A6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 28, 2006 OPINJION Change inevitable Electoral reformn may be a cure tor what ails Ontario voters. But whai's the right medicine? With a municipal election just under our beit - boast- ing the usual dîsmal turnout of around 30 per cent - and a provincial election loom- ing, there are recumrng comn- plaints among voters that indicate the need for change. Poor voter turnout is one. Many eligible voters just don't bother to cast their bal- lots - why do so if it isn't really going to matter, îhey feel. Others see no point since our current electoral systemn, sometimnes called Fîrst Pasi the Post, is usually a hoise race beîween the îwo major parties, the Liberals and Conservatives. Some say tbe answer is proportional representation where votes cast are equal fer representation. Il would elirninate our curreni system that allows a party wiîh say. 40 per cent of the vote, toi formn a majority goverfment. The caution is that witb candidates drawn from a party list, local representa- lion may be lost. Somte say local reps tow the party fine anyway but still there are local elected represeniatîves wbom voters can caîl for help or to complain. As the Citizen,' Assembly on Electoral Relorm in Ontario gathers public input and ail eyes look to sysîems elsewhere as alternatives, is very possible for tbe assem- bly flot tor opt for an existîng systemn, but to create its own. Someone creaîed the cur- rent sysîem and limes do change. Readers Writeqc Sonri your lettera to rrltooed@haltoosearch.com or diop thom off at 875 Main St. E. Town's parking survey was Criticism regarding EFW a waste of time and money site highly questionable DEAR EDITOR: Tbis leiter is in response 10r Murray Iownsend's October 20 columo regardîng tbree-bour parking. I've lived in a newer subdivision of Milton for four years. Duning ibese years, I've paid numerous parking tick- ets for parking in front of mily home in excess of îbree bours. I've also paîd parking tickets for out-of-town famîly minembers who've parked over îhree hours while visiting. Wben we firsi moved fer the area, we were sent a survey asking wbeîber we preferred îhree-hour parking on both sides ol the road or 24-hour parking on one sîde. We, of course, requesîed the 24-bour parking. We drive fairly large vebîcles thai don't easily fit in the drive- way Ici alone the iiny garage. Ater review of the survey; tlic Town inlorrncd us îî would be the ihree-bour parking bylaw that would be cnforced. Wc were also informced of how the dcci- sion was made. As per Townscnd's column, approval ii lii' i'iiiiiî Il , î ls i Fn' i e r c e ni don't reply are assumed to have cbosen tbe thre bour parking. Tis could bc the reason an exemption bas neyer been grantcd to, ihose wbo request it. If it was 51 per cent of those who responded, I bet there would be more exemptions granîcd. For most people, il it doesn't affect thein, why would they respond? Since our three-hour parking bylaw bas been introduced, ibere have been 'No Parking' signs put rip on tbe other sîde of the road. So, yes, we had the survey, but the Town proceeded îo, do what if wanted anyway and as far as fim concernied, the survey was a waste of filme and mone Finaîll> regarding the liînît of 18 luies for overnight parking considera- tion within a year. Esscntially, the Town is now dicîaîîng how many flmes a year you cani have visitors. t had four difîco- eni fainily, members on four differeni nights in a two-week pcriod. My aver- age oui-of-iown visits are nmore iban 18 a year. Sorry Morfi, yoii can't visit until neicX vcar, 'ouic r' m 18 parking consul- xho don i caic or don't nccd flic exemption and taîl to, rcply. Those who We do need a fair-priced grocery sto DEAR EDITOR: Thank y'ou Eryn McCartney. 1 ihought 1 was the only one who irav- elled oui of town 10 save on groceries. I would like to support economie dcvclopmnî within Mi] tainly flot for basic groci are oîitrageously priced. SH DEAR EDITOR: This is wî'itten in respronse to a letter t0 the editor from Barbara Halsaîl, published November 10. While I don't disagree tbat ils better for use less and/or recycle wbaî products we do use, ils also quite obvtous that Halsaîl isn't thinking the whole idea îhrough. The Region of HaIton Web site states that the recy- dling goal is 60 per cent diversion. Thats very comn- mendable as ites one of the highest rates in the GIA. But stop and think what this means. Forty per cent of ail garbage is sîill going to the landfill- That to me isn't a good number. Halsalî's ides of recyclmng is grand, but it isn't very realistie. She seemns t0 wanî toi pile further amnounts of trash in the landfill, as opposed ter using a technology she dlaims is ufiproven. Halsaîl doesn't men- tion that Peel bas had an Energy-From-Waste (EFW) facility for at least 10 years thats consistently below provincial regulations for emissions. Instead, she sites three examples in other countries. Granîed , t.his province hais closed other incinerators, but tbey used antiquaîed technology and couldn't mccl today's more sîrîngent guidelines. If a plant can meet/exceed regulauions and produce power thats dear- ly needcd, wby docs Halsaîl flot approve? As far as bringîng iii wasîe from outside the region, if the State of Michigan closes ils border to garbage from Hat f fiot'1lîtîîîP'îîox îlie abhle to <lhil it" n T. STEWART clients therc. Vuîl lialsali i ather iî pile up aîîd icduLCC the life of tbe current landfill, or 'burn il' with minimal MILTON emissions and power made? re h re ll~y, cnie t a truck driving tortheland- Iobut cer- emissions than one dniving to Micbigan, maybe that Lri, ha sbould be taken inter consideration as well. er> itms hat Just something tel think about. IARON LOBB DAN TURTON MOFFAT MLO ZbeM (&anabiîan (1fbampion Milon' CommunityNevvpaper Sinhe 1860 875 Main St. E., Milton, Ont. L9T 3Z3 905-878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertiaing Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 www.mnitoncanadianchampion.com Publisher Neil Oliver Advertising Director Woody McNab Managing Editor Karen Micell Production Manager Tom Colas Circulation Manager Chariene Hall Office Manager Tani Casas The Canadian Champion, published every Tuesday and Friday ai 875 Main St E., Milion, Ont., L9T 3Z3, in a division of Metrotand Media Groap West - Groap Pablnher Ian Oliver Adîertng.nqîaeped il th~e condition niai, in the eei ypographical erroen liai porion oftihe adver iîîîg spàîe oiîopedbyihe eînnelî item, inqetheimilh a îeasoîaiie ailowance for signature, il noir be înaîqed tor, but lhe balance ofthle adveriemeni wnIl te paid tor ai1the appli.îaie laie. The pubfse 111 elenues lhe righl lo caiegoice aduenuseenenil i 011111e CCAB Audited ùO()CM Ontaio communiiy er Newspapern Assouitaion <~ A Canadian communî5y C C A Newîpapeis Association g I ubuiban Newipapeis U!F I oftbmeîna Hano Heasnilar UNITED WAY OF MILTON iV aUCrION MILTON SANTA CLAUS PARADE YYMCA IH h, %fiil Showcase Miltor 5 iGALA Awards I i , 9