A20 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 17, 2006 Spa rtan cagers eclipsed in Tier 2 semnifinals E.C. Drurys senior baskeîball team Burlingion Central Tuesday afternoon, cbampionsbîp bertb just 10 seconds Along witb ber would be game-win- no doubt bas a newfound appreciation tbe upset-minded Spartans gave up one earlîer, baving squeaked abead on a nting free tbrow, McCutcbeon bad for tbe old adage 'Its not over tilt uts last basket in tbe paint and were foui sboî by Tory McCutcbeon and scvcn otbrr points and led tbe under- eclpse 30w I9 by the stml unbeaten tben prompîly regained pos - -. -- dog visitors in terms of botn 1u1H ihamrsiseod eti ran.session. rebounding and blocks. SMOKERS' EiPLINi îbamr i eod eii rjn.Bt a qeîoal 'E' Vtrn roeHre n 1-877-513-5333 Halton Tier 2 semnifmnal play at Drury bad looked to bave secured a Butnve oav qbe bstinbe ' ~ . Vteran F rke çîcnci and~ ýe Ending Solon Yard waste collection is ending. The last collection days of yard waste are: Zone B Wednesday, November 29 Zone A Wednesday, December 6 "Acceptable yard waste items include: pumpkins, yard and garden trimmings, fallen fruit from trees and tree trimming. " No sod, tree stumps, soul or rocks. " Grass clippings are flot collected with garbage, yard waste or recycling. Please "grasscycle" by leaving cîippings on your îawn. - WENSA " Use only paper yard waste bags or labelled, reusable, rigid containers wvith no lid. Do flot use cardboard boxes, Blue Boxes or plastic bags forB yard waste collection. WEDNSA " Containers must be no larger than 125 1 (27 imperial gallons). " Bulk brush must be placed curbside in one pile no __________________ larger than 3 m (10 ft) long by 1.8 m (6 ft) wide by 1.2 m (4 ft) high, with branches a maximum of 7.5 cm (3 inches) in diameter. Bulk brush must be free of loose debris such as leaves and trimmings. To assist in collection, bundled and tied brush is appreciated. " Yard waste labels for reusable containers are available at no charge from Halton Region. ILets ~'< iielujInfluenza (FIu) L O il___il ____1__ mmunization Clinics The Halton Region Health Department is offering free flu immunization clinics to ail Ontarians 6 months of age and older. Please wear a short-sleeved shirt. No appoîntments are necessary. If you have a fever, or do not feel well, postpone your visit to a later date. Wednesday, November 22, 3:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Bishop Reding Secondary School 1120 Main Street East Saturday, November 25, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Halton Regional Centre, Auditorium 1151 Bronte Rd., Oakville (North Driveway) Tuesday, December 5, 3:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. "b .Liv-. iC Tuesday, December 12, 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Halton Regional Centre, Auditorium 1151 Bronte Rd., Oakville (North Driveway) Tuesday, December 19, 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Halton Regional Centre, Auditorium 1151 Bronte Rd., Oakville (North Driveway) Tuesday, January 16, 2007 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Halton Regional Centre, Auditorium 1151 Bronte Rd., Oakville (North Driveway) Tuesday, January 23, 2007 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. narrow window of opporu-,~i~ niîy tbey'd need to spoil tbe Spartans' vicîory party "Tbey bad a really bois- terous crowd tbere and it was sucb an exciting game," said first-year bead coacb Andras Krumins, wbose team. edged Aldersbot 40-37 in tbe quarterfi- naIs. "Tbe girls played wvitb so mucb beart and l'm really proud of tbem." 10 and eigbt points respec- îively, wbile Emily Jobnsîon came off tbe bencb to pro- vide some credible defence to spark a fourtb-quarter comeback for tbe Spartans. Central bad led for most of tbe semi- final sbowdown, after Fredricks ran into foul trouble and bad to be taken out. "Hawks add trio to roster Tbe rebuilding lceHawks bave made a trio of deals ibis week in an effort to sbore up tbe defensive side of tbeir gamne. In a not-too-surprîsîng move - wîtb 20-year-old Burlington native Tayler Dunn sceing no play in recent weeks - Milton bas acquirjed anotber goaliender to joîn a cur- renîly-overworked Vince Cusick. Picked up Tuesday was Georgetown back-up Cameron Healey, a 17-year-old cager wbo departed tbe Raiders witb a 3-2 record and 2.78 goals-against aver- age. Tbe King City teen fînisbed out bis lime in Georgetown witb a 21-save sbutout in Saîurdays 3-0 wbiîewasb of Missîssauga. .Dunn is now being sbopped around. Tbe lceHawks also, beefed up their blueline unit ibis pasi week witb thc addition of i 7-year-old Kevin Quince> from tbe Brampton Capitals 'and 18-year-old Kale H udolin of tbe Soutbern Waxfer es Mrka axW oneres Mrka IAWCaledon native, six-foot, i 90-pound Quincey bad a goal and iwo assists plus 49 penalty minutes tin 15 games witb Brampton ibis season, wbile six-fooî-two-inch, 190-pound Hudolîn - from Toronto - bad ne points and two minor fractions in Il games witb Markbam. AIl tbree deals were for cash. The newcomers are expected to be in tbe lineup îonigbî, wben tbe IceHawks bosi Hamilton. For information on ifuna(lu) an h cmlt clinic schedule, . MUR