Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Nov 2006, p. 25

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The Canadian Champion, Frday, November 17, 2006- A25 Speclamg in repakrs & rajoutions s'dja% ' S to your home or workplace pcaingi Handymen-Enterprises m " Bathroonns e Odd Jobs " Basements e Home Offces al a " IllIing e You make the lsi.... uaw C FulIy lnsured a References available A4 cAIJm 90548784751 -j SNOWREMOAL Lipper Enadà 1Maintenanuce (o. FuIVlSi td Lcal LandicapiesgCompany Omfri Saow Remoufal *Snow Plowing / Shoveling *Snow Clean up - Bobcat j..;. - (905) 580-5588 For industrial, commercial, residential & estate homes. Parryl - (289) 888-1599 PAINTNGAITN Leonard Eckert PAINTING Interior & Exterior For a FREE estimate and quality work caîl: (905) 875-9560, Lsm~wciion AI Crisci For Ait Four I,teror & Rxterior Renoiwa, Extejor swc Ceramic Mel Hardeoed Poor Fialohed Basement Se laliin . tmped cucrte & l1lptoue Tel (905) 876-0982 Ceil (905) 691-0300 zJkDIAMOND FINISH PAINTING A7$ PaUr o ftlince 1985 INITERIOR & (4 EXTERIOR FM~' WALLPAPERINB i-o QUAIJTYm88 M WORKMAIISHIP r , Residential SENIORS ~Commercial *Industrial DISCOUNT*,,,,M~ *i7JayCo,,,,, Renovation & Hoe Iprovrement " Additions - Windows " Garages - Flooring - Painting " Offices -Carpentry/Trini " Rec roorns - Deeks * nsured e Residential e Commercial e References- Jim Bray 905-878-6478 AQuajfy.- Your Need - Our Commitmenf" SHA&LTON HOME 7 1 . SERVICES hitrlorlà ExtaUr Rmnsvuft Carpentry, Wndows, Doors, Basements and much more' Free Estîmates Caîl Roland Rouleau *519-362-015 làntt eobaio Docks Te95 5368 7ALýPNE DrECK s* Aý 1 FREE ESTIMATES Famiîy Business with 19 years experience. Photos & references available. Book now for Fali Specials alpinedec.cons 905-257-7058 PROs.MMWRNM L LOOKING GOOD iLANDSCAPING - INTERLOCK - LANDSCAPE DESIGN RETAINING WALLS & STEPS PATIOS & WALKS - WATER FEATURES - ARMOUR STONE BOBCAT SERVICE- LAWN MAINTENANCE- & MORE (905) 330 1330 e * e ii e. k aitc f 0 ropamings bathroom crentry #Dek bascemnt flo/eramics Lou 905 334 1038 Nestor 416 666 5891 1.87.Reox PLATINUM RETAIL SHOWROOMU Full Installation Complete Renovations Custom Work 18 Tompson Road, Milon 905-878-6666 wpiabnumhomdlmvoenb.com PR OSI L ATHROM INSALLRS fE@RED Concept CahmieV5 Kitchen & Vanity Cabinets Architectural Cabinets Store Fixtres Custom MillWork 7M Main St. East, IinKt#3 878-917 ieff Wall General Contractor Design and Build Rec. Rooms Supended Ceilhngs and Dni Wall Spri aliri Honc nd Cmmrcal Renovaiani Ccli: 905-.699.9034 Tel: 905.876.9034 jnrwall@cogeco.ca E CLEAN, PROFESSIONAL WORK F AT A REASONABLE RC R J Special Rates for Seniors E RAY NOWLAN ES Mimier CELL 905-691-9182 PH; 416.400,4705 WWWmHHAIOS.COUl CHIL DEHEN FUR COUR FREE DOTINHIE 10 TIEM III' NO JOB 11)0 11551OI AP£K HM MRWM)UES 111MONIUEST INTMOR RN .. 00, ITIM OHYWALL EHTAMlOA PAIHT$NG BASEMENTS ELECTAIGAL BATIRDONS FLOORIHO INTERLMO ITCHENS PLUIHINU - AmMOOA ooPsEx Ibis âime, leave the home împmovements to lte experts! Our professional builders wdillhandle ail of yourîinteor and extedor remodeling needs. " RoomAddÎions a Sîdîng a Decks a Kitchens a Battis " Roofs a Modular Homes & much, much more! To adverise in ihiWho Does It Cail B05-878-2341 X217

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