The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 17, 2006 - A15 "The business that considers itself immune to the necessity for advertising sooner or later finds itself immune to business." _____________Derby Brom HELINGHADS:MîlonDisric Hgh chol rad tuent (fom GIRAHAM PAINE/I CANADIAN CHAMPION Gift Baskets Available ORDER YOURS TODAY! HELPNG AND: Mlto Disric Hih Shoo grae 9stuent (fomIeft) Aies Collis, Taryn Williams and Sloane Phillips show some of the shoeboxes the school collected as part of its annual participation in Operation EGPEWXE OSCARS 905-2869250 Christmas Child, which delivers these boxes 10 children in Third World countries. Among the items packed ita the Hus o.-Fi 0m7m a.1a-pSn decorated shoeboxes are small toys, candy, toothbrushes and stocking stuffer-type items. The boxes are shipped orsMn F am7mStlOam-5pm, Sun. Closed out ini mid-November in order to reach their intended recîpients by Christmas. 2850 Argentia Road, Mîssissauga I4 40 / R(GENJi