A8 - The Canadian Champion, Fniday, November 17, 2006 THE Thte Milton Dawn Christadeiphians warinly invite you to a presentation: Xeeýh hc aSunday, November i 9th 2:00 pm (God Willing) Hugh Foster Hall 55 Brown St., Milton (next to Town Hall) www.milton.biblelight.Mr 200 Main Street 905-876-3586 [ft 'f f Lov'hnq Goh. LovitîqJepe Sundays at MBC 10:00 arn Worship & Teacliing Children's Ministries running concurrently 11:00 amn Coffee & Conversation Senior Pastor - Jim DeMarslî e Youth Pastor - Mark Sfrickland A Fellowship Baptist Church e wwwMiltonBibleChurch.ca S'ai nc if ûa n- Sunday, Nov. 19 10:00 arn "Shining in the Darkness" www.thesanctuary.calmilton Mt905.257.3987 Mlon Sports Centre A new Communty Church 6f thte Seivatton Army KhiCom mu nity Sunday Worshp:4:OOpm (Dnner followung) Pastors: Captains Bill & Debra Blackman Sermon Sertes: What s our Tune? Free programs throughout the week: Mîxdays Txtcdays Wdnesdant Fidays ara<1s MiNIJsinqg*t 3-Miltron.905.875-1022 KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WELCOMES YOU 17(0 Mainn St. E.,'Milon 905-878- 6066 .Mvniîsier -Re\. 1 hîxeird T.Sulliv an Dî~i Cxr 01 MILIîîa. stîisM i - SCji I anIlde HOac Sunday Worship 10:31> a.m. 9:15 a.rn. Youth SmnaIl Group (Grades 7 & up) 10:30 a.m. Children's Worship (Ages 3- Grade 6) & Nursery "(A LLEI) TO SERVE THE LORD" Wlîx..xkhim accs and uaîhroomnîspuided sxîhiî al]i iiln i,. meand n h Accexxîoii Mary SIrxeî r st. George's J<in us Iis' y(r in a ce'ba(i<in of Me treal hieg ni (,ntî inrd in li çhnrcnhe c arpîener uine 1856x.t(necand mrci us, se wnul Se 1cm ptcased nmccl mu. 1(5<TORx Rev Canon C harles Masters November l9th, 2006 Services 8:30 arnMorning Prayer 10:30 arn Holy Communion - Traditional Service 10:30 arn Morning Prayer in the Family Roorn Nursery andjunior Sunday School 7051t (uelphiUne ait)eervRoad (Tel) 905-8"8-1363 Visit nur wcb site nv'xn5.o hu',lni~~ GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH- ('Iergy: 317 Main St. E Rev. D)r. Mark the Church on the Hill McI)ermott 905-878-2411 Re. tDr. Renée tcsjardins Father Mark Culrtis Services: Sunday 8:(X) uni - Said tucharisi 10:10 nm - Snnlg En,.hrisý incinding "Kids' Spirit' Pmograrn f-olliwsed bs coffee honr Listen ta our Sunday sermons online at www.gracechurchmilton.com 165 Santa Maria niva. iueny Rd, west of Hwy. 25) C1. wwgrncechurchmilonn cnm MITNCHURCH 0F MILTON GOSPEL HALL S SF VENTI 1-1I)A'i 141 C -InRIS 306 Ontario St. N.- 878-3873 142Brtanna Rd. West, Mlton, On L9T 2X8 10:00 arn. - The Lords Supper 11\ yUS 'U UOr 1,eki aiîl i l "905-875-2939 Hugh Foster Hall, 43 Brown St. Miton 1:5am udySho Sait 9 oai ni- abiholiSunday School Classes 1:5an udySho Sa l 10 ex lx inu u 10:00 arn 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service FREE B181J SCHOOI xxi, iia, xixxx. x x' Worship & Communion Wednesday 7:30p.m. - Prayer and Bible Study li[iii' o\ 1:0ia 011l' llji m ()l. Pxixi 15iii 100anSo then every one of us ifii Eux ill\l itîxpxxxxxxîxî ThursdayBil Study shalh give account ix a" iiii'iiixxx xiixxixxiiii i7:00 pm of himelf to God. xx xix xxi ii x xlo xxi) xxxi i n ""'i]' xxiMiniter Steve Corbett -Romans 1412 ÇRACWAYCBAPISTCHURCHI03 Martin Street e 905-878-1629 ,ACW 9RAEWAYcBAPISTPastor Walter H. Isaak '7r= 7" CHRISTMAS BANQUET ~ ~ f Saturday, November 25, 2006 - 6:00 pm Prîin~qj ~~napî n Ramada Inn - 161 Cbisholm Drive, Miato $30/Person- Must Le paid by November 19th, 2006 No Refundo Alowed. 10:00 arn. - Sunday School e 11:00 a.m. Morning 31'grship 6:00 p.m. - Evening Snvice Thursday: 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & PrUyer . "You'II always tind a friend ai Graceway" a www.Uracewayhaptist.org 9 a.m. - Early Worship Service 9:30 a.m. - AlilAges Sunday School 10:45 a.m. - Second Worship Service Service Captioned for Deaf/Hard of Hearing Pastor Esther Kessler preaching Dîgging ln Together! Even Il It Takes... 6:30 p.m. Sunday Night Live Master's Commission Canada F-or more inro: www.newlfle-milton.org 1 cail 905-878-3358 Sunday, Navember 19, 1O:3Oam CELEBRATION 0F BAPTISM Worship in Graham Hall Siipparted by mnusic fram aur Warship Band Worship in The Sanctuary Supported by music fram the St. Pauls Choir Supervised -Nursery Care frorn 10: 15 Church School at 10.-417ar. Gospel Unit (grades 6-8) at 10:-45 ar. Coffee & Conversation after the services Nov. 23-25, 8 pmn Phoenix Youtb Theatre presents'The Lnnt Ynnrs - The Deprnnsmnn Yearn' Adultn $10, Senînrs/Stndentn $7, Kidn $5 Nov. 24, 5:30 p.m. Annual Turkey Supper Adn!tn $15, Kîdn $8, Kîds under 5 Free Ca/I about aur Dinner/Theatre option! Corne Worçhîp Wîth Us! www.southsidemiIton.org 905-878-5664 id connectia wt 5mr ( n-itn fâmil Meet new frîends in the café at 10:00 arn 10:30 a.m. Service Music and lnsighfful Tean'hing frnm the Bible Taking the opportunîty to pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters. Concert of prayer at 7:00 pm. Check websîte for detaîls. Pastor Jack Ninaber k &71e4%6/9% -1 1