Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Nov 2006, p. 22

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22 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday November 21, 2006 deeomenW aetefli enye Sales/Business Tmrinee Located in Milton. Ontario, w' v .'î(,sooi ia w-'i ,qi.idisil, vsiliI background in business, rnrketii,i iii h sv i. opportunity 10 grow as me espiri, vii Ni iii ii , , i vio Starting in cur costomer servicoe vsîviiniii v li levîrii île business rom the grounct up Y ia'ti 'i ' . 0i ý'j " , is iv vil se initiative, and enthusiasm 15 vand ' viîlvivîut il lif) team environment. Fluent vii i v, hvuiii l 's' iiu'e We ofer a competitive salary ,it i, l tjvI ,i,,',î'l i i li ' opportunity to juin a progre"-,sv'e. *ih.ti lease apply in wrtîng, hy v, iih,, i Human Resourcea, ROXUL lnc., 551 Harrop Drive, Milton, ON M9 3H3 Fax: (905) 878-8077 e-mailt: joba@roxul.com Wv appeeuie eeesi and tk au/ apicavaeleuoiiyte ccvev cevîidevauves vii 5e oneaced ROXUL Geerl Help 8 enelHelp E Geel H elp DiscoverYour Future wmmLguadian.com Are yos a dependable, deticaletipersen who thrives on safety and performance? Areyouu eeergetic andieekîng fras oppertunity to grow? AI Guardian Fiberglass, ce manufacture qualîlgu anti ene;rsnmentaliy frîend- y ibergiase building ineulation pruducîs, We are Iscateti vs Csuniy Rsad 124 (Highcay 24.) 25 minutes est of Guelph, 20 minutes nsrlh et Georgeown and ssth et Orangeville. PRODUCTION WORKER S14.43lhour le slart increasing la 16.56lhour afler 6 monlht (plus thîfl andi ceekend prtmîums aseragîng .72/heur> POTENTIALTO EARN OVER $40000 APTER t VEAR (more with overf (me) Wîlh eut 12-heur relatîng shit echedule, wsrk 15 shifts a menlh chers every ether weekend is a long ceekesti We offer competilive cages, excellent bene- flis, beniueestincenlîves. learsing eppertusiies asti an RRSPlpensîss plan. Appiy ta thie abeve posîition s perses asylime or mail year resame cîth reference information to: Human Resources, Guardian Fibergas 300 Mais Street, Erns, ON NOB lTO Telephuse: 519-833-9645 er toi] free 1-800-265-9123 Fax: 519-833-9749 Email' emickelscn@b urdias com * CsersT LOServIceNlrSOUTHBakys e Destin ers a Nigh t iSoe eSopenainenane beftwescon letrsis o a lpruneirdforiiappiyere Fudi! lriningpovie for allil pemositon Now khing tfolofi!prt U ne postions. e ahersM erictterks e BakCerk Ma *Assistant Overnight Grocery Manager *Bean Roast Clerk - Natural Foods Clerk email: crystal.godin@Ioblaw.ca fax attm Darlene. 905-861-2347 n abîau CIjaînpioit Clasallds ttacts Roadwo ,Wda ?wIolyee? & ifie mtoncanadianchampion.com JOB FAIR Monday November 20, 2006 lrsm 9.30 am te 2.00 1? pm ai thie Auditorium et the (redit Valley Hospital, Missag.Please cee postîngs ai entrante for tivsivvvvdirections 1 aditorium. We wiliite acceptiig applications and perferming interviews fer the foi- iowîng security positions le Torontov, Mississauga, Oakvîlie andi turlingten: Security Officers (F/T & P/T) -Hospital, tetaîl locations, tesîdestial tuildings anti Office Tomers Mobile Patrol Supervisors - Prevîess Experience teqaîreti Site Supervisors - Rtaîl Location Preference miii te gises ot se individuals wîth prevîess Casadian Secsrity Foperience or indîvîduais mth Law anti Security or Police Feunda- tises dîplomas. The atilingu te werk retational shifts, your Oms transporta- tien as meil as excellent rtten asti verbal communicativn skils vare alsu reqaîreti Il yo are usatie te attendi os the atove date, please lermard resame I0 Fax 416-498-9694 or e-mail humanresources@pplguard.com .Fer more informatise please cail 416-498-4000, Sacceseful candidates will be required to protide two pieces of Identification for the purpose of Security Guard licensing. NOW HIRING CSvislivlltIndvlH,iiv'y'v ,îv îcîî tîît l uialli tHiiic and Plttt' gi 11tuii ,tthEleV i ics tr iticitorii sttoný Visit our Job Fair tradler at: 1950 Aipplehy tUne, t3urlington, Ontario MiU1i daY l[oi ticd'y fin i iil'li lut ô i iii andi Salurday andi Sunday fromn 12 noon ho 6 p.m. unhil November 27, 2006 swIss (H A LET recognized leader in the development and manufacture of innovative electric power switching and protection 2à products for the power industry. Mechanical Technician Tho Person: The successful candidate is a hands-on and creative individual who thrives on challenge and aima to be an intogral part of a highly skîld manutacturing facilities grouip. A Colege Diplona in Mochanical Engineering, Tool Design or a retated field plus basic knowledge of Electnical, Hydrautic, Pneumatic and Assombly processes is requirod. The Position: Requires day-to-day troubleshooting with respect to S&C's manufacturing processes and equipment. Experience using Windows-baaed software (Microsoft Word, Excel and Outlook) is essential. Knowtedge of Computer Aided Design (CAO), PLC programming and Oracle eroulti be considered an asset. The candidate shosld be wel-disciplined in working with a wide range of personality types (ranging from assemblers to management tevels). S&C offers a competitive compensation and benefit package with meal opportunities for personal development. For a confidential consideration, qsalifîed candidates should forward their resumne with a covering letter to: Director Human Resources S&C Electric Canada Ltd. 12 90 Belfield Road Etobicoke, Ontario M9W 1G4 Or E-mail: dpatten@scelectric.ca We tivank ait applîcants in advance for ihvîr înlvresi and advîse tirat nn[y tnose candidates lis 5e inivrviewvd wil 5v contacivd. lMEDAT O*NNG The People Bank in Mississauga neede highly qualîtiet candidates le cerk al an Injectesn Meldîng cempany in Blles. WelderlFiters - S20fhr Solid MIG celdîng skills Ex.welding witmilti steel 1/î and Up Able le perferm cenneusas pave fti Slreng bise pnint readîng skîlle Overhead crase espenience Conîrol Panel Assemblers - S14/hr Perlons crnng et certrel pantin Able te cead schemnaic diagrame Able te erire a=crding le spece GrindertDebarrers - $14/hr Ablle te dnl l ap Use grnnting 15015 tosumeotir metals Ablle lv reati bise pnnts Prevîses machine ehop ep prelerre 9b Apply t0 adelesn@lhepesplebank.csm sor las 905-890-0094 îndîcalîng position desired. SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS Part-Tîme Hours, Perfect foi retievu and homemakers. If yns race alfec houre a day anti enîvy the compangu 0f chiltiren. please contact useat 905-877-2251 or 905-877-4448 Canadas largeot Furnture, Appliance anti Elec- tronc Retaîler s untiergoîng tht mout aggresse expansion program in sur companys hitory. Noc e yosr opportsni t 10beceme part cil ur cinnîng team anti enîoy tht benefîts, vecurulgu anti opportunities Leons hue 10o fer. We are carrently aeekîng enrhooîaorîc indîvisuals to NI the lollowîng positions for ytar rousti empîcymeer at our BURLINGTON location. F/T & P/T WAREHOUSE F/T & P/T FRONT OFFICE We offer competîtîve remuneratios packages anti excellent csmpany beriefits încluding, medîcal, dental, prescription tirsg & associate profit shurîng prsgram. Pleane tabmit pour renumne in pertsnto: Leons Furnilure 3167 North Service Rd, Buringlen, ON L7N 3G2 - F ll enei- You xO ULIt iWheCAN CmRm The -ffre -e s ADDMTONAL INCOME OPPORTUNITY Tyvpe of Woprk- I)oor-to-door newspaper delivery. Foîr Milton- Tuesdays and Fridays. For Oakville- Wcdnesdays, Fridays aud Salurdays. Y<vu Need- Reliahir vehidle (the larger the hetirr. At kcast 6 availahht hours, between 6AM-6PM, on delivery days. Strîîng scuse of commilment and responsihility. tPe tiffer- As many routes as you cao handie. AIl required delivuvry materials. Training and on-going communications and support. To explore, contat Bob a<(0) 637-8795. KIDS! KIDS! KIDS! --Ages 2+-- Wanted for TV & Movie Jobs! No Fees! Mes/ Women 16-65 yrs. Needuti for sume' No estrus Parents cai: (416)221-3829 LIGHT AND HEAVY-DUTY CLEANERS WANTED Georgetocn/M i ton Fall & Parl-lime. Oms trunsporltion reqaîreti Fax: 905-335-6006 E-mail: sunshine @sbmninc.net P/T POSITIONS CONCESSION aI Milton Arena Students Welcome WeekdayNîleekend Apyinspetion t& rqari fr Inpertion& Fax Resumne: 905-854-0813 Near Actes neetis relvable stable hvlp Frîiay Satarday anti Suntiay Tam -4pmn Transportation requvreti HEALTHY'S Nutrition Stores reqsîreo full & pari- lime mvtîcated Supplement Advisors Fax reoume 10oule: 905-913-1008 Email înfo@heulthys.ca Req ti immtdiately Fleible Shifts, On BusoRoutes, Short anti Long Term opportsnilîvs. Lîght Lîhtere, Sorters, Asoemblers Avait Hum!Boîl Oak CaIl ABL Employmtnt ai 905-631-2259 Or prt regieler ai ahlempisyment.com

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