30 - The Canadian Champion, Friday December 1, 2006 WANT WORK? CALL vpi! 1 rind wok* e Cusomioed On. on-OneEmployaientPanning , R..forrais i Experienc..d Enrployin..nt Srvice. Professiorols e-Determin ed for SkllSpeuOr1 Training eOngoing Foliowv UP anrd Support Burlington Oakville Milton (905) 637-8988 (905) 338-2190 (905) 693-0034 ee Emoirrwot Smtegies W"-krg Solutior Burlingtnn, Oakville & Milton Empinyment Assessiment Centre en, SOUTHi OAKVILLE NOW OPEN flew hldg f« ai part dim pelins. e Cashiers a Service Clerks e Bakery fi Hot Foods *Meat * CoId Deli * Produce e Floral Designers e Overnight Shifts e Smoke Shop We are currently accepting applications trom individuals that are available to be scheduled days, evenings and weekends. FullIlbainiag providd for ail psidom Fortinos offers a competitive wage scalle, pension plan, benefits, scholarships, opportunittes for advancement and secure employment for ail it's employees. Please drop by our store located at 173 Lakeshore Rd. W. to tilI out an application or email your resume to: crystal.godin@loblaw.ca *Tined of working ton minimum wege? * Ored of havîng a schedule that is not flexîie and doton't meet pour ochool needa? Appiy t0 jin 0cr team!! Otarting base wage is $10/ln. our abiily for produce in e taon paced envînonmenl viii resait in an average vage of $12/bntc 10 i/hi. We are cunreniiy looking 10 bine ton FIT 8am-4pm shiff and P/T 4pm-i2am shiff. comne in and ver il ve van citat a vork schedule fihal vonlis ton vsu. la looking ton a full lime shippenlneceîver. Appli- canto should have a back gnsuod in shîppîng and be vîlling and able to handie htavy lifting. Tht ini- dividual must also have a valid loikîlît license and work veli bolh ini a leam and as an inidividual, Please email on fao nesumes lu Rodoey. Email. nodty@ecltchnoloisltd.com Fao: 905-799-2841 GenmiHelp KIOS! KIDS! KIDS! -Agas 2s-- Wanted for TV & Movie Jobs! Ns Fees! Men/ Wsmen 16-65 yrs. Needed for semel Ns estras Parents cail: (416)221-3829 HEARTHSTONE seeking mature P/T lunchîlme vait staff for seniors neoidence. Exp. vith POS neq'd. Seod resume 10 Stephanie Watson: fax 905-333-9646 ont-mail svatssn@hearth stone.ca Havre yS' herd the new? Enumerationl type work Pitctvork Compensation [j1xri1cJ relquired Tranîv prsvîded Ta schedalied an interview Cali 905-525-0187 6am M - Caliht 905689313 MANAG EM ENT TRAINE E Cosado's lauleol groeing club' We are lookîrg lor hîghiy moivued and performonce crioev Management Traînees 10 loin sun team and instili sur values lu our customers and our vean mombers 10 Ibis noie ysa ai: *Soul memberohpo. * Generolo memberships,llîrough cummunîly evenlo, outreach, porlnenohîpo euh husîvesses and relerrolo. - Deoelop skîlls 10 become a Generul Manager Whal wv are Pookinq for *A vouder vîfO stîûvg uapauiîiîes i, coac a nd irentor * Wîllîrg 10 work a variable schodule. * ou're pussionale aboutllonesa. Tegether we cen beceme world clusal To apply please email: Ividltr@Qoodlifefitness.com vwwgoodlifefitness.com1 GenIlHep E eraIHelp 1 GnIlHel Genal Hep DIVER * AN INights orWeekends Fuli-time or Part-time Cali: 905-965-1588I F/T OVERNIGHT ATTENDANT HALTON RECOVERY HOUSE Overnighf supervision & hourly bed check of 21 -bed men's residential treatment facility. Administrative duties including copying and maintaining program files. Housekeeping du- ties as required. Knowledge of substance ad- dictions in individuals/families. E-mail: jacqie@haltonrecoveryhouae.ca NEED XMAS CASH? $525 Weeky! National JobShop os yoor source fsr online income. For more snfo. ww.sational'obsho.com SEARS CARRIERS Reliable individuels needed for door fo, door catalogue delivery in Milton/Acton/Georgetown aeas Cali: 905-873-0103 leave message with namre phone and address Email: echo-mandy@yahoo.ca HOMEWORKERSNEEMfII To Assemble Producto Stutling Envelopes, Mail- inglProcessîng Cîrculars, Onlîne Computer Work avaîsîble. Up To $1 ,5OOlWeek. Ns Eoperience Neededl FREE information aI. www.Jobs-WorkConnection.com Reference: 3-113 qj¶cuaf aeaIt JOIN OUR CARRIER CLUB Earn extra $$$$ We are lookîng for reliable, responoible Youtho and Adulto For door toi door to0 deliveries PLEASE CALL 905 878 5947 x245 JOB FAIR Maple Leuf Freoh Foodo iv a world leader iv tht proceooivg of freoh and frozev poih spplyivg cutomeru ov a global bauîu. PRODUCTION WORKERS Our ponk pnocesoing plant in Burlînglon i0 currently oeekîng enthusaolic, motîvated and energelîc imdi- vidalso 10 oin the Maple Lest lamly. With positions avaîlable in ail departmento, for ail shifts încludîng Cul Floor, Dnessing Floor, Packaging, Shipping and Sanîlation, there are positions ready lv suit ail potential employeto. Are you molivaled, neady la be challenged and are dnisen 10 oucceed? Gel a lresh slart wîth Maple Leal Freoh Foodo. Duatifi!cations: *Must be commilled 10 sale worr pnaclîceo *Ability 10, wonk in, and as part of a team *Must possesu good communication and onterpenoonal okîllo *Ability 10 wonk in a lasI paced envînonmvnt *Fscused on quality and conlinuous improvement *Previsus ondustrvl i manufacturing plant voperionce vould he cvnsîdered an 00001 SATURDAY DECEMBER 2. 2006 11em- 2m Mapit Leaf Fresh Foads S 821 Appleby Lîne Bunlinglon, S Ontario L7L 4W9 S (Localed on tht ooutheasl corner Appleby Lîve & Harvesten Rd.) Aetmt EmpIoyel! Place your ad ini lr Canabîian (lanwwn Cîasslfieds! CASH-4300, offers temporary financial assis- tance to individuals who require immediale cash for a shsnt-term period of lime. We are currently recruîtiog for a FUIL-TIME CASH ADVISOR for the Oakville location whs t a positive and sut- gsîng individual that enjoys dealing with the public. o you posseos stnong organizational okillo with a sslidi attention 10 delaîl? Are you comtsrtable han- dling cash transactions? Are yso willing 10 worh Saturdays? If so, please email your resume 10: store4300@cashinc.ca or fax if fa 905-339-0068 Previos eoperience in bankiog and collections wosld be considered an asset. HAKIM OPTICAL FASHION CONSULTANT/ RECEPTIONIST/ SALES ASSOCIATE needed for Luron OReil Opicul Showroom lOvai candidates wiill havn 0000 communication skilis and a fli or fasiion Training il br providrd, refainopnriencn amust. Plmaso drop off revume in person ai 3281 Speers RoadiOakville Speera at Dorval Attention:Jeff F Customer Service/ Marketing Assistant Paul Davis Systemo of Halton os lookîvg for a cus- tomer Service/Markeeting Assistant. PDS i0 a resto- ration cantractor speoializing in saer and tire dam- sgt restoration. This is an important position in sur csmpany as wie strive to haoe 'heerleader Customero". The applicants for this position munt be self starters vhs love 10 commonicate with cos- tomers 10 help solve any of their concerto. The person int1his position viii abso assîst the Sales and Marketing team in implemening the marketing program as vel as participate in industry events. Please emait reaumea te jobs@pds.ca or fax ta 905 -333-9461 M Gnrl Help HEAITHY'S Nutrition Stores requires flal & part- lime motioated Supplemnent Advisors Fax resume 10 Dale: 905-91 3-t1008 Emal inlo@healthys.ca In the Swm Schooîs NOW HIRING SWIM INSTRUCTORS for vaios locaions in tht Region Fax lesume lot 905-339-3673 or Cali 905-339-300 FIT & P/T positions avaitabit for mature, responsibie, wel grsomed, dynamic, sell-motivated, indivîdoao ton retail sales in a specialy lingerie boutique in Burlingtov. Please fax resumne to: 905 637 5748 iled (BIJRLNTON) Requines immditl Contact Dave, Sîlied & Skîlted &0-3399 Technîcal Hetp M Techetcal Hein Fax: 905-333-4263 10 adlibsottv\vîîe Here is youn sppsrtunty to participat in tht explosive growth of a software company. Adlîb continues 10 incres ils market share as a leadng developer of document conversion and psbliohîng software that enables tht adoancement of document management proceoses. Adlib producto are oold internatisnally 10 SME and Fortune 500 compaties alike, in a brsad mio of markets, including consultîng, pharmaceutical, manutactuing, legal, healthcare, goveroment, edl cation, and tînancîi services. As we continue 10 grsw, son phîlosophy vil re- main the same - creation of innovalîve software solutions whîch enable sur cus- tomers 10 capitalize on tht valut of their documents. To accamplish this, we are eopanding sur leam of highly ambisus, inquisîtiot, and adaptable protessionals vith a passion for technology. We are currently hiring for: SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT MANAGER SENIOR ANALYST, BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE DIRECT SALES REPRESENTATIVE MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER WEB / e-MARKETING SPECIALIST SENIOR SOFTWARE PROGRAMMER ALI POSITIONS REQUIRE THE FOLLOWING: *Proven obility iv the job opecfîc arvas vi expertise. *Sslîd relolionuhip builder, molîvato, pro-active, cognitive and fsrward-lhînkîng *Profeusional conducl wilh a hîgh level of integiy and inlerpersonal okilîs *Eotremely high energy and atamîna with slnong lime management and onganizational skllo *Ahility lu work eftectîvely under pressure *Demonotrated written and verbal communication okîlîs Compensation wîll be commensurate wilh toperience. Are you întereted in soinsn un evcitîng and gnswiog busines? Do you posoeos the above qualifications? Send your resame f0 hr@adlibsoftware.com. WELDER/ FABRICATOR West Mîssîssauga, F/T T.l.G. vtlder, must voik indepen- dently. Eoperience in light gouge S.S. veldîng essenial. Fax 905-828-5698 EXE EHOI ES ITD Is lookîng for a foul lime machine maintenance mndi- vidoal. Applicants must have a slrng havIr gnoond in Oltfni engineering and some lonm of machine maintenance. Tht indîvidual should vork wel bolh in a leam and as an indivîdual, and be able to stant îm- mediately Pieuse email or fax fesmmes 10 Rvdney: Email. nodntey@eoctltchnologiesltd.com Fao: 905-799-2841 ve -Shopping for a fresh 6 oppbortunî"ty. 0 NOW HIRING for our OakviliJe store Iocated at 1521 Rebecca Street. Pr-time Service Clerk positions available in: Grocer, Meat, Deli, Seafoodl, Baker, Pizza, Hot Foods, Cul Fruit, Produce, Courtesy Clerks, Caslaiers Plus.. .we are looking for epr!ne Bakers, Cake Decorators, Meat Wrappers & Cutters, and Floral Designers We oiller fle)ible working hours and yoa erosi ho avaftabte tri work WEtIIENt)S Ple-ise upply in persos toi the Ser-vice Drsk: Dominion, 1521 Rebecca 5treet, Oalovilte A&P Canada, a Subsidiary of METRO INC. www.freshobsessed.com