28 -The Canadian Champion, Friday November 17, 2006 GEORGETOWN. Re- cently relarbîshea large 2-bdrm. No îmok- ors/pots. $925/mth plus utîfuties. Fi rat/last Irefeon ces, Anaîfable imnouîafeiy. Caf f 905-877-6323. f MILTON tomshouao 3- bodroon, 2-appluancea, garage. Sf,325/mth, PîrttLasi, pins utîilues New paint, carpet, fat- sace, cianfertopa, flaira fkftcbon/batb- roomns/entryf. Anaifablo îmmedfately. Caf f Dune 905878-5444 RIENT batfl3 gdn twnos quired. 905-878- 5635. MILTON. 4-bedreorn f750 aq.f8 2 ty2-bath- tonna, funshea base- ment, C/A. Anaifabie Dîcembor fst, Sf 400/moath setîfutues 416-717-6363, GEORGETOWN. Nom- or Matfany, 3-bod- reens, 2-bathrons, 5-appitances, funuahed lomet lenef, muth mal k eut ta feaced yard. Im- $f,450/month plua ntîfîtues. Cafli 647-224- 0066. GEORGETOWN. Rs- cestiy rofurbuahea uarge 2-bodroon. No smok- ersypefs. $925/mosth pIns utîfutios. Furst/ last/ referesces. Auaîlabie immodatef y Cafli 905- 877-6323. IMMACULATE 3 bdm 'Eud' ut, 5 applu, c/air, f yr ota. appres f500 sif garage, Dec f sf, $f1350/no + futl Chrus Clarkte Trafalgar AOC Soev Brokerage 905331t130 fout 28f OAKVILLE- CEecuttue Tomahene Beanuful 3- bdrm, 2.5 bath us Lake- shoe Woods Cenmuhufy auaîinbte Dec/fat, Less tha fît. Loeey unit us equuppd 4 mstaiaiess appliauces, gas frepiace, mhipoot bafh in ensuite smany npgrades, Clese te take/ partis. easy access to transufyoon 51850/rne (905)847-3168 OAKVILLE- 3 bedreun tomuheuses auaabie De- cember ti 4 appiiaeces, Hepedate Mati aiea Laîseshure Managemns 905-876-3336 LARGE reun, sem car-tr petîsg, country home, Shared ititches asd t batîrraun MaIe pro- ( Lise. $425/mth 905- s 854-0359 h MILTON Reat tnt- a sîshea roon sIcindes stîfîtios plus parking.V Prinate batbroom. O $525/musth 905-876- lu BAZAAR St. Stephen's Anglican Church Saturday, No'vember I8th Sam - 2pm 1480 Steeles Ave. (between Wfnstîîn Churchi Btvd. &Trafatgar Rd.) Baked goods, deli & craft * tables, tea room Advertise your Christmas Craft Salesand Bazaars Bihs Brhs Proud grandparents Maittand & Linda Spencer announce the birth of their first grandchifd Simon Maitland van Zuylen son of Chris & Jutie van Zuyten of Kitchener. Bora November 5, 2006 in Kitchener. Also escited Aunt Amy, UncI e Stesie & Aunt des. mm omiE vents = :C(îng gEvents PLEASE JOIN US AT A ,,.STAG AND DOE FOR John and Jane;'o November 18, 2006 0 Milton Lions Ctub (Thomrpson Arena) 7 pmn-$15 AIl are melcome f0 cefebrufe mîth John antd Janet Fun, Games, Door prizes, Di IeatL th SCRt VER, James 'Jim' Russelt Peacefufly at Toronto Western Hoapital on Wedneaday November 15, 2006 at the age ofl 68. Surrounded by bia famîfy Jîm uccumbed f0 complications of the stroke te had on Nosember 7fh. Befoved hua- îand and beat friend of Betty. Beat friead rd father oaf Creg (Robin) and Nanci (Ke- 'in). Predeceased by hîs son Paul. Also adfy mîssed by his sisters, nephewa and rienda aronnd the rnorld. Frienda mîfl be eceîsed uitfhe jý SCOTT EARLY FU- -IFFO! ,1c Hi ' Il !;r,- cir [! i * I athi Det CLARK, Ruth Gwendotyn - Peacefully, surrounded by her farnîly on Wednsday November 15, 2006 al Oakvilfe Trafalgar Hospital at the age of 86. Losîng mîfe of the fate Norman Clark. Dear mother of Ruth Anse (Mersyn) Coflîng, Margaret (Bill) Roberts, Robert (Lindet) Clark, Cyn- thia (Paul) Ksenych and OBfll (Vîcki lyser) Clark. Desoted grandmotber of Kimber- ley, Denise, Glenn, Gary, Lisa, dennîfer, Todd, Heather, Allîson, Ryan, Michael, Keri, Melîssa and Adam. Special great grandma 10 Victoria, Scott, Steven, Josh- ua, Mackenzie, Daniel, Caleb, Madison, Ethan, Karly, Omen, Heidi, Olivia, Piper, Taylor and doshua. Sister of doyce (Hart ry) Muir, the talte Alerse (dack) Couptand and the fate Glenn (Cira) Walz. Frienda mil I be received at the d. SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOME, 21 dames St., Milton (905) 878-2669 on Friday frorn 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 p.n. A fuserai service milI be held from KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 170 Mais Si. E., Milton os Saturday No- vember 18, 2006 aI 10:00 arn. Interment to follom ia St. Mary's Cemetery. la lieu of flomers, donations to the Canadian Diabetes Association moufd be appreciat- ed. Condolencea and donations may be made 0sf me aI mmm earlyfuneral- home.nom .J SCOT'I ['11W I Smith, Margaret Hazet Pasaed amay peacefufy ta ber sleep on Tuesday, Nosember 14th 2006 ut the Mil- ton District Hospital in her 951h year. Ha- zel Smiîth, befosed mile of the fatte Edgar Smiîtb (1989). Loeîng mother of dane and ber busbasd Charles Bayntos. Anitas Nînhol, dîm Smith and Carol and ber bus- band Gary dobnson. Sadly mîssed by ber 10 grandchîfdron and S great grandnbîf- dren, Dear sîster col Matie Oickert, Pre- deceased by ber daugbter Elaîne DeBie (1971), aon-îs-lam svas Nîchol and brotb- ers Bill Allas and Bob Alfas. Hazel mas a f ife member of the Order of the Eastern Star Halton Chapter #280, A spenial tbask you 10 Dr. Malec and Dr. Bremer- mass. Famîly and frienda vssted aI the McKERSI E KOCHER FUNERAL HOME 114 Main St. Milton 905-878-4452 os Thursday, Tbe fusera service wîff be beld in the fanera borne chapel on Fni day, Nosember f171h 2006 at f Do prn In- terment fa folfon uit Milton Esergreen Ce- metery. Mernortal donations 10 the Cana- dias Red Cross or the Order of thte East- ern Star Hallon Chapter #280 would be apprecîated, Letters col condolence may be lit for the farrrîly ut nww rsckersîe- koclier ca TRENWITH: Wiltiam Alexander Peaceufy on Wednesday, Nosember 15 2006 ut tbe Milton District Hospital, Bilf Trenwîth at the age of 76. Lovîng hus- band of dune Trenwîfh fnee Lewis) for 52 years, Befosed lather of William (Con- nie) Trenwîtb, Lanrance (Kîm-Lf 05sf Trenwîfb, Robert (Heidi> Trenwit- and Kimberfy (Art) McKenzie. Bill ta survived by bis f2 gtsndchîldren, hîs sîsier Mrs. Phyffîs (dohn) Wiffiamns and brotiier-in-faw Wvarren (dackief Lents. Funerpi arrange- ments hase been entrusteri fo the d. SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOME, 21 datmes Street, Milton, gos 878-2669. As expressions of sympathy, donations to the Lomerille United Churcb or the Milton District Hospital Foundation mould be ap- precîated by the family. In eoiam InMmra SAie M Apances~ H OT Tub 21006 6 seat- AMANA rofrîgerafor muth Ame2~o G. Graziotto * r, 5HP Motor, eeery botno nouaI freezer, Noseber 17,2004 uparade, materfaii, mhite, iDyrs. and Maytag ozone,n nom C h11 i saeff-cioasung range, mhife ltears we sac- vii siiint1, I ruppîs Coaf $9, fapra - botb gena candi- Wc w,îîelîd yîîî fate ana y, * 500. Sucrtfuce $4.200. fin, $25OIeacb. 9uS-875- f ut lîearîs seere alemusi brîîbeîî, Cuit 519-722-4077, 4724 enenunsa irît irrugh i)li ar tot biit wfîîîciii vinýa io lecfiitg, So jieieefiiff trc froi an Weeiiuld nrt wish yîiiback 'fi) suffer ift again. Love your Wifr and Family AI Knight jr. f f.ei eiiilberi iig you ii casY We do iievey day Misaing yîu is hecartache I bat never gsi s a ay. Il bey "ay iiiemiorieî% arc e ciu And wu bel ieee thai truc Bluinwunever ieaied mernîinî WXe onie wsanted you. l'ove Mom, Dad and Lee. Daresi, Bruno Nîteenîlier 20>, 200,4 A mai feeed 1ie vil, ii icart lirgeri ban file. îiti h reil e beihred. And hf Iiic fîedierisiîîd he ai ifiai bcý uiii Love, A Il of bis Farni/y ch Friends , Melba \(Vllne initiirics arcie ttraeed ,vith Iov te ( ail of %torît falitix In Memoriams in the form 7 of donations ta The 9 Canadîan Cancer Society are deeply appreciated. oePlc Ntces M.-cetce ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Greetînga from the Halton NDP Ridîng Association. We are holding aur Annual General Meeting to elecf our eoecutise on Tuesday Nov. 21, 7:30 pm ait the EC Drury High School Food School. Our gueat speaker wîfl be Sean Cain from Gakvil le, Sean Cain has been an actîvst in Oakvf fe for oser a decade. He has the pulse of NDP pofîcy and pofîtîcs and ta ready f0 answer your questions and fîff in the gups. Sean bas fatefy been pubfîshîng a quartery nemaletter f0 hefp keep Dakife resîdents înformed and updated on matters concernîng the NDP and social actîsîsm in the Hafton region. Cet îin the know*. get actisated, corne out and meet Sean on Tuesday Nov. 2f, 7:30 pm at the EC Drury Food Scboof, You do sot need to be an NDP member to attend thîs meeting. Actîviats. concerned cîtîzens pofîtîcians. Everyone ta melcome. Oiireas Steeti West Oak PROVIDING a satte Ctau vite 905-33ti8s18 Noein tLJedS tin eneiioinei i tr 21 22 23 10AM yiaat tîidîei chue yee are 9OC Fiee Ad,ns ai orkt i aie a inrtier ot sien/Faibatees Otan Prizes ruve yone eeitnren aire 7 Metntsad andre- yeaîs preeîeaeer uncare cie 15' of a pu- epeec Peas cal Nannes Servies teprr eMILTON Seeiing p nanan fot 2 gitls Primurify oes rirnq/night r tii for TUTORING MOT TUBS Ware hanse Direct oper te, Public Saturd1ayr, or by appointaient Fantastn s asîsas mmm hlmdn-a 905 693-9230. MATTRESS Factor Clearance Centre Noîî flhp Pîtlomt1 Oseen $299. & mari groat deats Deliverý f-sos 312-8263/416 595-000f POOL Tables uaed/fluar modela a aizos Canadias bsif 905-979 7014 Mîltoný A dînîag room, cherry mood, double pedeata table, 8 chairs, buffet hatch, dovotal con atruction. New still ir Soxes, Cost $f1000 Sacrifice $200 905 567-9459 *A King Pîiiowfsp Mut- t r055 Set New in plas- *tic Coat Sf0600 soit tot S450 95567-9459. jBEOROOM Cherry- wood, :::. hest, Deetui Construction. $t,900 905-567-4042 CARPET t hase seeera f,000 yards ef nem Staîr Master & f000. nylon car pet Wii de liteisg roem 8 hull fet 5389 lecludlea car pet. pad & instullation f31 y ards) Stese, 905-033- 8f192 FLOOR Meder Radio T Earen Ce (Viking) f948 sr enfer Cai 905-877-6286 HOT Tus (Spa) Ceeers besf yrîce. Basf qeatf Att silapes & ceieiirs Cai f 866-585056 mmm iheceeergny ca HOT Tub! Spa- Branu e n/at options, îrrcîudîa cuser 206 mede Ss i nruppet Cesf Sf0900 Sacrifice S5 500 Caf 90 97f1-t1777 LEATHERI 35 piece iftan sef Sofa, toesear and chair. New. in pinstic Cosf S6900. Set $2500 90/5-30-4873, LIFT chair, peered ouruger hie Usud f norîth Paid S2000 Askîîîg $975 Oeiuery Possie. ý95 875-4465 POOL Tabie, Prefesseona Series Seia Wood, f Sfafe. Ait Accessories New, Oufi Bexed, Coat $0,200, Soit St.950, 905- 304-9994 SAUNA, 2/3 persn, In- home, mie a pfayer and lights Neyer used Cest $5500, Sel $2750 905- 304-7775 WINTER ftes un biack steel nms Sîzus LABRADOR puppies, regîsterea. Leave aller November 27. Black Jfemales, black maIe, yellom maies. $700,00. jContact 905-854-3404, -J1 Gîflîn Cockatoo, t Afrîcan Grey Parrot for Y sale. Beat oSfer. Alan Wrought tron Breeding Cage. No nst, 30" 30" x 60 $350. Caf 905-877-6286. ar or Sale f 2000 Handa Cîii SE t 2-door coupe, 5-apeed, black, 137,250km, A/C, - ecarîty/keyieaa entry, upgraded Sony fAM/FM/CD mîth te- mote/speakers, nom tires (2005f e 4 minIer tires, nom timing beit (2005). curtitted ana e- tested. $7,495 sono 905-839-0528, 1995 Henda Accotd EX, Lady-drîoea, auto- matin, pm, pd, A/C, re- moto starter Must see 905-876-2042 alter Opm 1989 VW dta f70,OOSkms. autenut- te Doua body and meic tor, needs brakes. Best offert Cai 905 877- 3055ý 20011 Nissan Seutra XE 4dr sodas, 4cy, guselîne f 8. standard, situer, cer- tîtîod and emîssion tested t30,000km, uery geud condition, askîog $7,00 cai: 905-878-0925 2001 Toyeota Ceretta, situer, air FM/Am/CD, 5-speed. Oed condi- tion Certîfîed, $8.995 ube Cai 900 877- ME Tcks for Sale 1999 Ferd f500 4-deer, uarge cap. meta ster- ige bex, btand Cen brukes (ftont & bae61, ait nem ftes (May f 5fl metor tueu p, nhee- hatuuced 95 500kmn S6.000 fîrm 905-875- 47f10 1999 Chee Pick-up. 255.000 kmn Dos n et, Excellent condition S5 200 905-877-0100 4-h~etD Drve 1994 Puntiac Transport Mini-Van, 6 cy, 7 pas- senge, ail power, mini coud-tin. certilted and e-festod. $2.500 ebe. 905-844-8033 1995 GMC Safari SLE mîstuas Loadod, 300,OOOkms. Excellent body ana noter. Origi- nauienet $f1500 Colt 416-809-60f7. 1998 Toyota Rau4, f1f0,000k, E-festea, goed conditien, dark greon/ clth fraitet hutcn inclci rutcher, naserooni Quiet home. Mature morîsung peraon 905- 693-9756. Acomodaton SHARED home. Sf35PNeek, iausdry un- chudea Country setaung, uehîcle e muai No Pets/smoking. Avaîhable mmnduiety Cuti 905- 702-4614 on Saturday at fi:DO a.mn If desîred, do- nations t0 the Milton District Hospital Foundation CT Scan Fund moufd be ap- precîalod by the lamily. Condolennes and donations may bo made onliso aI www.arfyunerafhome.nom Mitenr ON [ST 2Ma are trufyapertd ans 878-44 -1tr 55 y prcae Fiidhlg Foru fliii. Sou, supportis fvital. lina onsogo 68-2879usmresîc Heîp romboard 905- 905-878-9610 M Aaia 876-0891 T/r-N ex Step 2i01 TWO Profeesonai @yaAeooca 9111Î1Atces Wanted cli anisa ladies for ~7 -~h orne er effice Plese Daycaro LcaK 905-702f1889 er a i Wanted LIQ5 90593-920f, W Articles BEST CaShS Pid- Ait AFAsf genso Ceilectîbrteal EXPERIENCED dlean- cAIeR in ou COd Fe Chinsu Crystut, Siver mog lady lsokrsg fer 20-30 fleeible riurs/mii BED, Anazusg bargaie Figurines Royal Douituo humes aStîaufu Sem iuhqeske ueen erfhepedic pif- Smareusk, Diass, Pettery, lices te dlean, Prime ung, seme driuig Cuti îemtup sel, sew un plas- Etc Estate Specualîste, fine uaualabîfy Ana- 5f19-853-9275 or Fas tic, marrauty S250 905- Top Cash Cuit Jehn/ soushie rates 905- 519-853-9276. 567-4042 nuit deiuoet. Tracy 905-33f 2477 878-276f,