Region off< The Region is now offening educa- tion and outreach programs that encourage cveryone in Hairon to increase the amouns of waste diverted from the landfill. The concept focuses on mnforming people about the importance of the three Rs - reduce, reuse and recycle. New initiatives are being developed in co-operation with the Halton Catholic and district school boards to bning the iýwaste diversion message to the next generation of Halton residents. "Lis more important than ever that we encourage responsible waste man- agement habits," said outgoing Halton Region Chairman Joyce Savoline. "One of our primary goals in our Solid Waste Management Strategy (SWMS) is to, educate Halton residents and particularly our young people on responsible waste practices through enhanced promotion and education of our diversion programs." The enhanced program includes workshops, presentations, tours, edu- cational resources, displays, promo- tional campaigns, special events and participation in festivals and fairs. Some of the free education and oui- reacb programs offered by Halton Waste Management Services include: -Elemenîary scbool worksbops - Designed for pnimary, junior and inter- mediate students, the scbool workshop focuses on the tbree Rs. Students will see examples of the amount of waste they generate each day and lean how thai wasse is cubher recycled, composîed or put in a landfill. Tbey'll also learn bow to reduce the amount of waste their lunches generate, as well as ways to increase tbeir class and home recy- ding efforts. - Higb scbool wojkshops - Lt cov- ers issues in waste management, the recycling process, composîing and landfill operations. The worksbop also discusses ways to promote recycling wiîhin the higb school. e Community group worksbops - Waste diversion worksbops are offered for youtb, service, cultural and reli- gious clubs and organîzations i Halton. Duning the worksbop, waste reduction sactics including 'lîtterless' lunches, recycltng and reustng strate- gies wtll be discussed. The waste man- agemnents proccuss will also he prcsented. Chtldrens groups can also have wasse rcduction-theîned recreational actîvi- tics încludcd as paît oft heir workshop. e Conimunitv and school group tours of the Hatton Wastc Management Site (HWMS) - fakec a totir and Icaîn how the HXVN4S saly and rcsponsîhly manages the Region's garbage and how waste diversion programls hetp reduce fihe amnount of garbage endîng up ni thse landftll. The tottr takes appro.inately 45 minutes and a tour leadercius provid- cd. Groups are responsible for school bus transportation to and Iron tlice fHWMS, as well as durîng thic tour. cornmnunit group tours ai e ,vaitahte \Xt,t.i\ i-ii and d. 'd). 1 hsI up *Bisinmess prograns- \Vorkshops for businesses are olfered to prom-ote waste diversion and conservation prac- tîces xvithin iheir organizations. Waste reduction tactics încluding tlitterîcuss lunches, recyclîng and reusîng strate- gies will be discussed. Besi prac lices in energy conservation xvill also be pre- sented. Thse Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 28, 2006 -Al15 injurieskU more ers recycling education programs hlrnud 1 ihan au other causes of deaih Workshops and tours are subjeci to Halions wasîe management education, click on 'Garbage and combined. Ta eRe Cross avaîlabîlîsy and should be arranged ai and ouîreacb programs contact the Reyln'adte n Euainad Isau course. leasi one month in advance. Region ai (905) 825-6000, e-mailReyLnadthnoEucînad For more information about or vîsît Ouîreach' Ste# C7000 CARGOAN ~LARIT145 um~5.4L V8, Leather -- un Captains Chairs, 20" Aluminum 4.9%/ Wheels, Chrome 6L Dese EnîneStep Bars, Boxliner Stk# F6004 AVAILBLE Stk# S701 5 PURCHASE36 MONTH RED CARPET LEASE MONTHLY PAYMENTS SALE PLUS $2500.........$504 M1H PRICE TAXES S4 3 MTH PARTSI& E BUULT F OR LIFE IN ONTARIO@ t 20,000km/year ed carpet lease, taxes & lcesse extra. *Prce ptus taxes, Lic & Protecîsr Plus. Limited time affer See dealer for Efi detailta M