SaIIy Armstrong WHAM's special guest A local organization is urging resi- Intervention Services (SAVIS) and dents to gtve a gi that'Il keep) on giv- internationaiIIy througli (anadians in ing. Suipport ol Afghan Womnen. \Voran of Filton Action Movement For tickets and more information, (WVIAM) wifl hosi a dinner paity caîl SAVIS at (905) 825-3622. Match 7 in support of International \Vomenis DaNy -ie ic nner paîrty will Icature Oakvuil residlent Sally Artnstrong, wltos a jotuinalisi, autlior and interna- tional ads ocatc foîr somien. SlcIel be ID -spcaktng abolit vi'ontcn taking control of thiti lis es, antd wSill provide an uî)datc on tfhe wotncn of Afghantstan. Organizcrs are encouraging resi-A dents to recognîze the specia l .....m. i their lives by puttng together tables S for the dinner party. Tickets cosi $40 eadi, with proceeds CO benefiîîng womnen locally through Sally Armstrong Sexual Assauli and Violence Sunday, December 10, C a iols Knox Presbyt eri an Church, 170 Main Street, Ml/ton YOR PART Gus (t rets Helip keep our commu- Roean WIl lûe nit clean by followmng Adoramus Chdldren's Choir C u Itu 8n M tlon n local rêcycting guidelinos, and recycle TcesAelbea:M/o htM illis paper when you're TcesAalbea.Mlo htA o d ftotohod reading nt and Mcçuaig Insurance, 208 Main St. E, Miton ela ~ Aduit. $20 Sanior/Student: $15 Child.* $10 9LIIIfMUU 416-708-7973 Laboratory in Rear - Repairs 1 hour Holiday time is finaUly here. Neyer fear.. Milton Denture Clinic is near! isetf- :Mo c * Same Day -Implant - Soft Rubber -Lost Denturesmi 111d\1mnrb Relines Dentures Liners Made inpu * Complete Dentures -Rebasing * Temporary 24 Hours * Partial -Immediate Relines - Custom Dentures Dentures * Repaîrs GoId Work MAIN STREETI~ 159 MAIN ST., MILTON (n DENTURE c F- CLINC 90J8620 The Canadian Champion, Friday, December 1, 2006 - B5 rompis who tako lirsi aid traininu roduice thoir porsonal inries hv un I0 30%. + aainRed Cross