Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Nov 2006, p. 7

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Van ablaze in seconds collar and hegan to pull him ihrough the %indow. Yelling for hielp, Coogan was assisted by another motorisi, Sieve Hudson, [rom the Oritîta area. The>' inanaged 10 get Bajwa out of harm's way: Within seconds, the entire van was ahia7.e. "IU I had literally been another 30 seconds 10 a minute later, he'd be dead," Coogan said. The two men were taken 10 hospital -Coogan for culs and hruises to his arm, Bajwa for a fractured pelvis. Thanks to Coogan, Bajwa's now recuperatmng ai home. "If il wasn'î for Darren Coogan, they wouldn't have even found hones on me," said the 12-year Milton resideni, explaining it would have heen too laie lw' ihe ime rescue crews arrived about 20 minutes afier the crash. Lookîng hack, hoth Ba wa and Coogan saîcl they're surprised more peuple didn'î stop to help once the flames hroke oui. Tlîcrc was aticlasi one low truck dniver nearhv who stayed in his truck and didn'i iiffer assistance, they said. "People slowed down, ruhher- necked, and drove on," Coogani saîd with disgusî. "People have no compas- sion whatsoever.' Personnel rom the Vaughan Fîre and Rescue Service, who respondecl to the scene, wanî 10 mnake sure Coogan's exiraurdinary actions donit go unrecog- nîzed. Depuiy Fîîc Chief Larry Bcntley saîd the ire deparîmnent is preparîng to give hlm a civ il citation and ks looking înîo lederal and prov incial rccogniiion. He agreed ihat Bajwa lîkely would've dîed xiîhoui Coogan. fit was truly an aci of hcroism- as [ar as we'1re concerned," he tolcf The Champion. As l'or the cleer ihai startcd i ail, it was likely' looking for a mate, said John Almond, arca superx'îsor [or the Aurora district of the Minisîry of Natural Resources, since is deer hrceding sea- son. 206,, u extra effort, recyclino saves a lot! Ose tan of recycled papersavsptpio 17 trees, Recycling paper, I here's a heîghîened danger of1 cleer wandcring onto roads ai ihîs îtune of y'car, he saîd. When the ncwlound lrîends met agaîn in the hospital days afier the inci- dent, whaî sîruck, Coogan inost was Bajwa's young wife who Just sohhed", he said. With hîs yourig family, newhorn hahy and a new house, "That poor hug- ger had a lot b lîve for,'"( oogan saîd wîîhouî mincîng words. He added that sînce Baýjwa's a diesel mechanie and his Jetia TDf runs on diesel, he's expectîng an oul change or lwu plus mayhe a quesadîlla rom Montana's. And, come lu, think of' iî, that was his favourite work shirt thai was ruined ini action, he said, laughing. Bajwa has no prohlem with any of- Coogan's goiad-naîured, haîf îoking recfuests. I say hes an angel sent hy God.y Sie'phanic Thicsscti con hbe' ,ice l ai stiliesscni0miliitiaahinpiin.c îm. We are proud to Introduce.... Megan Bradshaw Reglstered Massage Therplat I " Trlgger Point Therapy " Lymphatic Drainage " Relaxatien Massage " Pregnancy Meacae The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, November 21, 2006 - A7 Rotary 1V/VVeb auction held this week Once agaîn, the 1lalion Rotary TV/Wehb Auction will gîve residenîs a chance îu have l'un, hid for unique items and help local youuh programs... aIl ai the saine time. Participants can make their hids on-fine in real lime, or phone in. The auclion wîll he hroad- cast un [V Cogeco Cahle 14 Eriday and Saîurday [rom 5:30 p.m. îu midnîghî. "We have a great selecîîun of *Myeaacl al ease *Swedlsh Manage *Deag Tissus Massage *Breadt Manag SAME DAYAPPOINTMENT/ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS " Chiropractie Care 0 Manage Therapy a Homeopathlc Care " Acupuncture e Ultraaound Thesapy * Custom Orihetica " Inlury Rehabilitation * IFO & TENS Therapy a Exercis Pregrame itemns for sale andl theres hound îu be some great deals," said organizer I arclyn Keyworîh. "Besi of ail, the pruceeds goi lu suppoirt our various 2007 youih programs in Halton.' BicI items have heen gener- ously donaîed hy local husi- nesses. Proceeds will support youîh prugrams includîng lîîeracy initiatives, school hreakfasts for financîally-challenged kîds, chîld auîîsm services, youth drop-in centres and hursaries. [o regîster, hid on-line or vîew the items, visit www.hal- tonrotaryauciion.ca. C heck hack frequently, as new items will he constantly added. A lîst of the items is also puhlished in ioday's Champion on pages B5 îo B8. To place your hîd hy phone the nighîs of the auclion, cal (905) 693-8291. [17-4yi a le* 'aI the rnany ra- SuqmlslOf -Tires Syafems sont ta recycle and use *MOT Sgf*ty *AIr Condlmnig *e0Oe Retre DQI recycled pradacts By InepectI Sem» DRIV cuttieg down on wasie Choose EXPed.ne, Chffle R.iIlablity, Ch»»s... We Breathe and usieg more eco-friendly pradacta, me car keep Milton 'and oar planeiaheallty ,j ~ i beauifal place to lice.C, à -40 4 e e ~ ~ KEVN IACKLOCK I 57pSI,IIIIUl] E, I$LTO 7mI9 Ontario Property Owners Cancellation of the 2006 and 2007 reassessments means that MPAC wiII only mail Property Assessment Notices ta owners whose property has experienced a change since last year. You will receive a Notice if: " There has been a change in the ownership of your property; " Your sohool support designation has changed; " There has been a change in value resuiting from a Fequest for Reconsideration or an Assessment Review Board decision; " Tiiere has been a change in the property that will either increase or decrease its value (eg. addition or remnoval of a garage); or " A structure was newly bulit. If you have any questions or concernis about your Property Assessment Notice, please contact us. MPAC Office - Halton / Peel Region 6745 Century Avenue - Suite 1 Mississauga Office Hours are 8:00 ar..10 5:00 p.m* *Open until 6:00 p.m. December 4 - 8, 2006 1 866 296-MPAC (6722) 1 877 TTY-MPAC (889-6722) www.mpac.ca nIFFeR UNICIPAL PROPERTY aýc AmSSESSMENT CORPORATION

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