Champion's Christmas Bureau Fund needs a really big boost The Canadian Cliareilon,, Tuesdey. Noeember 28, 2006 - A3 The Champions Christmas Bureau Fund for the local Salvation Army is getting off to a slow start, and orgamizer Sheena Cameron is worried. Its not iookmng very good," said Cameron, who's been orgamizing the fundraiser since the beginning, about 25 years ago. But shes optimistic Miltonians will recognize the need that exists and meet it. So far, the fund has collected $2690.86, which is a combina- tion of 10 donations from the public, plus money raised by The Champion throughout the year for events including dress down days and barbecues. The goal this year is $25,000. Its 50 no family goes wth- out a turkey dinner and every kid and teen gets a gift," Cameron said. Last year, $21,418 was col- lected. What would go a long way toward meeting the goal would be for local companies to make donations, Cameron said. But, she added, every gîft, no macler how smaii, îs appreciat- cd. Residents can drop off money donations at the office of The Champion, 875 Main St. E., between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays. There are also, two bins ready to coileet new, unwrapped toys and non-perishabie food items. Donations wiii be coiiected until December 21. Most criminals flot as lazy: police 0 from GUNMAN on page Ai the vehicie drove away, Hodgson said. It was iast seen heading southbound on Trafalgar Road. Hodgson said he doesnt recail ever heaning of a drive- through robbery in Haiton or anywhere else. "Most of our criminals arent as iazy,' he said. The employee did what he should have, he added - he gave the thugs what they want- ed, which is what he advises anyone in a similar situation. 'Just hand over the money and make as good an observa- tion as you can," he recom- mended. Athough Miltonians con expect more robberies as the town grows, Hodgson saîd this was an isoiated incident and shouidn't incite fear. "itfs stili a ver)y very safe community in Halton, and Milton in particular," he said. The driver is described as a black maie with a deep voice. He was weaning a dark mask and a dark-coloured hooded sweatshirt. The passenger cLn only be descnibed as maie. They were driving a silver, four-door vehi- cie, possibiy a Pontiac. Police are asking anyone with information - no matter how seemmngiy insigmificant - to cail the Milton Criminai Investigations Bureau at (905) 825-4777 or (905) 634-1831, ext. 2415, or Cnime Stoppers at 1 -800-222-TIPS (8477). Stephanie Thiessen can be reached at sthiessen@mDriiîoncana- dianchampion.coni. ~lb lb ï ~l bI À lb OORO OR jR OR 58/la L OR410g S ÇJ 32 00g W I1 /ooaj 1.10100 SPECIA LS IN EFFEC TFROM1TLESDA YNO VEMBER 28 TH RGLRSOEHUS Bo rO MONDAY' DECEMBER 4TH 2006. WHILE DUANTITIES LAST MnTur.Rý a,.7p'I joI 327 Bronte Street S. # White Oaks Plaza lu 1 90-85-0i303 j 2000 INC 20 ê uo 2067011WECI1~~ Fresh Home Maýde