1116H SCHOOL The Gýanadian'Champion, Tueeay, November 28, 2006 - A9 REPORT "1MUSTANG MESSENGER"9 1I.0I - Megan Cheemfa Harbi Nýait Cortney Coutombe MILTON DISTRICT 1081 SCIGOL Wow, did November fly right by or what?! With al of the things goîng on around the school, it's no wonder nobody even realized how quickly the month was flying by. Last Thursday the theatre rocked with a benefit concert put on by the Student Govemnment featuring two of our local school bands, Topp Crime and Stanxpunch! The students practised hard and put on an unforgettable show. Hopefully there will be more from these bands to come, for those who missed the show and those who want to hear them again and again. As the fali sports just came to an end, our winter teams are already practising hard and are well on their way into regular season play. The senior boys basketball team had a huge win over White Oaks last week, with the junior boys just falling short of a victory. And it's the girls turn to try their luck at volleyball this Wednesday as they face off against Bishop Reding. Go Blue! The Staîîgs are known for always giving, and helping out In the community. Next week, about 20 MDHS students are going to head down to Etobicoke to participate in the Habitat for Humanity Adopt-A-Day Challenge! The students and teachers will be finishing off houses for those in need for two days. t sbouid be a rewarding and enjoyable time for ail those who are participating. As Milton grows, our school becomes more and more diverse. This was very evident last week as the Diversity Club put on a Marketplace where students could purchase food from ail over the world. t was a great way to experience and learn about the different cultures around our school. Look out for more from the Diversity Club, as they are continuing to plan more ways of bringing attention and educating others about culture and different ways of life. That's al for this week, Sîangs! Your PrmOwned Vehicle Destination. Iow Mileage, Higl i ait & GREAT DEAI! CHWESLL SATISGATJEEP 2000 CHEV CAVALIER rtomîcal, 4 cylnder auto, air, AM/FM/CD, bucket neats, ABS. Sf k. #246953 $4,888" .L~5i)L.1. aUNtUO - 1j#ILD SEAI.S NU ONDI 1ION. ONLY b5,000 KM 4 cyl. diesel, 5 upd, pw, pdl, tilt & cruise, alloys, 4 cyl. autonir AM/FM/Casu Tilt, gan AM/FM/CD keyleuu erttry. Sf k. #044984 saver Stk. #230412. ONLY 309000 km CL $79,888" DIESEL 5.9L 6Cyl. ONE OWNER, SOLD AND SERVICED HERE nil services, aufo, air, pw, pdl, tilf & cramse, CD bon liuer, chrome wheelu 10ow pkg. fog bigbfsp. seufu Sfk. #166513 ONLY 60000 km $CALL E.C. DRUIT MIGH SCEGOL3 Hello agaîn' A itîtle less frustrated thts lime around, we are pulltng it together ltke a truc team. Yoor entrusted group has been ouI in the field gathering information to, bring il 1e, you FIRST! (luckily for you, only weekly) Here's our update in sports. Our junior ladies field hockey team is holding on proudly te, the firut place tille, proving that our Spartan girls can hold Iheir own (sticks) wiîh the besî of them. They've dominated boîh home ground and foreîgn lands. Noîhing cao hold esur ladies back now, and what could be better than chicks with sticks'? DODGEBALL! Back to our pre-sehool days ... or lasI week.... A wicked grin slid over Jeremys face as the dodgeball flew from bis handu and into the losing team's face, a point of glory for our boys on the courts. Team Punishment consisted of Shawn Aguiar, Mike Brown, Greg Cooper. Jeremy Hamilton, Jeff Lynch, and Nick Ronaît. Our fine players will be holding the E.C. Drury lags high at Iroquois Ridge for a Dodgeball Championship! We will be showing the big boys how 10 dodge a wrench. But wbho knosvs how to dodge a wrench better than a senior in auto class. ftghting over wbo gels to tighîen the next boIt on the '71 Chevelle? Car resîoraton is an annual projeet for the senior ato class, and ibis year's projeet will be the aforemenîioned Chevelle. Tbough the task at hand seems to be parttctilarly daunting as the car seems 10 presenîly lack a front end. However we have faith in our grease monkeys 10 bring Ibis baby back îap to speed. We have also noîiced that the schools infansous locker bay has felt a little eoîpîy laîely. Il started to make sense when we discovercd the three field trips going on one day afier the other. Firsî in hue was a trip 10 go sec the musical 'Wicked', led by the music classes. After that il was an advenîure by the senior hisîory class 10 sec 'Marie Antoinette' in theatres ai Square I. They dlaim il was 10 support their learning of the French Revolution. The last field trip is for the senior exercise science class 10 go sec the Olympie High Performance Tesîing and Sports Medicine Centre in Toronto. Stadenîs are finding themselves surprîsed 10 once again face a full day of sebool upon reîurning froru their trips. In conclusion, sve here aI E.C. Drury have oîîly oîne thîng 10 say 10 our l anking sehools, na na na na na!!!. ""THE ROYAL REPORT" Erin H1etheringlen, Lindsay lohaston Jua RitMoiu DISHOP REDINS HIONI SCIGOL Another wiek has past, which meaus a uew set of challenges and tniumphs for the students of Bishop Reding. One of these trtumphs includes the creation of an enviroumental club, who have placed Iwo labelled recycling bins in every classroom. Just a frieudly reminder studeuts, use the bIne recycling bîns at the back of the cafeteria and in each classroomn. The Dance Team has changed plans! lustead of meeting last Wednesday, as was printed in the Royal Report, the Dance Team will be meeting on Wednesday, November 29 after sebool. Jasi as we have gotten over the excîtemeut that the faîl sports brought, the wiuter sports have entered the spoîlighî with a vengeance. For the uext couple of months it will be aIl about boys hockey. girls volîcybaîl and boys baskeîball. The boys' hockey team had their season opener againut Notre Dame last Taesday. The game was very well played, each period more exciîiug than the last. The girls' volîrybaîl and boys' baskeibaîl teams bave their season openers tomorrow against our cross-towu rivaIs, the Milton District Mustangs. Everyone is eucouraged 10 come ont to these games and cheer on your Royals' Bisbop Rcding ts heading ont ou the town ibis week! Witb field trips ou several days. studenîs are getting a great opportunity to learu something uew and share wbat they've leamned witb others. Last Monday. the grade 10 History classes paid a vîsît 10 the Holocaast Center of Toronto. The trip was a chance to sec bow the tbousauds of lis'cs were affectcd by the Holocanst, and stadenîs were pnivileged to hear sarvivors tell their stories. Thc follosvîug day. Grade Il World Religion Studeuts got to experience what tbey's'e becu learuitg in a trip li several places of worship. This week. tbe BR Senior baud. Choiîr, and some grade 12 gaîtar stadents toared Miltons elemeuîary schools to perform for the studeuts (and bopefally future BR band members'î of Si. Peters and Guardian Augels. Both the performers and audience bad a loiitiffan' Anoîber way ta have fan thîs season is to give to those in ueed. The United Way draw, wbich eaded last Taesday, raised a lot of mouey that will be put to great uses in the coînmuîty. Spencer McFarlaud won tbree gold Leaf tickets, and Ms. Marchesan won an I pod. Moreover. the Christmas food dosve bas hegan, and both food and bygiene items are desperately needed. Items like non perishable food, shaîapoo, facial tissîtes, tuîothpaste, sagar and saIt are reqaested. and tbe due date is Nosember 30. Savîug the besi uews for last. the aunual Suosvflake BaIl is December 8! With elegaut decorations and a delîgbtfal dinuer, it is sare to be the hîgbligbt of iis season for aIl senior stadenîs. Tickets went ou sale today. and will be sold ai Tack Sbop utîl December 7. We hope everyois gaiîîiug streugtb and insight tbroagb mauy challenges conuered. As we continue to groiv and learu. let us always keep au open mind to the btgger picture of life. Yoîîr lusîde Sources wish yoa love and lau.hier over tbe nexi sveek, and always. à 1 /,-1 à- \ý 1 ýORT _Id er.ec