Don't warm up your car in closed garage: fire dept. The Milton Pire Deparîmeur is urgîng resideuts to be alert to carbon monoxide dangers alter fireigbters responded tu a couple of incidents tbat bad tbe potental for tragedy Tbe first occurred October 29 at a residence ou Norringtou Place. A mnan started bis car and lef itî in bis closed garage t0 warm up. His four-year olîl cbild soîne- lîow ended up niithe garage, aunl began experiencing symptoms of carbon irnouoxide inhalation. Euiergeucy crews were called. Halion EMS andcl'ire per- sonnel arrived, veuîîlated tbe garage and atîeurled to tbe cbild. Hîgb levels of carbon iniouoxide were detccted - and ibai was after tbe garage biad been ventîlated. Fortuuately police saîd tbe cbild recovered. lu tbe second incident November 7, lire crews responrl ed t0 au alarm activation caîl on Derry Road. Tbey dîscov- ered bigb levels of carbon monoxide, also iu a closed garage. is suspected tbe owner bad beeu îdliug bis car to warm it up, but be deuied doing so, saîd a spokesperson froîn ibe Milton Pire Deparîment. Traîiig teebuician Barry Kory said carbon inrtnrxidle is a potential ibreat at al l imes of tbe year, but espeeially in tbe colder weatber because of tbe ueed t0 turu ou fur- naces, ebimneys and otber carbon înouoxide-producîng appliauces. Carbon monoxide is a colourless, odorleus gas ibats prdcdwbeu tbere's incomplete combrustion rof fuels. Cts called tbe silent killer because iî slowly' iucapaci- taies, begînniug witb Blu-like symptoins aud leadîug tri unconsciousuess and eventually deatb. With s0 much happening in the world today, its more important than ever to be informed about your own home town. We pride ourselves on being Multon's main source for local com- munity infor- mation, bring- ing the latest news to our Thanks for reading! Thé Canadiani Champion, Tuesday, November 28, 2006 - A7 Child care facility is set for construction G round silI 500fl break for a new cbild care facility ai Bruce rrail Public Scbool. Construction is expected 10 get underway next month for the centre, wbicb wîll offer liccnsed cbîld care for 64 children aged 18 months to senior kindergarten, and wrap up by next surnmer. The facility cornes about as a result of ihe provincial Best Siart strategy - a 10-year plan designed to give Oniarios ebjîdren the besi start in lfile. Iu Halton, an extensive network of- pariners inclriding the Our Kids Network, sehool boards andl Halton Region worked together to develop a plan that allocates Haltons Besi Start funding to expand ehild care for cbîl- dren from uewborn 10 six years old. "This new cbîld care centre repre- sents an investinent i our chîldreu today ihat wîll reap considerable rewards for our comrnnity iomorrow, said Halton Regional Chairruan Joyce Savolîne. 'This kind of- rnvestrnent is possible because of the sbared vision of tbe Best Stant partners and tbe commt- uit>' Its au excellent example of wbat is possible wben we alI work togetbei lu prit cbîldreu fîrst. Tbe commraci l operate tbe cbîld care facîlîîy bas been awarded to tbe Milton Coîninrunity Resource Centre (MCRC). MCRC. crrrenily operates tbe belore and after scbool prograin at Cliris Hadfield Public School and wîll also operate tbe saine program at Bruce -frail We want 70E to have Completely Satisfled 'Wl SÇI.LLÇATÉS#rAC"iON- Auto Service FALL SERVICE SPECIAL Peace-of-Mind Maintenance Service $4995t n un ua 5lires 01 5W30 Mopri wn Monur Oe it ler [ube iuere auplicae) kjeinnup vhrn R~ otauion o014 tires bl Peuce-of-Meu irspecljun id rouie ri'eteneor t n iirs lAur ,r'u u,ua gsim ep,'difr J, ii sEC! 'bSet ni,,ldS. eI $5995* lS i r Pre ssr opuI ere lgm p ýjTo adtmn JSer in n useso ripc Public Sehool, as well as the full day cbild care program. 'Ibis is an example of what eau bappen wbeu scbools, farnilies aînd cornmunity service providers work together to support learnîug,- said Wayne Joudrie, dîrector of educaîîou ai the Halton District Sebool Board,. We know that provîding a beiter stant in the early years will help stridents do better in school, stay in sebool louger and like sebool more." Tbe location of tbe centre wîtbîn Bruce Trail Public Sebool f ollows tbe Besi Start vision of offernug a seamless rlay otf early learuîug aud a ueîwork of services for faînîlies and cbildren. The selectir)u process for tbe Milton site was based on population growtb, cbîld eare eapaeiîy and ueeds. Bruee Trail is one of five Besi Start cbîld rare sites iu developrnu, whicb will offer 200 uew lîceused ebild care spaces across Halton. MaÀnfacrer's -aehoe eSae TELANDSINIFAANE ELEIONS I DV PAERIBOM -BOXE1SUN CD PAE-RS CIIECLC RDIO E LERS IKRAOKE LNASNI New iID IDIWIE ~lfl e ulr FLASH MEMORI We Acc ept: VISAoM i i.WJVt 1UnUM..LM FrUM 1 ICARDS -Redmond Group LIL 6185 McLaughlin Road - Mrîsîîîauga ON L5R 3W7 See the Ligt instant rebate Compact Fluorescent Lights Seas:nal instant reliate Lgt More Energy Efficient. Last Longer. Save Money. Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs (CFL-s) use 75% leus electricity and last up 10 8 times longer. Imagine f'ciw much you could save by replacing al pour incandescent bulbs with ,- F I Z 'F !1 ý 1 , glten youi electricity wÈOS t oo' Look for Instant Rebates In Vour Mail* and at Participatîng Retailers. 0 Ma0ing w l taise place durtg the f r 2 weeks of Occruer OSer expires Nouember 30, 20064 ;eI:1- -nu i qui Ri ],à' jýj r z] 1 1