Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Nov 2006, p. 20

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20- The Canadian Champion, Tuesday Nove Crf ýaè& atSale & Baars MiCr^ars ACTON HIGH SCHQjS 1thANN5.A uN rO 75 VXI AI 150 O> r MN AFI,- S & BAK~4 T he Artisanis' GaIIervI Wdey- Fid I.0m-p MitoON A e e for O Saton F ior more inia: 905-876-1609 Births imber 21, 2006 ffl DethsDeth CALLARD MILTON - Stanley V Callard passed away Thursday, November 16, 2006 atter a brief illness. Born November 30, 1922 in London, England t0 Elizabeth and John Callard. Stan was the Amateur Light- weight Champion orf Great Britaini for three years and a World War Two veteran of the RAF Bomber Command. Long lime- resident of Milton for 46 years, Stan moved 10 Canada with his wife Elleen in 1947. He worked aI Rockwell Internation- al and Maplehurst Correctional Facility. Survived by his wife Eileen Callard of Mil- ton, daughters Pat Crucefix and husband Michael, Gloria Wright, Pam Bindernagel and husband David, sister Florence Titch- marsh and husband Albert, brother Len Callard; 7 grandchildren - Corinne, John, Cheryl, Rick, Paul, David and Kevin as Weil as 5 great grandchildren- Michael, Madison , Mason, Travis and Jaxen. Plus, several nepfiews and nieces in both Canada and England. Special thank you t0 Peter Parent, Dr. Ivan HunIer and ail the wonderful staff at Allendale for their devotion and care. Public viewing will be held ai McKersie - Kocher Funeral Home on Wednesday, November 22 at 2-4pm and 7-9pm. Funeral wîil take place on Thursday, November 23 at 11am with re- freshments being served at the Milton Le- gion afterwards. In lieu of flowers, dona - tions f0 Allendale can be made at the McKersie- Kocher Funeral Home, 114 Main St. Milton, ON. L9T 1N5. Arrange - ments entrusted to McKersie- Kocher Fu- neral Home. *ingEomn vevonU -OLLERENSHAWIPEMBRY -Mark 011e- renshaw and Carol Pembry are thrilled 10 announce h birth of Olvia Sage on October 13, 2006 weighing 5lbs loozs, Weîcomned by first-imne grandparents Ted & Nancy Oîîerenshaw and ovng grand- ma Noreen Haner Special fhanks t0 the wonderful maternity staff at MDH. *31 th HAIST, Norman Edward Peacefully aI Alexander Place, Water- down on Thursday, November 16, 2006, Normnan Edward Haist, in is 901h geai, formerly of Georgetown. Beloved bus- band of the laIe Waverly Jean Haist le Cadwell),. Loved father of Michael (prede- ceased), David, Richard, Stephen, Bill, Nancy, Paul and Patti. Fondly remem- bered by several grandcbîldren and great- grandcbildren, Privafe Cremnation. Pri- vale famnily Memoriat Service was held aI the KITCHING, STEEPE & LUDWIG FU- NERAL HOME, Waterdown, (905-689-4852). CjýmgE výents M j ng Events =>PRE-LIT CHRISTMAS TREES - ~ I! =~>INDOOR & OQISIDE LIGHTS =FIBRE OPTIC TREES & WREATHS =»> OIFT WRAP, CAROS & BAGS 'CERAMIC LITE HOUSES =>CHRISTMAS TABLE WARE Novomber 29th Wed-Thurs-Friday 1O:OOam-1:OOpm te December lOth Saturday-Sunday 1O:OOam-5:OOpmf 581 McGeachie Drive, Unit #45 Milton lst Street East et Court flouse on Steeles A ve. ->Harrop gr first left on Harrop . .......=»>Mces achie Drive- m 20-30 fleioblehours/wku Somne lîght houoekeep- îng, nome dnîvîng. Cal 519-853-9275 or Fax 519-853-9276. CHILDCARE avoulable fal-ime/pait-time Oui Lady of Victoiy aiea, transportation piovided, excellent relerences. Caîl 905-8i8-9482. VILLAGE DAYCARE Has limited upaces for chîldren 2 1/210o years. Art, munie, computer and early learsîng progrumo. Your chiids "Home Away Prom Home."- (905) 878-7552 or vîsît us aI: rainbowvillage daycare.com. Also empfoymenî opportunities avalabfe. j eas th HARROP, Laurel Patricia (ne. McChesney)- Affer a four month struggle wîth cancer, Mother dîed peace- fully in her sleep at home surrounded by her family on Wednesday, November 15, 2006, in her 82nd year. She was married f0 her high school sweethearf Cedric, for fifty-nine very happy years. Mother was proud of her tour children; Victoria Leigh Harrop of Guelph; Verle Margaret Harrop (Paul Steffler) of St. John's Newfound- land; Carol Dorothy of Kitchener; and Malcolm Cedric Harrop (Josepha Delay) of Guelph. Mother was also very proud orf her thirteen grandchildren, two great grandchildren, and numerous nieces and nephems. 'We love you Mom". Laurel is survîved by her sister Betty McChesney of Folsom, CA and brothers Jim (Joan) McChesney orf Tamaqua, PA and Robert (Ceil) McChesney rit Folsom, CA. Cie- mation has taken place. Interment will be at the Knowles Family Cemetery, Ca- rholme, Ontario, July 2007. A memorial service wiIl be held at DUBLIN STREET UNITED CHURCH, 68 Suffolk St., W., (aI Dublin Sf), Guelph, Saturday, November 25, 2006 at 2:00 p.m. Memorial contribu- tions to the Dublin Street United Church, 68 Suffolk St., W., Guelph NIH 2J2 or the Grand River Hospital Foundation (Cancer Centre), 835 King St. W., Kitchener N2G 9Z9 would be appreciated. (Condolences may be sent foi vharrop@alum.mit.edu). Arrangements entrusted to the WALL- CUSTANCE FUNERAL HOME & CHAP- EL, 206 Norfolk St., Guelph; 1/519-822- 0051; www.wallcustance.com) ~mi InaMemor m ffar Noveniber 17, 191 % t wish we ciuldusy lieIte Mom, 5 (Nana)in the aine way. 'Iolieai youi voice.- 'Iosee yîîu rmi le. fi) look iuto yoîurblue eyes u fra finie white.s Toîit with yîu and char awhile. 9 Sn youwhv hae a Moher - cherish ler wjih cae. For you'l nevei hnnw the heaitache. ta until ynu seeirvacant chair.h AJways eemembered he, si HersonBRob & hiswife Kathy, daughterç Mary bc cb her huobandor * a~Alice & her S husband Ross Ledrew and Anna son-in- ju, 5 Peter,rthe hu.çband of thSe late Evelyn ELCHESYN, ana their fami1ies, A grandehi/dren, grear grandchildren &friend. tri tic $4 SThe Milton District - appreciaies any BE in Memoriam donations: qu d 30Derry Rd. E. loi Miton, Ontario tic. Foundation L9T 2X556 Cado of k Cr fThanks wo lumuiianss dre Do ranIk Contin's farnil), wiinld like iii exptress Ne' air sineie giaiiiude lorithe litige ouprting if $8, r%nllitli ý and isuîport. lr.iiik ion for the $1, n-yIrs v tcrie ho almad thi e won- Iaidti l1,î.l iilhîiî5% anl .iialhl,: doIiiariiin CA h'e )%,Cr lieltiling aiteiîdance oif' avidyi1- 0( i iehhoenieuin aid iwckei laniiuhemill ne Maý i b iiuiguiii, i lie i, aîFtank C nî qoy pet. . hall ilcev i i u ho kn hus i t i and fi i ih, i lillil) pet, i Puiri, k iti iiioiie luiieiiuadIl,-l,iii pa il mdlas l ie w o' 1 ,111. iiiÀ ii il I lekiiiii 819, u1K the. kui liI iieii I ii, mt irluu i P e, iiuT.E 194f Suzanne Richeti, sCrslin 900- Iinkvot o ilofou f i iiu .liiand îa, wotl Id ile q ï foin i, lup i i, I ,îîad ng Phillp ad Patik lin besi shap 866.ý DayarýOsDycare www Wanted W A\nailable, .,výer'.2006.muoe iti il wrapper. Cool $10900., Sacrifice $5,500. Cal 905- 971-1777 LEATHER! 3 piece Italian set. Sofa, loneneal and chair. New, in plastic, Cont $6900. 5011 $2500. 905-304-4873. LIFT chair, powered lounger, blue. Used t montb. Paîd $2000. Asking $975. Delînery Possible. (905) 875-4465 ce TUTORING Math & Language Avt Licensed ON Teacher 20 years esperiesce Gifla Sonsogn 905-878-9610) 111eêNext Stop 2001 @yahoo.ca BRODIE Mtn e-k( $250, LTD Snoo huard/Boots sîze il $300; RC Avistar/cor troller/battories $350 Fîsh Tank 45 gailor $150. Puiple Car- pet/Underlay t 0011 $100, F.T.A. Recoin- en/dish $250. 905-864- 1981. HOT TUBS Ware- house Direct Open tc, Public Saturdays or by appoistment. Fontastîn sanîngs! ww.httwdc 905- 693-9230. 114OT -Tb2006, 6 seat- e, 5HP Motor, every upgrode, woterfoll, ozone, sew s5h11 n wrapping. Cost $8, 500. Sacrihice $4.200. Cali 519-722-4077. POOL Tables: îsed/floor models aIl sizes Canadian built 905-878-7014 Milton. i dîning room, cherry- 004d, double pedestal tble, 8 chairs, buffet, hutch, dunetail con- truction. New s5h11 n Joeu. Cost $11000. Sacrifice $2800. 905- 57-9459. %King Piilowtop Mat- rss Set, New in pias- i.Cost $1800. selI tot ;50. 905-587-9459. ýED, Amazing bargaîn, 005e orthopedic pîl- Nwtop set new in plas- c.warranty $250 905- 7-4042 ouIlldelîner. IDROOM Cherry- iod, Be4, chest. nsser, 2 vîghtstands. invetal Construction. ler opened Cost .,000. Sacrifice .900. 905-567-4042 APET I hane noverai 000 yards of new Staîs aster & 100% nylon car- ?.Wiil do living room & il loi $389. Includes car- tpad & installation 130 tds) Steve, 905-633- 92 3OR Modnl Radin, Eatnn Cv. (Viking) v& eest o9er.Cail 5-877-6286. tE Estimates G01 îbly chairs, tîred look 1wood linishes? Fields tom Weed Relinishing P urnîture Regains. 9- 95-632-9090 rT Tub (Spa) Covers 3prce, BonI qualîty AIll tes & cnlours. Cail[1- 3-58-0056 i thecovnrguy.ca E trr Tanng r rTanng Cosdrg C C C asI 905-333-3499, ext 121 FrSale POOL Table, Prolessional Series, Solîd Wood, i"Siate, Alil Accessories. New, S5i11 Boxed, CosI $6.200, Seli $1.950. 905- 304-9994 s SAUNA, 2/3 poison, in- ýr home, o/n.d. player and lights. Nover used CosI $5500, Seil $2750. 905- 304-7775 TERRIFIC Fail Salel 50-80% off muny in stock decoralor fubrins, qaalily - custom upholsterîng solos irom $788, chairs lrom $249, 0/R seats rom -$1995. Felds Farnîture & e Fabrics 005-632-99 WINTER tires on backt steel rîms. Sîzes 215/60/16 Blzzaks, 2000 in kms only best o9fer lakes r- il Cail 416-688-2879 Arices Wanted BEST Ca$h$ Paîd- Art. Antiques, Collectîbles, China, Crystal,' Sîlver, 1 Figurines, Royal Douiton, l $oarovskî, Glass, Pottery, a, Etc. Estate Specialîsîs, b Top Cash. CalJohn/ a Tracy 905-331-2477 m AMANA refrîgerator with bottom tnount freezer, 2 1 ohite, icryrs. and Maytag er seif-cleanîng range, whiteo$ t Ogis., both good condi- ion, $250/eacb. 905-875- 20 4724 evenîngu 6 SPetS, SupplieS eq LABRADOR pappies, c& registered. Leave aler An November 27. Black 8T temales, back maie, yeilow maies. $70000. Contact 905-854-3404. 1 Soffin Cockatoo, i1 19. Alnican Grey Parrot tor irM sale. BesI offer. Aiso 50r Wrought lion Breedîng con Cage. No nst. 30" xn 0t 30" n 6'.$350. Cali 905 905-877-6286. - 199 2000 Honda Cînîc SE val 2-door coupe. 5-speed, 416 black, 137,250km. A/C, - oecurty/keyiess entry, 199 apgraded Sony 110, AM/FM/CD wth e- con, moe/opeakers. new ilot tres (2005) + 4 wunher ed. tires, ne tiîming bell f (2005), ceitilied and e- ested. $7.495 obo.. 905-838-0528. EXP ing 1997 Ford Taurus, hon, 157K. al power op- ices tuons. XM radio. 9004 tmm car, $2300 O080 905 soa INTERESTED IN THE TRADES? Attend a free workshop on Electrical Apprenticeships in Ontario Tuesday November 21 st slartîng ai 6pm General Trades Workshop Tuesday Novemnber 28 starting at 6pm Cail the YMCA in Burlingion @905-681-1140 Funded by the Governint of Ontario r di 1 LWscars r jal TWO great nehîcles; leasing the province. 1998 Ford Explore, special editios, leather, askîng $8.000. 1986 Ford Mutstang, new hîgh performance mo- toi, oser $10.000 sn- oested is this v505mb, askîng $4,000. Cai 905-854-2225. 1989 VW Jetia. 1 70,OOOkms, automat- ic. Sood body and moi- toi, needu brakes. Besi offeri Cai 905-877- 3055. 2001 Toyota Corolla, sîlver, air, AM-FM/CD, 5-speed. Sood cosdi- lion. Certihied. $8.995 obo. Cali 905-877- 6826/905-460-6606. 2001 Toyota Corolla, silver, air, FM/Am/CO, 5-speed. 5004 condi- lion. Ceriiiied. $8.995 obo. Cali 905-877- 682& Tuks for Sale 1999 Ford 1500 4-door, large cap, metal stor- a90 hou, brand new urakes (front & bock), i new tires (May isîl, notor lune up, wheel- îaianced. 95,500km. $6,000 f îrm. 905-875- 4710. 1999 Choc Pick-up. 255,000 km. One ows- -r. Excollent condition. $5,200. 905-877-0100. 2002 Ford Pickup 4x4, 6cpi, XLT Reg Cab wîth matcbîng cap, fully equipped, one ooner, 225,OOOkms, perfect cndition, drive cleaned &certified. Only $9500. AndManr Holdings, 905- 37-3839. Vans, MM 4WelDrive 194 Pontiac Transport ni-Van, 6 cyl, 7 pas- nger, ail power, minI *nditîon. certitied and 105104ed $2.500 obo, 05-844-8033. 995 SMO Satani SLE nîvan. Loaded, 00,OOOkms. Excollent ady and motor. Origi- il ooner. $1,500. Coul 16-809-6017. 998 Toyota Ran4, 1.000k, E-tested, good idition, dark green/ th, traîder hîtch înclud- J$6300. 905-854-5201 XPERIENCEOD cean- glady lookîng lor neo and /oi omal i o- ns la uleaii Prime ie anaîlablîty. Rea- able rates. 905-

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