The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 17, 2006 - A19 SPORTS SPORTS EDITOR: STEVE LeBLANC e-mail Haydar continues to rack up the poi"nts Veteran winger sits 2nd in AHL sconing Darren Haydars early-season tear contin- ues. Recording his fourth consecutive multi- point game Tuesday nigbt, the AHL veteran winger collected three assists in his Chicago Wolves' 8-2 rout of Iowa - wbich lifted them into a first-place tie in tbe West Division ai 10-4-1. Having found bis way onto the score- sheet at least once in ail] 15 gaines so far, tbe five-foot-nine-inch, 170-pound assistant captain sits second in overaîl league points-a-night rate, bopes for a caîl scoring wvith 1l goals and 18 assisîs. up to the Ibrashers don't look too He's sandwiched between team- promîisîng right now for the diminu- matesJason Krog and Breti Sterling, tive Winger. Havîng no trouble [mnd- witb tbe trio fueling a Wolves team *.- ing tbe back of tbe net tbese days, tbat offensively is bead and sboul- Atlanta is enjoytng one of its best ders above tbe rest of tbe AHL wit atsi facisbioranaso a wbopping 70 goals so far. as inb sratcis tbird oraind be NHL Sbould Haydar be able to main- atngts hidoel nteNH tain bis current pace - or anytbing at 12-5-1-2. cloe o t -heIlhae n pobem Darren Haydar is once again Miltons lone clseasn toh el bave ino problen Haydar AHLer, as tbe Hamilton Bulldogs surpssin tbe92-ointcampignreassigned defenceman ion Gleed to be delivered witb tbe Milwaukee AdmniraIs tbe East Coast Hockey Leagues Cincinnati lasi season. Tbat placed bim fiftb amnong Cyclones Monday. AHL scorers. A fonner standout wiîb tbe Corneli Big Despite bis consisteney and near îwo- Red, tbe sîx-foot-two-incbi, 212-pound blue- liner played tbree games witb Hamilton ibis season and regîstered an assist in bis pro debut against tbe Toronto Marlies Octolier 25. Sbould Gleed stick witb the Cyclones, lieul get awfully familiar witb fellow Miltonian Scott Bertoli, wbose Trenton Titans face Cincinnati nine more times tbis season, witb tbe next meettng set forjanuary 10. Captaining Trenton tbis season, 29-year- old Bertoli - tbe clubs all-around sparkplug - remains on tbe dîsabled list after receiv- ing 34 sîitcbes [romn a nasty elbow to tbe bead from Jobnstown Cbiefs' forward Adain Henricb November 3. ruj#âmwoiss p.t'O n he fefte&,.i.mnt " no n'- Ill toncomn1uni yWih over25 studio, o*hdroom , h0uf qpt showers, und many other design considerotionsýwiic owyou to enjoy your indeptn4eî,f1 é