The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 17, 2006 - A23 Hogarth inspiration to peers and pupils alike w By Steve LeBlanc tus several years ugo and enjoying but particularly tbe kids. 0flten they b lee. CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF umpteen successes as a competitor, gtve me more energy than 1 give them." in Tammy seens more cager to discuss And wbether young or old, she h lig mnm oat s' oiuch ber students' achteve- %rteLVEiof dw GAMR s resedtat the crner-L anadoat orwatdte-ments - includtng lasi An"' tn omata rssc yone. imnto a aheea anuary wben two youtbs g: g b cs sbelieving un your- walking testament to it. sbe'd instructed for tbe self. Anywnere. Tbe fuet tbat sbe's even tnvolved in bett er part otf a decade fiAnd sbe should know martial arts today - mucb less a for- attained tbeir black beits. . Not to put myself on mer world cbampion and seasoned "Tbat was a reai tbe back, but it does some- instructor witb Figbting Griffins m en, hsadadigtimes amaze me bow far Martal Ats -is n dout a ourc ofshe bas ber first adult student going for I've come i martial arts," said Tammy inspiration to peers and pupifs alike. h is black belt soon as well. Added Scott, "Wben i first met Nrl 18 e- a - id- l ft]. The kev to martial arts traininu. sbe Tammv sbe was on double crutches Miltonian was tbe vadtim of a work- reiated accident tbat left ber witb a severe nerve disorder called RSD (Reflex Syînpatbetic Dystropby). Ibere was talk tbat sbe migbt bave to bave part of ber left leg amputated and sbe was still on crutebes two-and-a-balf years later - wben sbe t future mentor and busband Scott Hogartb. Gtven ber situatton, tbe idea that sbe'd sotneday enjoy internîattotnal prominence in karate would bave seerned dosvnrigbt laugbable. 'If you were tri bave toîld me tbat back tben I'd bave said sou svcre nuts," quipped Tarinîy, Noveibeis,- Chmpo A tb crîs of' thn e otous. thebt wno ys all cl undrîat tb led irondibiith acott rgîard discî htbah and ocasonst. But wttb ample admeitertîiatio n unlanid sihrp- iakron iîn' talong fo beporessh andi promis 10s a gro yi -nsl. the rst, asobe sati th obtsor tîme s bno sIeari u ecausg With liurte too nucb and be sa 'You'e o tortic iTbmm co. ha eve i mien an mhad me elccasion s. t ist Iml was scredt aoth faîn on itry c, u Tammy Hogarth Scott really tnsptred tue," said tbe tîrw tbird-degree black belt. fisalsîî taurtbt a blind student and anotber witb Cerebral Palsy; sî be's defînîtely bad soutie real cballenîges as a Scoset. The main tbtng about Scott is bis increclîble piatienice. I atntny lias no doubt adopted plen- t>' of tbat bersel, aiong witb mnany oh the otber sirtues fnîund i effective niar- tial arts instructors. Jusi ask ber stu- dents. "Sensei Tainmy always bas tîme tri i isten to anyone wbo is bavîng prnîb- lems or just bas sornetiîing exciting tri sbare. Sbe teacbes us bow to properly defertd ourselves in ail dîfferent situa- tiotns and treats everyrine at thie Dojo as if thiex wec ber own kids,- sîated a Chbamipioîn Coach oh- ibe Montb norni- niation e-mîail froîîî brît bers l}atîiaiî and Xander Ewîng. Added adult stunient and f cllow Figbtîng (5riffins itîstructrîr Vi Sadler, 'Wben I was a brrîwn belt Sensci lammy took me under ber wîng, as sbe bas donc f'or înany otbers, anîd beiped tne train for my black belt grading. 1 would not bave succccded witbîîut ber.' Wbile reacbing world cbanmpion sta- FINALLY,A REPORT CARDYOUR CHILD CAN SMILE ABOUT. Oxford Learning is the only after-school learning programt of its kind for grades one to twelve. First, we pinpoint how votir child leartis tsing otîr Dvtîantf Diagnostic I hen, vve create anit icilix iciuiýieci pi îgrtltt that goes bey<tîr tutot îng lu teach your cbiid to iearn and study more effectiveiy - to reach bus or her fuli potential. Better grades, motivation and confidence follow. Give youir chiid a lifetime otf learming success LANIG Contact Oxford Learning today. kIlfrSuciLetooNINorLîe 555.-s '---5s for' Suces'v.nsus Lf 917 Niplssing Rd 1 905.693-9978 1 explained, is striking tbe rigbt balance and when sbe won ber world champi- between fun and seriousness - wbicb onsbip it wasn't against disabled com- can be especially important witb cbil- petitors. Wbat sbe's accomplisbed real- dren. "i enjoy teacbing aIl tbe classes, ly is amazing." THE CONSERVATION ZONE A New Era in Electricity Conservation ssud~ Peter Loveî 1 %udlike to say "Thanks!" to everyone who answered my eall to use les' electriciiy this suomner. We've miade a good start, and energy eticiency is happening in Ontario. Or electricity use bias dropped by 2.5'% per capita since 20)04 a greai achievement duriug a tile À heii our econon was grosvitg. Top Marks for Ontario This achievenîctît lu reflected lu the Bt grade that the Canadian Lnergs Efficieticy Alliance gave Ontario this nîonth, asgnfan inîpriîvernient fromi the G- ini 2004. Ontario achiesed the hiighest positive performniace increase of ail jurtsdictions in Canada. The Alîtatîce's Report Card nieusures goverurnetit leadershtp n etîergy etlicteney and hiors well il piov ides the tools and prograuls tri eniable coîinîers to use eleetiîcîîy niore,. n scly. L ocal 1- Icccît D)istributiuon ('oipaiiies anîd other patners n ere inîstrumntai ii lbclpiug the (0usd s atinîn Bureau brîng cnînscrs ain to evcry Ontariatîs doorstep. EORERGY EFFICIENCYI'e Here are sorte of the rnany ways vou've con- trtbuted te, our grov'ing culture of conservation: Every Kilowatt Counts Last spning and agaîn tItis faîl. you utilized the energy conservation lips and itnstant rebute coupons you received for compact fluorescent lights (CFL-sI, progratmmtable thermostats anîd t*nniers. anîd seusonal I ED liglîts. Cool Savings Rebate roi April to Septetuber. you responded tri the caîllt iipros e the operating efficieiîcy oft youi ccentral air coîîdîtîoîîng sy siems witth lune îîps and programmable mmtes. Many Of y0U replaced tlîeîii n 1ih energy- efficietît lNLRGY STFAR' înits! -Hot Savings Rebate Non Jusi uider ay. ithe Ilot Sas iîîgs Rebate prograiî offers rebutes on 1-NERGY STAR' hurnaces, air cotîdîttoîers and programmable thermostats to encourage Ontario resîdents to reduce home beating and cooling electricity consumrption. EWeiiy Conservation Annual Report Consumers acrosu the province participated in a wide varîety of conservation programs delivered by a number of organizations. companien and agencies. Thank you, Ontarto! We've made a great utart. Iu 2007, we nerd to continue our efforts to Iioeleetli' v 's i 11s v A\1n11a.l î n aiisss ci ng 111e cai toi eleeliriiuy erilisc silio and sec my recommendutions for the road aliead. Vîsit to download a copy. Choosing the prodmicts tint are riglît for your home could save yen up to 10 % on your ellectulcity bill1 andi ,ill help Ontario meet our energy upply challenge. For more Information caîl 1-866-859-9898 or visit www.ConservationBureau.on.-ca fMArrUIL 4nRTs BLACK BatL SCHOO0LS INTERNATIONAL SOPENING SOON 14k (Open for Registration Now) Free Uniform on Joining &First 2 Classes ?-:e Free! 348 BRONTE ROAD SOUTH, MILTON UNITS il & 1 2, 905-864-1997 ,LATE NOTICE. AUCTION SALE, 0f Several Small Estates & Antiques Sat., Nov. l8th at 10:00 arn Sharp Sale to be held in the Agricultural Hall on Robert Street Milton Fairgrounds, Milton, Ont. Trsare cash or cheque with proper 1.0. onty. IYou can also find Don Colling at Iln REGISTER NOW FOR: "LEARN TO PLAY HOCKEY" With Head Instructor Dan Currie Former NHL Player - Las Angeles Kings & Edmonton oilers 'r1ME tl~ ids ,i or %V Hdy intisi. *LOCATION Wave Twin Centre We wiii have ywuwork on your baicshoofng pasi and Mx*kcontriI. Every session wttl end wtth a gamre. Futl equ!pm.n required- Visît for more Information. Registration torms are available anine ut or ai Wave Sports Centre and Ai's Source for Sports. reno c I 90-35-77 inf@ u lgowv.m PLEASE GIVE 905-875-1022