Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Nov 2006, p. 10

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AlO0 - The Cunadian Champion, Tueuday, Nosember 21, 2006 1116H SCHOOL REP ..O RT Course Dates& Times A Milton 4 Days Ph: 905 875 0480 Dec 27, 28, 29, 30 Wed, Thurs, Fni & Sat. 9:3Oam to 4:l5pm 2 Weekends Jan 13, 14 & Jan 21, 21 9:30am to 4:l15pm www.youngdrivers.com- YOUNG iIOUCiuION COUsR SSE - "1MUSTANG» MESSENGER Megan Cheema Harbi Nai Caurtney Coulombe MILTON DISTRICT 119H SCIGOL If you're ever looking for a place that is tever duli or uneventful. MD is definitely the place to he! Athough a day fret of Mustang action rarely passes. here ut Milton District. we ail love to be kept on our toes, and ready for what's next. The regular busy week began with tht distribution of Midterms ast Monday. This lead into the mucb asvaited (for parents), and the mucb dreaded (for studentsi Parents Nîght held last Thursday. Parents bad a chance to attend informai tir formai interviewvs witb their son's/daughter's teachers bringing them more up-to-date on tht more academie part of Mustang lîfe. ln addition to tht interviews. a College/University Information Evening iras beld for parents of graduating students. Tht 45- minute presentation was extremeîy informative in guidîng parents tbrougb the application process. and ansivering a variety of questions. Tbougb the thoughts of graduating are exciting in tbemselves, there bas alto been mucb entbusiasm regarding the upcoming trip to Boston that huis been planned by the Lnglisb Depariment. The trip to Boston is sure tii bc an all-rîîutd amazing experience. Students trili bave the opportunity tii visit tht homet of tht Boston Red Sox at l-ensvay Park, tht Salem 'Nitels Museum, and Harvard University, tont of the toîp institutions in the svorid! Tht cost of thetrinp s $500i ftir foîur days runîîîng from Aprîl 23rd- Aprîl 26th. Alil students froos grade 10 atnd up are ivelcome to corme, huit spaces are limîted so be sure to pick up an information package iti Bumatîities as soon as possible. and dont miss otut on tiis excitîng chanîce'. lu other exciting newss thîs Tbursday the oîucb anticipatcd benefit concert featurtîîg the pupular local band 'Topp Crimie' will be taking place! Tht coîncert heing, heid Io support our Christmas Foîod Drive and Food Bank is sure to be a huge success witb Student Parliament steadtly svorking to make sure that everytbing gots as pianned. Tickets are $2 witb a non- perishable food item, or $4 trithout. and are beîng soid during periods 3 and 4 in the front hall. 'Ne encourage aIl Mustangs to corne out to support tht cause aînd even bring a guest. botrever only one guesi per student siil bc allowed and tlîis guest must be pre-regîstered. Meanwhîle there is clearly lots to look forward to, and just remember that even if those midterm marks weren't exactly wbat you were aimning for, there is still lots of time to bring tbem up! Until nexi tinse Mustangs! 66DATELINE DRURY" Ashley Carlisle Michelle Staples Stephen Jackson E.C. DRURT H109 SCNGOL You'vi. ail been in that same situation. You know, when you walk through the cloor of your otherwise beloved home and your parents await sith almnost sadistie grins on their faces. And then cornes the fatal question... -So, Steve, hon' , w.î t/e noid-terni report: >' Steve's eyes shift nervously from side to side. -Gond.he b timidly responds. Bis parents eyes, on the other hand, narrots wîth suspicion. - WeIl/then, lets s t Steve pulls the cruîîîbled package front his backpack as though handling his warrant f'or death. He passes his fate painfully to bis parents. a drop of sweat running slowly doîvn his temple. 1There svas a montent of' silence. Steve imagined this was svhat tbey ealled the -calm before the storm.- At the last minute, Steve broke and, snatching his backpack., miade a bee-line l'or the dotîr. intending 10 bide otut at Matt*s house until the stormi passed. While Steve is -ncoonto. îve found oursels es stuck srittog the rest of the article on our own. But îve cati forgive htmi. We aIl have the saine stresses over our osvn tîîid-termns. (By the svay. Steve's marks store nîtîeh better titan be'd anticipated!) Althouch tnîdternîs ,seeiii like a frtghtening thîtugiît, there are much more serious thîptcs abrtîad. 'Ne had our Remetîîbrance Day assetnbly recently, atd svere inîpressed by the performance of' our gr. 11 Drama class witb a fesv special guests. Our band played live mlusic to accompany the presentatiuo, and played a svonderful rendition of Oh Canada. Special thanks to David Hand and Kyle Budge svho sung out Taps on their trumpets. Ne svere also lucky enough 10 have both Master Sergeant Beagle and Corporal Neilsen stand otn stage for an open question and aossver period. 'Ne vould like to thank them for their stories about sandwiches and cigarettes, and for shosving us that veterans cao be both young and old, and aIl deserve our respect. 6"THE ROYAL REPORT"l Erin Hlheuington Lindsay Johostan Jua Riddell DISHOP REDINO RION SCIGOL As usual, the Inside Sources are here to itîform our readers of ail the weekly events. hoth gond... and ineredible. Althîîugh ibis exhilarating new's bas already appeared in the Royal Report, itis so impotiant that we feel the need to reiterate. Bishop Redîng has organied a United Way fundraîser in the form of a raffle. The grand prizes include tbree (3) gold Leaf tickets and a 4 GIG I. puîd. There are niany smaller pri/es. such as choosing the morning announiceîenî muste, and lots of chocolate. Tickets cîîsî $5 each. or three for $ 10, and the nîoney goes to Unied Way. an organîzatîon that %vorks sionders n onr community. Now is the urne for our grads to stant planning for next year! On Monday. Novenîber 13 a tutorial on appfyîng to University iras held. For anyone who missed it. information can be attained in Student Services. On that note. November is apprenîiceship monîb in Balton. If .tnyone is consîderîng an apprenticeship. there wîll be presentatons lin Nîisemnbei 211. 29. 30 aiîd Decetober 5. More inforniation can be found on http://twtvtt.schooltocareer-.cit/ovap/ . For ail those ttonderful students not graduaîîng. it s neser tmo early to explore post-secondary tippîirtunities. More greai netýs s cnes ouitil) our senîir students. This years Snotvflake Balsctll be held on iridax December 8 h. shbs a PA DaN. Hiiîstser. the juniors should 11)1 feel left oui. silice their Sprîtg Elîîîg setîî-fîirnal wîll be held sometime in March. Twîi trîditional field trips wvere experienced by a ue\% croup of students. The grade 9 Relîgîioî retreat to Clîff His iras enjoyed on Tuesday. Nissenber I1i and Thursday. Noseînber 16. The Holocaust Ceuter ssas vs ited by the grade 10i history siudeuts tit Moîîday. Nîîveîîîber 13. and case opportuiiity f'or sonte serions reflection. A sery lucký croup of grade Il histtirN siadents %itre eîîtertaîned and educated bk their field trip in Mediesal Titnes aînd the ROM this past Thursday. One aist piece of ness roni the datnce teati. Tht BR Dance Teani, under tht leadership nf Ms. Marsalek. is openîng itself up to nets îîîenbers. Tht try-oui ivîli be on Wednesday. Nosetîîber 22 ai 3:30. There %ili be more than one teaîîî thîs year. each specialîzîug in different types of dance. Boîh mîales and females of ail ages are encîîuraged tii ny-oui. even those siîh n previons dance training. We are happy to report that Noveniber hîs passed quickly. and so marks the îîîidpoiîîî of tht semester. h s very hard to believe that itdterms liave been given tint already. and that we only hase tinoand a haîf tinths before second semester. Lets niake the best ofi t!

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