The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 17, 2006 - B17 RNETTE)jJ R1ESBf llE.E C8OtT lo foi Fa l moele M an don $23 00$44 0 - oc and 245-430ed "t - on Open onSept fo uMpebnwo nmi eesa -iIbval o orgafe-orr Fra lr Mta 2n imF ýom FraL.e u m1aaamdma $ asvMa v Amg OPNHOUSEZ TE, 'IOLEV MITONI Century charmer Updated Maple kîtcheni wîth ceramic breakfast bar, updafed bath. Maple hard- wood flooring Ith original wood trimo, baseboards, handrails & dloors. Real front porch charm. Prime downtown location. 2 car garage. Worth viewingf EXQUISITE 3 BEDROOM Home Located In fligh Demanid Ares Festures Many Thousando Of $'s In Custom Finishes. ifardwood Rloors Throughost,lm ortar Ilalian Ceramic TDes, lJpgraded Bathrooms, Large Living/Dining Rsom Wf 1h Boa Wîndsw, Oak Sîsîrs, W/ To n Balcony On Second Rloor. Finished Baoement COMf Wîth Buîlt-In Bar & Rec Room. 111111111111111K »10 0 1 -1 111111 Futi o Kitchi Lr5htrngý Cro Iitinig Open Oasemrni (3 2nd flair leur a California Chutters tfrru-oui denm. formai living rolom fo i fJoor aurdry, MtRvi i/p closais 200 famrry room Il As6,m SÀ4 eaorr u ~ 1. eti an jRana5 inro on lire-.use collie lo . & 67aa ar io mrenfsho 2 ,o. 0eeato il L nus j~ 14.el Pahomef 5.H lrs, rd al . Ba at t d eenainet & 7 Firo S arn Prvic ingei Spain 5. lot ed, conrsm cl . Kalm ands cosntry 1. Speeds frte 39r. Ou irt d foo 206aode1. Bautefor g fil57 S 7. Pivota 64.1 22.e She tcat -ît c4to 3.Uly 24. G ied a missil 4. Solo 0fstatre 47.L c5 rce 5 hi 66hape . TheiHjghbor 2 si. o8.W 31. Areciafiv 6aes 7. Geneetable 0 L N 22 1.Cr n 68. Souffl neoa5.H 1. Brynt fo 0f 9. Voca support h repr 7 i a m ba lineri DOral 54earer IlUS 33o 1 t And heutr 1 Voce at br. bad d 37. Padeed (2 We 2. Wae of gmrg tain 57. Smli roe 4hl, 32 Sh scarso et a. 23. Busyas 2wd. ou 5 Naqu sseb.. 5 riedfo goGaiu 4. Sue o isaa l 26. Foge f ts rW r 47e C mbed 2 7. AbeH app birdGo 49e yar vtae 2 . Tauer 0fj ctosmfc 5 a y 3. Boul ed water. -l fro 31 . Vhocaugh or M. 5 Cm basl 14. OrVl netw rr HOUSE 55 'h Foxwnd Th 1. V&octat e 54 n 37 ed hedI in langeno îadraphoics, ct-ot-pop casse iting stands rd 60 hold tivist ml stangily Dok on the ilsd Ily's kn fter tip Iptf a cU f South newar sadlutm. 8Jk.oufîsbay frnt R a fn gdd caint &ce848585 ing îsan Wai tqruare Oe, CryHaill, N rA, ye fed yard Lowy ga reldatra5 ter prop8tfCunbesf ioniHf. Wa ol'r- eenins~ aierbor WWud wifficuify MLSAtfttfttt aw8ýdreýpa8il aahmico Ark. $194,900 Askimg$2 I»MRRU N G» KN£nl4, W Re, 90-87533 i BeauitLitè% s !apa t 38,90() t& - Fra ion m'Wu Ibý* Pcgnfthg IL." spi Drywclll bing se ;-detached fresNy Pain ed and deComied with an eys for corail. Shom loi- Fantastic kitchen with ,amlîs and walk-out Io large, lue, s fineplace in famlly room for cozy corn 4pc ensuite W/whjrlpoul tub lect garage embry, [ange ramonent Il MLSOWI009445 "91%fiçmg MufS ffi# su 3 1 3 1--i S S 3 N 1 N 0 3 1 0 0 N >1 0 9 1 VY V N 0 3 1 Vy 0 S d 3 S 13 -1 S 3 1-- -M CD CL N 3 S 1 Ili N 0 11 n 1 S H 3 CD il 0 a V N 0 3: CD d3 1 1 S S CD Ce CD 0 H 1 V 1 1 OMM S 3 1 w A m aw 9 1 0 y 0 1 V H CD ýz MC()In 3 0 V M Il 0 li V 0 d ce 3 )f a . cm -IIIIIM111 i wmî ROYAL LEPAGE MPN NOUSE UAT 2-4 PM 29 COATES DR. Fantastic, b e a j Mons amost 0 counters W, Ik-in 14 17%