28 - The Canadien Champion, Friday December 1, 2006 Coulsan: Cecil Raymond Peacefuiy et Mt. Nemo Christian Nursing Huma an Tuauday, Navamber 28, 2006, Cecil Raymond Couisan of Kibrida in bis 89th year. Baiovad husband of Shirley fan 32 pears. Lovtng father ta Canai of Kitch- anar. Fondiy remembarad by bis 2 grandchiidren, Tara (Dan) and Paul (Ju- lia) and hie 4 greef-grandchiidran Jessica, Zachary, Tifftnay and Madelitr. Preda- caasad by hie brathars Harvey and Lloyd. Remamberad by many niacas and neph- ams. Cecil enjayed hie association mît h the Cedar Springs Communify Club for 40 yeara and mes an avid fermer for ail bis lite. Friands may catI et the KITCHING, STEEPE & LUDWIG FUNERAL HOME, 146 Miii St. N., Watardomn, on Thursdsy form 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 p.m. mhere fhe Funar- ai Service miii ba heid on Fridsy, Decem- bar 1, 2006 et 1:30 p.m. Intermant Bathel Camatery. If dasired, donations cen ba made fa the Mt. Namo Christian Nursing Home or the Milfon District Hospital. Please sign Book of Condoienca at mmmJifchtngsfaapaandiud mîg.cam FONTAINE: Joan Marie )nee Moore) Suddeniy ut ber home on Tuasday, No- nember, 28 2006. Lovîng mothar af David Fontaine. Joan is survived by hanr grand- chiidran Danielle and Nicholas. Arrange- ments have bean antrused fa J. SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOME, 21 James Streef, Milton, 905-878-2669. A Grava- sida Service miii ha held on Friday,. De- cember 1, 2006 et 1:00 PM, Ptaasanfvtam Mamoriai Gardans (Rural Routa #1, High- may #20, Fonthili, Ontario, (905) 892- 2611). In Lieu osf fiomers donations ta, the Heart & Stroka Foundafion mouid ha ap- praciated. Onlina condolences may ha made at esriyfunerslhome.com - SC _1j~ GOWING, Milton Richard (Rick): Saddenly at his home on Tuesday, Nonember 28, 2006 et the age of 53. Rick wiii be aadly missed by hia soul mate Sonja. Sureived by hie aon Chrisfopher (Linda). Sadly misaed by Pat (John) Rowbottom, Nancy Wilson, Allan (Ber- niece) Gowing, Barry Gawing and will also missed by Thelma Hilfa, Earl (Manie) Hilfa, Dianie (Rick) Mooney, Gerald Hilfa and hie nieces, nephews and great-niece. Predeceased by his parents, Mitton and Marion Gowing. Fnienda will be received at Coatta FaneraI Home & Cremation Centre, 96 St. Andrews Street, Cam- bridge on Fniday evening from 7-9 p.m. A memonial service under the auspices of Royal Canadian Legion, Preston Branch # 126 will be conducfed af the fanerai home on Fnîday evenîng ut 7.00 p.m. Fu- neraI services mili be held in the faneraI home chapal on Saturday, December 2, 2006 s 1 :30 p.m. Cremation fo follow. In lieu oif flomeru, remambrances fo, the charity of your choîce mould be greatly appreciated by the famîly. wm.couffsfu neralhome.com MCIPHAIL, Lots Eliaea (nee Easterbrookf Passed amsy on Thuraday Novemben 30, 200e at Milton District Hospital ut the age ut 87. Bsloved mite of the late Neii H. McPhaîl. She miii be lovîngîn remem- bered and dearly mîssed by her chîidren, Lee (Canal) McPhaîi, Linda (Tom) Jarvis, and Sharon (Jîm) Tardiff; han grandchîi- dran Bart IShani) Jarvîs, Tana l0ougl Bil ton, Michael (Chary le Moreau) McPbaul, Mark (HatenI McPhaîi, Ryan and Craîg Tardîtt, and also han grea grandchildren Taylor, Nealy, and Madison Jarnîs, Neîi, Bronta and Lauren Bilton as mal as many nanaes, naphems and friands. Lois mas pradacaased by han brothars George, Elias, Lloyd and Bîllp and han sîsters An- nia and Edna and an infant sister. Friands milI be recaîved et the J_ SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOME, 21 James St., Milton (905) 878-2ee9 on Sundsy tramn 2-4 & 7-9 p.m. Fanerai Service tram KNOX PRESBYTERtAN CHURCH. 170 Main Street, Mifton on Monday Dacamber 4, 2006 et 11:00 s.m. tnterment, St. e- nid's Cametarp, wîth s recaption to tollm n St. Danid's Chanch tf dasîrad, dona tions to The Miton District Hospital Fou dationon the Hîe et in-i drieFrt Ln ai www.eaiyuneralhome.com Cali 905-878-2341 today ta place your ad. Irbe Canabian Ctjampioeî CLASSIFIEDS WHALEY, Robert Raymond Osburne WW Il Vetaran, Lifa Mambar of the Straetsviie Lions Club, Mamber of fie Milton Staam Ena. Passad emay paacafuiiy at the Credif Val- ley Hospifal on Tuasday, Novambar 28f b 2006 in bis 85th year. Beionad huberd of Barnica Troyen for sisty pears. Laving father of Gary (Suzanne), Demnis (Betty). Dianna McKee (David) and Donna Raa Mariom (Robent). Lovîngiy ramambarad by bis 13 grandchiidren and 16 great grendchîidran. Pradaceasad by bis dsughtar Marilyn and son David. Fandiy ramamberad by hie sisters and brathars, Ettean Hamilton, Jean Lana, Kaîth, Ken, and Canai Kerr. Predacaased by hie brother Lamae. Family and friands visited af the McKERSIE-KOCHER FUNERAL HOME 114 Main St. Milton 905-878-4452 on Thursday. The fanerai service miii ha haid on Friday, Dacembar 1sf 2006 af 1:00 pm in the fanerai home chapel. In- fermant ta, foliam et Hiicrest Cemetety in Norvai. Mamorîi donations fo fhe charify of youn choice in Rays' mamory mouid ha appracîafad. Lattons of condolenca may ba ieff for fhe famiiy ut mmm mckarsia- kocharca FrSale TRISH Romance Prînts Christmas at the Cot- tage, The Home Bakary and Faîthtai Frierds $192/aach. Ait is Caim and Garder Argot $225/each. Romance Plates $25teach. 905- f78-0495. 65 Hurdrad ment Hon- te Ganarator. Lîqaîd :ooied, raeds a bat- ary, $2500. 905-466- 1880. ANTIQUE 58008 ar haîr $450:, Cotiactîia1 toits, cariage iiaîture pot beiiy eoodstova $90 Bar ,ink, taps, flexible lira rami $100, 7' Siim 'hristmas trea )ased mai) $40: Christmas tecoratrons. 905-878- 984. MOT TUBS Ware- bouse Direct Open so Public Saturdays or bp apporrent. Fantastîc savîngvi mmm htwd.ca 905- 693-9230. dînîng roum. cherry- 'ood, double pedestai ibie e chairs, buffet, utch. dovetaîl con- traction. Nem stîli in oxes. Cour $11o0o. acrîtîce $2800. 905- 67-9459. King Filiomtop Mt- nus Set. Nem in pIe- cCost $t1600. sali for 450. 905-587-9459. ED, Amazing bargan, ueas nrthopedic pi-. mtup set, ram rn pies- m arrarty $250 905- 67-4042 mîlI delîver. EDROOM Cherry- ond, Bed, chest, essar, 2 nightstands. oeetail Construction. oner opened Cost ,000. Sacrifice ,900. 905-567-4042 l.RPET i hure seserai 000 yards ut ram Stain aster & 100% nylon car- t Wil Ho î ir /qroo rosi Steve, 905-633- 92 )T Tub (Spa) Canent et prise, Basf quaiity. Ail spas & cabanrs. Cati t1- 6-585-0056 w.ibecoergup.ca >T Tub/ Spa- Brand near tIi options, incieding van, 2008 modal. 511l in appar. Cosf $10900., crifice $5,500. Cali 905- 1-1777 c S s 0 d ta 5 A1 ha sh 88 Io m/r Da N7 cm erTu nng [M rerTaiing www. thecentre.on. ca C9The Centre WHITE HA LI-' spniite cue t e succs su organisa- tion and management of the site, implementation uf the scope of work, creating take cils, quality contro, safety, scheduling trades and day so day planning to meet deadlines. Minimum 8yts expeni ence in residantiel construction, 5 as a supeivisor. Experience in carpentry an asset. Team building, planning & commanicatin skîlis are essential. ta place your ad in zbrjt ctanablan c4Dampion cail 905.878.2341 JVtLcn Loizt I For Sale LEATHERi 3 preca Italien set. Sofa, loveseet and chair. Nom. rn plastic. Cost $8900. Sali $2500. 905-304-4873. POOL Tabla, Protessionel Serias, Solid Waod, t Siafa, Att Accassomas. New, Stîli Boxeri, Cost $8,200, Sali $1,950. 905- 304-9994 SAUNA, 2/3 persan, rn- homa, m/c.d. piaer and tîghts. Nover eseri. Cost $5500, Soit $2750. 905- 304-7775 nWaed BEST Ca$h$ Pid- Art Antqus Coletble China, Crystet, Silver Figurines, Royel Douiton, Smeîovsk. Otess, Pottery. Etc. Estute Spocietistu, Top Cash. Cati John/ Tracy 905-331-2477 Chistmanees JP TREE FARM Cst pour oms Spruce, Pire, Bai- sem, 8-7 teet. Largo soiection of mreeths. Hmy 25 to 15th Sida- road turum Wto 5rs Lino N 1/2 mile. CrIarsfo Sl 1990 Cavalier Z24, V6, 5-speod standerd, hîgb mîteege, rurs mii. As is $400. Cai 905-875- 077t. 2004 Saiers ue 45,000km, oettallntco dîtior, black mîth gre intarior. $12,500. CaIl 905-854-4499 M rcks tuir Sale One omner. Facettent condition. 257,000 km. $4,300 013O. 905-877- 0100. Vans, Cm 4WelDrive 1994 Parties Transport Mini-Van, 8 cal, 7 pas- ranger, ail pomar, mînt condition. sertitîed and a fasfad. $2,500 oba. 905-844-8033. Home Ea Imoemens PINNACLE Rootîrg. Tîma tu get thosa Eaestroaghs cleanari' Gise Bob e cati. 905- 864-21 28. FLOOR pnotassîonel, bîgh guaitp sending, fînîsbrng. insrellation hardmood and lami- srias Resîden- tialicommarcial. Rater- onces. Cati 416-616 8443. arbage Rema TRUCK to the Oump. Noed erpthiug cieanod splbrought to the dump? Cat Bob 905- 8e4-21 29 us About.. workâoplis.cnM eau 1 11 0"7Q IVI4 jBook your Recrui(Caent ad todaY & receijved 2 weeke on rkopolisfir on7y $ o2.0 -s t a taading manufacturer and markater af minerai woot însutatian producte in thte North Amartcan marketplaca wtth our head office in Milton and production facilitias in bath Milton, Ontanio and Grand Farks, B. C Our axpandtng company te a substdtary of Rockwaot International, manufacturing qualty hi-performance minerai woal praduct. We ara searching for tatanted, anargatc indîvîduala wCh dniva and datermtnatton tai jatn us et Our Milton facility in the faiawîing posttion.. Maintenance Ilectrician Ynu ana a tîcansad Industriel Elacfnician mit h et tasf fine yeare of espartance tn an industriel maitenance annîronman. Yaur excellent froubtashooting, rapair, and maintenance ekitte mîth productton aqutpmanf are cambined mith expertise msf h AC drivas, PLCs (Siemens), and procase contrais for femparaune, prassure, flow, and tanats. Maintenance Mechanie You ara a licansad Miimnsght wîtb at lest fine years of manutacturtng asparianca in an industriel maintenance anvîranmant. Yau are espanîencad in traubieshaafing, reasîing, and ntaînfaining ail production aquîpment with an amphasis on rotatîng equipmant. You aie hava a braad knomtadge oft ha use of machining and metding equipmanf Prefaraby, you ar aa muti-skitaed indnvdual mho is willn tom wok oms ds amaintenance alectrcan's lcence. General Operators/Labourers You wil t mak fia continantal eht hn our ontinuous pracasu opeastaon Yoa hava indust et or manutacturîng axpanianca and ara tamîtiar wîtb safa mark practicea. Yau muet hava a grade 12 dipiama ot the aquivalant. Att pasifions requtra theaebîlity fa raad, mrita, and upaak Engish and a mîltingnass ta mark continental sifts. PlIase appiy in mnîtîng ta: Human Resources, ROXUL Inc., 551 Harrop Drive Milton, ON L9T 3H-3 Fax: (905) 878-8077R O U e-mail: joba@roxul.com -O U wetakaiapiat;hwvr onîy -The BEtiter Irslto thos uner onsdertio wii a contacird. Ourclintis n inoatiefaut-growing service contractor operating muliple branhesin anaa ad te USA. The follow ing pouitnon is ba.sed vn Oakvite. d epartmrnta internai contraIs, aud prepare and îeviewv month-yod journal ertîres. You wmIi also proactively recommerd and impiemeut solutions to accounting department procasses and participate in the establishment of ram branches. You have an least four years' garera sccounsîng aupeniasce iv a supervisory cspscit, dpnamic întarpersona, communication, an arapnîcel skîlîs, and the fleuîbîilit ta adapt ta, change. File #06-20 - j Iease applp. quoting the appropniate file number in the subîect lina, ta: TCI Confidential, 250 The Esplanade, Suife 402, tc<I Toronto, ON M5A lJ2 e-mail: resume@tcic-anada.com tc*! fax: 1416) 304-0181 No telaphora salIs, please. Att reupanses witt be foraîardad directty ta our ctiasL Ptese inctnda e yeir fsmm communications cver ltter arr camparies ta which yaa de rat aMroia epopnd1 They thueS confidentiel ait apptîoanrs; haovar, oniy rhose ta b timaerviewed vWtt be conta&AOd J