Champion Country, Tuesday, November 28, 2006 -B3 W49ffQMN-»f E f W. are Ilesturlng our regillar assuimeat of outtadinq Chrimas Items, wlth over 400 new deslgn(- Including officiai NHL Chrlumas ires ornements. This yoar we have alto added a tantal 08W Collection trmm THT Dosions whlch Inciviles over 1000 home dasor product - neyer betore affsrmd I Canada en tbis usais. Wu Accpt W8A, AMtrcar4' Debit Card aod aven Casçh Bec.7,l8,s8 TIuudys leOn - 8 on 8 dasM -4 8119 HoIDutO cris. M»lo, ontari 905-870-9902 x313 a VMdud.ud..cu031 Quarry testing application prompts public opposition By Dianne Cornish SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION A campaign 10 send a flurry of e-mails to, the Ministry of the Environrnent (MOE) in hopes of halting the testing of an inproven groundwater recircu- have wvorking smoke a arma. Ineta;il them 1 n your home or cottage todlay!1 lation system ai a proposed quarry in northeast Flamborough near Carnpbellville is gamning momentum. Friends of Rural Communities and the Environment (FORCE), a grass- roots citizens group protesting the proposed Si. Marys Elamnborough Quairy, sent its objections to the mimînîsr last week asking for rejection of the Permit to Take Water (PTTW) application fbled hy CBM Aggregatcs of St. Marys Cement last month. -see PLENTY on page 84 1M IDLIIiBIS FOR RI1L of Voua ENTERTRININO 11FB FRESH FROM OUR BUTCHER PREPARED BY OUR Poultry Gourmet Desserts IRP'f , nrIkGourmet Take-Away Meals I4G-N7/I Once again, Royal LePage Meadowtowne Realty is sponsoring the Santa for a sufficient social interaction to receive a gift during the bol iday season. Thei r requests are written on a paper ornament, and hung on the Christmas tree in the Royal LePage lobby. Memnbers of the public and our own sales representatives are encouraged 10 choose an ornaînent frorn the tree, purchase the item on the ornamient and bring it to the office, \\ Idj)pIig îinÀuÀ~5 uituUiI ROYAL LEPAGE Meadowtowne Realty, B-, Idepedenl Ow e nd per ie Please stop by our office at 475 MAIN STREET E. (beside Rogers Video), choose a decoration from our tree, and give Ihe gift of Christmas cheer (o a senior Ibis year! Order FRESH Premium Grade A rTURKEY iHOLIDAYS Gift Baskets Available O)RDER YOURS TODAYI ogXPG ECO5CR5 0-8695 Hauts: Mon. Fri lOam-7pm, Sat. lOam-5pm, Sun. Closed 2850 Argentia Road, Mississauga ---------- ------- M