B2 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 17, 2006 ~GEORGETOWN S CINEMAS "Z35 GUELPH STREET 905-873-1999 v O0 HAPPY FEET 7G1 Daily 6:45 p.m. & 9:00 p.m. Sut. & Sun. 2:00 pm OSANTA CLAUS 3 E Daiy 645 p.m &9:00 p.m Sut. & Sun. 2:00 pm £)CASINO ROYALE Daily 7:00 p.m. Sut. & Sun. 2:00 p.m. Nul recommended for young chilôrn wwwcinemas3 ca Theatre Parking Available ai Rear My granddaughter has imaginary friend I don't havc any problems playing games ith 1n granddaughters imagtnary fiend, but i do have one wtb losing to ber ail the time. My granddaughter has an imaginary fniend by the name of Emtly When i play cards wtb my granddaugbîer she gives ail the good cards to Etnily. Not berseif and non me, but Fmiiy Emily's a cheater as lai- as l'm concerned, wbich îs wbv 1 don't like ber. And wbo wants to wîn that way, anyway? ltnaginary fiends are flot that unusual. For example, if I was your frîend, I'd be lîke an imagina-y iriend. And my newest grand- daugbner doesn't do mueb besicdes sleep, so she's kind of like an imaginary lriend as well. My daugbner îsn't tbrilled witb Emily eitber, especially when she bas no make ber o0 luncb and put it on a plate. Mmnd sbouldn't wor-y too mucb unless s back and tbe plate is empny. Now, of course imagina-y friends' known nu actually be i-cal, at least i i-or inovies, so I've been conducting set of tests nu ensure we're not livi epîsode of tbe Twîlîgbn Zone. 1 don't wann no gen, wusbed inno tbe comifield.- 1 figure 1 eana outsma-t a tbree-year-old, an least somne of tbe lime. Wben sbe mentions n he tbat Emily is tbere, 1 ask a quick set of ques- n the tion, soe deigne to ool er.I migbnas wbat colour is be- bat or wbat colour are ber loose boots. My granddaugbner gives an answe- eaeb tumne, and neyer says she isn'n wearing bats or m m boots. you, sbe Also, wben my granddaugbner says Emiiy îs be comnes a certain place, i say nu, sbe's over bei-e. Works evcry timne, s0 l'm fairly confident Emily îsn'n bave been real. i tbe bor- My daugbner tbinks baving Emily around is MYl OWn- a lnnnle creepy, but I did some researcb. One ing tn an esee IMAGINARY on page B3 Teams hold food drives Two of Mîltons youngesn rep bockey teams ai-e genuing ino tbe spirit of gtving a little early tbîs year. Tbe Winterbawks' additnonal entry novices and atoms ,will bothbc i-nvolvcd tn food dnive efforts, witb tbe novices collcnîng non-penlsbabie food items in tbe Dorset Park ai-ca from noon nu 1 p.m. tomon-ow. Tbev'il drop off tbeîr collec- tive lo)od drive donation an tbe fire departments Central Station on Stecles Avenue Monday afternoon. "Tbe communiiv bas been good to us, so we'vc bastcally jusn decîdcd nu gîve somenbîng back," satd novtce AF Wînterbawks co-coacb Karen Br-own. "Ou- boys wiil bc col- lecning donations wbile tbe motbers xviii be making apple pies for anotber fundraiser." Meanwbilc, tbe anoms xviii donate their time nu tbe local fi-e departmenns annual drive December 2. Tbey'll bop aboard tbe fi-e trucks tbat momning and be part of tbe collc- tion team. HALTON A OTARY AUCTION Friday, No 24 &Saturday, November 25 Obeack out the Auction! www.haltonrotaryauction.ca Ali proceeds to local Youth Programs! Kyesentry requires power uocks turne vehiclus require modules (solt separately) Sue Streeldreurnz tue more deals. Oite, expires Dec 31/06 kT