: 1 Mitons Communîty Newspaper Sînce 1860 ~1I W e elE jjf A ito Accessors IUphoistery Repa,rs WiLndshield Repairs ý MILTON 876-4785 N EW S Savoline bids tearful farewell S POR T S Glidemaster earns Triple Crown sweep www.mi-ftoncanadianUchampion.com A &E New book cornes out kicking C ýn"cI 4 v'isi autie L A N.ioan Mei .u ulcto.*Vl 4 o 6Fia, eebr1 06fl gs*$,0(nl .. CAHAM FAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION TIME FOR GIVING: Volunteers show a sampling of the many non-perîshable food items that'il be CoIIeCted at tomorrows annual Milton firefîghters' food drive for the Salvation Army. Resîdents are asked to fîli bags wîth food items and set them outsîde theîr homes. TheyIi be CoIIeCted by volunteers early tomorrow mornîng. See more detaîls on page A17. Long-serving councillors make their exit Eurîk, Challinor look ba<zk at ther tâme on council By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Wbile their time on Council may be over, one tbing continueA to shine throughi wben talking to former Milton councillors John Challinor and Ron Furik - being politicians was truly a labour of love for both. The pair, wbo were botb first elected in 1991 but lost tbeir posts; carlier this month, took time to chat with The Champion tbis week about their multiple terms as councillors and reflect on tbe good tîmes, tbe diffîcuit sit- uations and wbat tbey're most proud of accomplisbing. Botb bave long lists of bigbligbts from their time on council. For Furik, wbo represented \Vards 2 and 4 ai tbe lolcal and tegional levels, crunCbing nurrnbers was sometbîng lie said be looked forwarl to. "I've always enîjoyed tbe budgets," lie said. "And we bad 12 years miberc tbere was no tax increase at tbe local level." Opening up the Miltons Sports Centre aIsE) topped Furiks lîst, along wîtb tbe inany years tbat council debated what constitutes a 'good neigbbourbood'. "Now, every one of our neigbbourboods are gorgeous," he noted. He said bell1 even miss aIl the complaints and Criticisms be beard [romn residents, explaining that be feels be always bandled tbose situations well. Meanwbile, Challinor said be also took pride in bolding tbe line on taxes so tbat Miltonians now enjoy tbe lowest municipal Ron Furik John Challinor tax rate in tbe GIA. Working witb town council to create Destiny Milton is sometbing cisc tbe former Ward 4 councillor said be enjoyed. He described it as "tbe lirst all-encompassîng. planning process in tbe bistory of municipal planning in the province of Ontario." "To ibis day, it (Destiny Milton) remains tbe *see PROVINCE on page A16 InsideULM; Today's Champion OPINION A6 CLASSIFIED A26 DATELINE B15 REAL ESTATE B20 wwwmooltoncanadianchampion.com Inserts: FULL DISTRIBUTION A&P * LORLAWS -ZELLERS -WALMART - M&M S * FO RASICS -SMART SOURCE - STONEY CREEK PARTIAL DISTRIBUTION SDA. SEARS - CANADIAN TIRE - NO FRILLS* - ORTIRJOS - HOME HARDWARE - COVERS - ASHLEY FURNITURE *PRICE CHOPPER.- SOBEYS -TRENT PHARMACEUTICAL *KITCHEN STOPF PLUS .WIRELESS WAVE - SUPERSORE *ROSALTON FURNITORE .SEARO . LONGOS -FUTURESHOP *TTASR US0. THE SOURCE US CIRCUIT CITA*- SOLUTIONS THE BRICK. O HOPPERS ORSO MORT U EO' ROY MICREALS www.miltontoyota.com