Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Nov 2006, p. 19

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The Canadien Champion, Tuesday November 21, 2006 - 19 * ~i~ ~rT~1'Y±!'Ii~ni ~Index: Real Estate 100-135 e Business 140-169 e Rentais 110-196 e Leisure 200-239 e Community 240-299 Fax: 905-816-2364 Email: classified@miltoncanadianchampion.com 0 Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470 e HeIp Wanted 500- Mon. toFni 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classified ads also appear on www.haltonsearch.com. e Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION cali: 905-878-5947 LOCA77ON LOCATION-.n Frst time on the market since maor restoration. Ovelooking Victoria Park and tht aid Regstty Offict. Open ianl kitchen/tamtly îm. Brick alinoktchtn, bolt-îns 2 tre- places,s lkiîhtsery laîqe dîîog îm seato 12, separate l- ngîm witb by window. pgîaded wîing, plumbîng.Neweî îoof, ail wîldows îeplaced, oewi Carier Hîgh Ehîicitncy toînace. Walk-out to Acking scîtened poîch and large deck. In $649000 plîsttîe move-io condition! "'U MILTON for sale or rent. Semi 1 peur new, vacant, 1600 sq. S .3- hdrm, 3-washroom. 5-appt. C/A. Seli $284,500 IPnvatet. RenI $1500/mtC, caif 416-936-7197 tIrianabiaît (iIaîîtpîot 905.878&2311 PRIVATE Suie. Georgetown, newer Mattamy Iownhome, SVlk f0 SuperStore, Mail and GO Train. 3- bedrooms, 2-bath- rooms, fnshed lower fevel, watk-out 10 tenced yard. Askîng $259,900 Cail 705- 429-8240 [D osc&Areages MILTON Gra In olag fse ichre appl. o îRnt C>AL space thor lee 1La0 sqte Mton hcoîuîsies /4 C air905-854 167-24 JBeaifuhome 5487nt68 HWy 2Assemble 1r05- CIAL Mal for Compule Workht. Free0Detaîls Writ CHRos 372 Ri BUcSINESS]o omper4 mion aFeedit rader Sot Ceraionta372Ri- deaukSy.u#ad6erttse- melin e ocere75 ero-n land communîlp news- papers ilS onovphone cuIt. Cail for intorma- ion on weekly work ad packages (internet list- ings included) 416-493- 1300 est 276, 288, 237 REMOVE your crminal records Fast. We do Par- migage7 Apentens lm Lans am FatsFor Rent SAVECAPITAL Has DOWNTOWN MILTON $15,000-$500,000 To Celp Milsde Towers homeswners: Consolidais 82 Milside Drive, ail debts imb one payment Attractive quiet build- and repaîr or upseore your ing. Spacîvus bîîght credît. We cas swtch pour dlean 1&2 bedroom mortgage 10 0 tomer rate unts wîtC laundrp os. 4.9%.ree of charge. facîlîty and Cuti Bob Glas 416) 841- social room on site. 2265 Regular resîdent events FFaats For Reni MILTON. Spotless fur- nished l-bdrm apt. Shared entrance in quiet home close to Mil- ton Mal, kitchenette. 2-piece bath. laundry, large liingroom. prl- cale parking, treplace, cable. Avalable Dec lot. Preter nu smok- ing/ pets/ chldren. $800! mth. Relerences. 905-875-083& CAMP BE ILVI LLE Clean, brîgel 2-bed- ruum apartmenl available ,.anuary lsl, No smokng/pets pre- lerred Ulitlesin- cluded S925/rmlh, 905-854-1733. MILTON tmo bedroom newly renooated, large dock, $985./mth. First/last 64 Ontario St. N.NO PETS.Rel- erences regoîred 905- 878-8123. MILTON 1 & 2-bdrm, apt.'s anailable Dec 151. From $870/mth + park- ng. CallJaz@1446- 723-4801 Weare now laccepgi apiatinosfor 1 lbedroom apt's for: Dec 1518 .Jan 1sf Open 7 days & evenings Cali 905-876-1249 wwwreasfarca 1-BEDROOM base- ment apartment, No pets/smoking. Prst/lasI. $700/month inclusive. Avaîtabte îmmedîatety. Cati atter 6:00 pm 905- 873-3063 1-BEDROOM suites in Cstorîs building iv Rockwood, ilS gas freplaces startîng aI $675 monle plus utlîlties. 2-bedroom basemenl apurtmenl in Georgetown, monle-lu- month, 5895/montS, Cal Eizabeth Doeil. Johnson Associales Realtor 905-877-5165 2-BEDROOM, 2-slurey apurtment, walk f0 Main Street and GO. Washe r/drye ripa rkin g shared buckyard. Heat încluded. Sf 300/muets plus hydro Avalabie December 2nd. Cail Brent 519-853-8301, leave message. 3-bed- room ana brîgCt huche- or comîso soon! ACTON 1-bedroom upartmsnt Avalubie December 1isI. 300 Churchill Road, South. No pets. Cali 51t-853- 0087. ACTON 1 -bedroom apartment wth halcony. Avaîfable September 1sf. 770/monlh utlties încluded, Quiet Build- ng. No-pels. 192 ChurcfhiiiiRoau South. FasFor Rent ACTON large 1-bed- room renoeated. $85OlmointC incl udes utîlties. Frîdge/ stoee/parkîng. Avalable îmmedîuteiy. 905-703- 01688/ 519-853-8423ý ACTON, 2 2-bedroom apartments acaîlable December 1 t.I $890/month ail indlu- sive. Cal519-853- 3309. ACTON, 3 beautîtul 2 bedrcom unts aeaîlable Dec. lotMain ouse includes utlities, use of large deck and gar- dens. Upper Cas sue- rom and lreplace. $1500. Lower Cas built- n wali unit and separ- aie entrance, $900. Separate back unit as large eat-îe ktchen, Ja- cuzzî tub and wood ire- place, $1200 + utlties. 905-877-0258, AMAZING 1 -bedroom, rght on Guelph. $745/month plus ea/Spdoe Adulîs onlp. No pets/smoking. Avalable Nocember 1tsi. Cati 416-570-6578, GEORGETOWN 1 - bedroom apartment, $750/munth plus hydro and sable. Parkingin- ciuded. Avalable De- cember Cail Lînda 905-873-4072 GEORGETOWN 1 - bedroom basement apartment. $800/month inclusive. Separate en- france. near GO Sta- tion. Includes fidge/stove. No smok- ing/pets, First/iust/reler- ences. Cuit tor avaiabîlîty. Sots single temate. Cati Brenda MacDonald 905-877- 5165. GEORGETOWN 2- Bedrnom Aparlment Close-to-GO Aealabte January-1sf Parking. Cail aller 5pm for de- FrReni GEORGETOWN DOWNTOWN 2 compteteiy renocated apartments 1 -buchelor, ail inclusive aI $75Olmonth. I bed- room, $900/month pics Cydro. No pets/smok- îng. Parking 905-873- 6350 E6t1 #25 ask for Randy, GEORGETOWN large 3-bedroom bavement apartment for renl. Frîdge, stove and laun- dry. No smoking/pets Close 10 GO station. Utlties înctuded $1 .100/mnnth. Fîrst/last required. Cuit uSer 5:OOpm 905-877-8496. GEORGETOWN e t ,OOsq.ftt waik-out 1t bedroom apartment. Separate entrance. parking. iaundry. cuble. No smoking/pets. $925/montS includes utîlties. Cuit 905-877- 5197, GEORGETOWN, large 1 -bedroom basement apartment. Utlties, sable anrd laundry in- ciuded. 5800,1mrth. Fîrsf/last regsîred. Cati: 416-891-8752. GEORGETOWN. Prince Charles9indsor Drivef -bedroom spa- cîous basement apart- ment with appliances. $875îmonth includes utîlties. Cali 416-473- 3050 LARGE 2-bedroom waik-out on larm in fown! Ail utîfties. 3-appliances, satellite, C/A, parking. Available Desember 1tsI. $l1,f100/month, 519- 853-1266. NEW ground level in- iaw aparfinent bright MILTON 1-bdrm condo, greut umenîties. 5-appi. inciudîng 1 under- ground parking space, askîng $1250/mth, Cali 905-272-9987. imFor Rent MILTON 2-bdrm main lecel nI Couse, acaîlabie îmmedîutely. Reteresces. preter ns pets. 51080/mth + stilties. 905-878-2737. 4-BEDROOM Parm- hocce on 10 acres f5 share. Wînstsn Church- ill and SIC Sidernad. $1000/month + utîities. 647-229-8277. ACTON 2-bedrsom main 110cr bungalow. Scnroom, parking, ap- piances. iaundry. 51.000/month plus utîlties. References, No pets/smoking. Avalable January fnl. Cuit 519- 853-5940ý COUNTRY- 3 Bedroom bungalowt or r14acre in KibrîOe, Clu garageli basernent, Aailable Jan ri SîCcO plub uililes ERIN 2-bedrosm farm Couse. 51.1 O/moritS plus utlîies, 905-877- 0052 GEORGETOWN, omali Couse. newly renovat- ed. $900/mth + CeaI & hydro. Cati: 905-873- 1309 uSter 4pm. MMFor Reni MILTON townhouse 3- bedroom, 2-appliances, garage. 51 ,325/mth. Pîrst/Luot, plus utîtties. New paint, carpet, fur- suce, countertops, fluors iktchen/bath- roums/enfry). Acalabie For Rent GEORGETOWN. New- er Mattamy, 3-bed- rooms, 2-bathrooms, 5-appfiances, tînîshed lower ivet, with watk- ouI 10 tenced yard. lm- msdiatep. $1.450! mosth plus utîlities. Cati 647- 224-0066. GEORGETOWN. Re- centty retorbîshed large 2-bedroom. No smsk- ers/pets, $925/msnth plus utilities. Flînt! tanst reterences. Aeaîlabf e îmmediately. Cai 905- 877-6323. OAKVILLE- Esecutice Tswnhsme. Beautful 3- bdrm, 2.5 bath in Lake- shsre Woody Community avaîlabte Dec/fls Less than tyr. Loey unit is eguîpped w/stainiess appliances, gas lireplace. whîrtpocl bath in ensuite vmany upgradleo Close to take/ parCs, easy uccess Io transit/06W, 51850/mo, 19051847-3168 OAKVILLE.. 3 bedroom townhouses avaîtuble De- cember ltf 4 appliances, Hopedate Mail area. Lakeshsre Managemnent 905-876-3336 Aommaton SHARED home. $l3bîweek, taundrp iv- cluded. Country settîng, vehîcle a must No petnîsmskng. Available îmmedîutey. Cuit 905- 702-4614. L ,NnieZ LIVE-OUT Nusny e quired 6-msnth-_od. CPR, Pîrst Aid, trans- portation a must. Rel- erences/Polîce Check. Start January. Krîsta 905-699-3516, dnan USuWaiceis. & .J an 15tfah- 853i-1281.i ails. 505.877-4704. open concept ile immedial el y 1.Cal-Dac .e ac Dont be embarrassed 1- Relererîces Please. Frenchl doors. Suitable 905-878-5444.Dyor 800-298-5520 For more informalion ACTON 2-bedroom for retired/semi-relired M_____________ goceromeolpardono cu and/or tu make an apartmenl available G E ORG E TO W N couple. 4-miles north cf MILTON. 4-bedroom. appoînîment, December lost. Bachelor Aparîment 401 on Wnston 1750 sq.fIl 2 1/2-bath- * * * Mrgg,$870/monlh uiii in v aalable December Churchill. Immediate. rooms. inished base- 0 0 * P[ease Cali: clcded. Quiet Building. lot Clean and quiet $950/monîs inclusive, ment, CIA. Acalae STAY-AT-HOME lmian -88535 No-pets. 192 Churchill building. Close lu GO, N pI/soknblrDeeme t CILD CARE PRO- No pts/mokig. ar- Deceber lst VIDERS REOUfRED SSMONEYS$ Consolîdale Buldig -anaer Road South, Cal 510- No pets. Cal 847-285- age optional. 905-459- $1400/monlh +utiltîes. o uy rwn o Debts Morgages to e % -. - Peny 853-1281. 567&1991. 416-717-6363. cato crbusy growno No intome, bad credîl cu lto apcaregenc OKi Onlariowide Finanicial "' n Mî7-t3n. Caî 41 Corporatione 1888307- Ifiltoflcana11 877-5344o mmm(,. 7799 88 ff :haltoedaycareca BuzzTrav;e' SPECIAL QFFER Adve.rt*se* in the Eb C "ijtpo and get up to $10 in phone cards! Win! ee caling card! , elc . . . . ..gcaeore bte.................i be 28h, 006 9 d . . . . . ..r artrckva .husfo -.o e .s t .59(iclO..te .ilonCa dan 0 UZTR*E pon crd ChmioGereow ndbndn Atn rePrs) n yuwllrcev .$.. . . W rdwieaces .o.,.,. .... . ..fudsona. .res O%60 o N - Oir Fo*mr e-o-. all 90.878.2341 n* -, - emai: cassfie@mllonrnadancampln.cm 9Limt to c.0 *pr a.

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