seiling pizza in support of' student athieîîcx. Have you been catching the baskeibaii or volicyhali gantex? Betier yei. have you ehecked oui the rinks xvhere the girls aind boys hockey teams are stîli spiitting ice? Both teams are now into their regular xeason play and have dccided on their captains for the year. The boys hockey tearn captain ix Jeff Thompson with assistant captains Connor Clark and Brent Truil. The girls hockey team captaîn ix Jexs Graper with assistant captainx Courtney Coulombe and Samu Loeprich. The boyx playcd Loyola on November 28th (4) Tondul Arena with an unfortunate ioss of 6-2. They also played Aldershot on December lst at Burlington Central. The girls hockey team played St. Thomas Aquintas on November 27th a) Abbcy Park Arena with an exciting loss of 7-4. If you're not the athietie type, there's alxvays options for you at MD. You might've bought tome of that delicious cuitural food from the Dixersity Club, oir visited a Wonî'x Club minîciig with Mes. Cronin. Be sure to involve yonrself ai your xtay at MD! After ail. there's so much to chooxe from!. 66DATELI1NE DRURY"" Ashley Carlisle Michelle Siaples Stephen Jackson E.C. DRURY RIGON SCHOOL0 Staff and sîndeitx xtrolled itb the gymi fillcd xx it the band'x lixe muxic. Meixîdies baith ii pump Lix up for oxîr animtal pep rallyl [)efiîîîtely a hîgblîghi every ycar ait Drxîryt Ouîr MC'x xvcre Shaxvn Htchinson ,tnd Kelsey Wiiier. xxhxî prompîl> iîtrouxced ur bxy's baskeiball teaiti. Ailier a Ienguby ittroducti iii \e F'Iý Htgh. flie fla iani rax lin the co xurkt î op tuic (. (xxd xx Apacx.he (fif Ontt If i. lue> xlttxx d tilt tieir coux hixy tixoex aîîd a bille tix tîttîCîx tuit. 'llie xx iteati had an exxcllet i xi dlxii efor ith sie xîî inuin painied heltes ie cxnýI xiiieîIii1 xpciied xxx icaî'. Wty to go, WCve tix iihaufile ciii ya1 xiihticatît dlitiL a croup la daîe iii ciTiinCiaitiie [hes îîxxtiixlud tfeicitidieniiti)til îî tiiitxx Stratiice sitixiîtx. lîainied green froinit itead ii tue. Ireqiteiti nîerrtipied ihe lutte tilt i les ittnpcdi iiey xx cx. andx iesý ixtriîxpaicd in sîxiie 'Flc stiîdett cxiinisxi camte aixxngand Icli lie îîeed iii doi ix xxxii reîîdîîîxxîîofxflie sini Siîeaîiîîîe t iate iixittai hy tue Pepsi id) i n hi lit bite statîde. (Oh ves, panduex. IThe citergy m ixl cxi xii i dancext îîîî m incxig ail liai danxîiig spatidex ibrexx tîx itt Ires/s. t- tie ic finiîîe ri E. C. pep rail> hixixiry .ý ticai a lite singing pierfoxrmncie tii Saxe fltc Laxi Danice foi. Me b> ou neix, muic teacher, Mr. DeCietrgixi The crîxWx tras siieneed b> hîx incredible (and brave) vxcal ebîxrdx. hI xas ahsýIiineIy amazîsg. ihank xxxi. Mr. h)eGexirgiii. ieatiy. Wite he sang ix lîcart xxit Ixîr the crxil.W the ieacherx xvxîîed each ixiher xvîth xsortie hailixttitxyle dancting i ixeil. ihey tied. at icaxîl. Then tie xpîtefl xxresierx came alîîng and shîîxed the baxkeibali icani xxhî's boîss. They siarexi off sviîb a painfli dispia> uif baskeihali skiiis, then decîded in be dixcîplined by Mtîxîe xvitb a uitile newspaper and chair routine done in anixon. And tif cîourse ibey had tii end ap with as htile on as possible. grooving io Baby Goi Back. They left us xvith a second display of spanden. in the fîîrm tif their brîgbî yeilow singiets. To save the besi for last. tiar pep raiiy champioîns, tbe girixs field bockey teami They jamped and jived iii a chiireîgraphed dance to You're the One that 1 Wani. Their excelletnt dance nîîvcs and xveil stracnrei perfoîrmance got them a siraigbu 10 scoîre frîîm ail ur judges. Before the end of the sbhow our Commtît. Tcch. Kîds xloxved ux doîxn wiîb a collaboratioîn vîdex of tbe xehoxi and ail tif ixs deparimeits ta tbe style nf MTV'x Cribs. To top of the pep raliy xvîîh a bang ihere ixere ..FLIPSili The fluor xvax erîîxded xvîîb people whbî eîîald aettaiiy dance! AND (Io acrobaties! Atter ail tai las wc ihisk xve have eîîxxîgh sehxîx spirit io lasi ux a lifetime. Way to go. Sparians!. ""TUE ROYAL REPORT"1 Erin Helheringlon Lindsay Jobnslon Jua Riddel DISHOP REDINO RION SCEDOL Bîsiîxp Rcding's halls are bursîîng xxîth escîtemeni as the mosih nf Deccînber roux in. Betîveen tbe band and choiîr trip in the feeder sehool the annixcrsary mass. spots gantes ainixix exeryday and tif couarse the annuai Snxîxxilke Bail. tndetx are haxîng, sitirouables keeping bas>. Ose ting ixecup>isg mniat stridents' urne is xports. Bishxîp Reding ix lxxrtutaic lx haxve lxxii îcamns ag atîx rassîsg for the sitîser scasos. basthiail. vîiles bail. hocekey, and for bhe lirsi lime in a îîsmber tif yeaes BRK h, bit)tiiei ther xxxiii cxaiii Tue juior and sesîxol boxys' li.tskciiîai exlî ýixc 'bahuti. .xcxutdisg iii spectator Roibert L>iixh. xx rine lc xaxiiin_ tii eao pescix agaist Miltoîs District lasi Wedsda>. and puffinxc ii tlixcr garine yesedxa> . Wc xx t hettin uso iîcîr gamnes ixîîxrxx li ls se tîxîtîxrnîxî are the junioir and senioxr girls' (tlle> bih tealits. suartnse icr scaxîts oti x ith a bit tif a siruggie. hixiexer cxîîuxîîg aitn tiLcIý 'rxir ie hiieke> tein. alîhxxsghlithe> taxe tiax a rougit stat lxi Ilte xc,îxxxî. are xxttnts iint xhîîx iheir fans ihat ihe> st knox 1)xxi lxx hUixîle The xxxiii teasi tax their lîrxî meet tif the season fast Fridas. gxttîte in xsonie inîpressix c finshex asd inaking ur Rîîyais prîtax liai xxîînsgix baxk ai BR, Wuty ii gît Rt>ais h-ni xptris lxx the ats -lasi Wedscsday Mr. Alfantis basd, accompaniei hy Ms. C.trunas chotir iraxeled to Si. Peter asd Guardian Angel Lleîîîcîîar shîxlx Io perfitrili for the sindents. The chair serenadei the sîndensi xx it ibeir beauîîlul xxîîees wixhle the band enîertaised îhem xx it tiîcîr msical talents. BR studenîx xx iii be isek> eîngb to hear ibis medie, ai îxxîsxrrxxx's assixersýar, matss We xxiii be ceiebraîîsg the 27ih ansîxersar, ofi our sehoxîl xvîîh a laîîh celebraîton. Aisx xxting np ibis îveek ix Bisbxîp Reding's anssai Snoivfl"e Bail terni- forma] dance l'ir seniotrs. This >ear yusr sindeni goxermment bas plasned a magîcai sîgbî for ail ihose aîîendîsg. Nexv additions tiî year iscinde a bbe mîachine and a chocolate fonitais. 'Tickets are stili being soid tbis xxeek foîr tîveni> dolilars. np until Tbsrsday. the day before the dance. Tickets xviii sîx be sîîld ai the door. So if yoa scasu îo attend ibis itemîtrabie exesisg remember is bs', yxxr ticket and bring yosr dancing sboes os December the fih. As ibis Isside Souarce sîgns tiff for the tîeek, i trosîx lîke 10 leaxe y0ti sviii someîhîng to îhînk about. as Christmas approaches and ire stant ihinking abotut ail tbe prexesîs xve xx'ani. îeiiing oxîr frîensx fanîi>., and wriîisg ieîîers îo Santa Classe. ive nîs aisx remember ihose xvho xviii sot be geiiing xvhaî ibe', xvîh foîr. Thar ix xvby Bîsbop Redîng bas decidexi to agais adopi 25 lartîlies frotîs tue Halion Woînen'x Shelier and gise ibem the Christmas îbey dexerve. Each bxîîîerîxnt eiass xviii adopi a famiiy and bit> prexeîîis for everyose sn ihai fantîl>. spreadîng the love îb,î xii masy sceceixe ai Christmias urne. Pleaxe gîegnc îui 1 1