Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Nov 2006, p. 8

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A8 -The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 21, 2006 ~Vist us at~!lJR T M T Teens help kids with homnework in 'The Club' By Stephanie Thiessen CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF ct A s ayoung oy' n school, trent I mil didn't learn tbe saine way as the' other kîds. Diagnosed xih attention deficit disorder (ADD), Brent had trouble locusing and found it bard t sit stili. "I haci probleros pa> tng attention n class," bc said. Fortunaiely, be biad som-e teacbers wbo allowed bimn to learn ninbis owni way A French teacher was pariicularly heipful; if bc had too mnuch petit-up eniergy; bc was per- mitteil ii run laps around tihe scbotl, lic satd. Brent also took advanîage oif a tutuîrtng pitîgrai, wshtcli gave hit the esîta lielp bc needed wiîh bis schtutilork. Ioday Brent. I17, is a tutîr luinsell sitlî a new program ihat was lautncbed last week. The Club is an alter-schl o bînework prograîn 1)1 Bîg Brothers Bg Sîsiers (BBBS) tif Halton. The once-weekly prtîgrain pairs teen tuiîrs/inenîors wiîb chltdren who nîigbî not have the opportunity fm or onework help due to fînancial reasons or parents working shtifts. The Club is supervtsed hy acluli vtlun- teers wiîb îeachîng, social work or other rel- evant expertence workîng wîîb kids. "Win-win situation" The program was launcbed at Our Lady ni Viciory Sebool lasi luesdlay' and ai J.M. Denyes Publie Scbool Wednesday. "iîs a win/win situation," saîd Cathy Trauimann, Club co-ordinator for BBBS Haltii. "Local teens wîll earn iheir communit>' service boums in a reall>' ewarding way' and cbîldren will have iheir self-esîeem boîîsted by finally hinisbing their bomnework." The bigh scbool volunteers are rccruiîed hy BBBS Halion staff, and are encoumaged to participate if tbey bave an average higber than 70 per cent. Friendlintss and flexibiliiy are also important, said a spokesperson from BBBS Halion. The Club bas been running successfully ai a number of Oakville pnimary scbools for more than six years. Brent's own dificulties leaning make him parîicularly suited for îuioring, he said, because he knows wheme studenîs wbo mighî bc havîng trouble wiîb iheir homne- work are coming from. 'li's someihing 1 can relaie to wîîb the kids," Brent said alier the launching ceremo- ny a J. M. Denyes Sehool. His îutee is nine-year-old Naihaniel, a freckle-laced grade four student who obvi- GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION TEEN TUTORS: Above, Nathantel, 9, enjoys a fun mathematics card game as Brent Truil - a Milton District High School student- looks on durîng an after-school session with 'The Club'. At left, fellow Milton District Hîgh School student Venesa Vjay tutors nîne-year-old Austin in his reading and mathemnattes. ously lnoks up in Brent. Asked why bes geîîing a tutor, Naîbaniel said: "I îlîougbî îî would be fun." Ht said Breni will help bîm w\itb any assîgnmenîs lies baving trouble wiib. But Tht Club is about more iban geîîîng hornîwomk dont, Bretît said. "its about learnîng in be ith otlier peo- ple, aîîd co-optrating, and heîîîg a teatît player," hc said. Although hîgh scbool siudeiits are required to accumulat a certain iîurber tif communiiy service hours to graduat, Breni tht Milton District l]îgh Sehool student already bas al bis equircd lîours froîîî coaching a lacrosse ieam. Tht rîhbon-cuîîing ceretiion>' was attenîd- cd by Mayor Gord Krantz, wlîo said hes îîleased studenîs have ibis npporiuniiy I get asked a loi wlîy I'm so înîeresîed in young people. Do y'nu know wby?" he asked tht stucîttts suîîîng in front of bim. "Because we're so awtsoint?" ont student asked. "Because we're tht future?" anoiber guessed. nigbî. Al l 'm doîng is lonking afier my future." Tht launching ol ihe îwo Milton Clubs is possible îhanks to a ibret ytar grant of $109,000 from teOnîtario Tmllîuîn Foundation. IThe Milton Commuitt> uiîd bas also suppnrîed the expansion olfThe Club i Miltotn. To fînd (oui mîome abîout volunietring wÂiîb Tht Club or otlier BBBS Halton pro- grains, caîl (905) 878-8840 tir visit wwwm.bhbshalton.ca. Siephaît î' Tltiîsscii (titi be ict-i led cii sain îiiats îot ss îy tis panticipating. In tact, Nrantz ciiuckled and t eplied: "' hai tteseî6uîtitîitduîlninoni. LiV~ Li'%N"8"10îýýL4%w% Laurier Plaza Cogeco uawle 500 Laurier Avenue Channel/4i(/14 Milton, ON L9T 4R3 Chann l 14905-878-9306

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