Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Nov 2006, p. 14

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A14 - The Canadian Champion, Frday, November 17, 2006 il Costly Home Inspection Pittalis Free Report Visat www. hallonhgmginspectionpittals.com e . fýiilTwi :fli ielyBo-j 2-4 pm, O8Anine ld., $399900 Lyrda Aaro 2-4 pm, 1004 Cummcg Bld., , $24.900 Ina Godni 24 pi,57 Heweholne, 9399.TerriLyna Alsnr 2-4 pn, 45 oiodan LCe, $3,M5 adv nîliîi 2-4 p, #1-2150 FatïC., $19904 an Cumisle 2-4 pri, 5811uFe ilv ie$3,5.000na Jerno 2-4 p, 10M illetiga d, 38,90alar Nlo sO ta i 2.4 pm,8204 RandCnes. lv, $99.9050 m n rve 2-4pt. 4405 oul U ne, $339,900 MG'ndle MOrnd 2-4 pot, 215 FlomingO, 09,90 Sadr KnaaRGITRN O 2-4 p ou, 1 c e m , r i TîICrnoss-i l ls e 2-4 p , 1041 ZimCeem., 28n805'i'ty r uma ufedIsrc 2-4 p, 82 alele Rd.,Ta arine : i l 2-4 p . 5 Hawtheaih Terr GoHsmi 2-Ea,14 im ra. h ro ru Ashby scholarship awarded A graduase of Milton District High Sebool was reccntly awarded a scholarship estab- lîsbed to remember a much- Ioved sondent and athicte killed tragically in 2004. This year's Paula Ashby Scholarship was awarded on 18- year-old Ben Cliord at the scbool's recent commencement ceremony. At the ceremony, Cathy Doyle, chair of the award com- mittee, said Chifford is a corn- mitted student and athfete. "Ben flot only participascd, he led by cxample, rnotivated others and ses the bar f'or ailtsaa follow," Doyle told the crowd. Clifford was tnvolvcd in foot- bafi, baskcsbal , hockey' and soc- cer cfunng bis tione at Milton District, fie was selected the Most Vafuable Player f'or mufti- pic tcamis and was choscn Athlceof thc Year for threc con- s ec utiiv e y-cars. Off the fiefld, he served as the Student A th 1le t ic Paula Ashby Association president, co-ordi' nated iioops for Hcart fundrais- ers and was a studens leader in the school's Wildcrness North prcngram. "Ben encourages, inspires, leads, particîpates and chaf- lenges aIl, including himself, to he the besi as what îhcy do," Doyle said. This is the second tonte thc annual Sf1.000 scbofarship bas becn gîven oui. h was estab- lîsbcd by thc Asbby' famîfy' in inciiaory' of Paufa, wbo dîcd in a car accidcnt in Calgary "I knew Paula Ashby as an excellent student. an outstand- ing ashîcie and as a young wornan who shrough her leader- ship nos only emnbodied but also inspired the spirit ol she Milton Mustang in others," Doyle said. Thec criteria of the award is that the recipient be an oui- standing femnale or maIe athîcte who represented Milton Distnict High School in at least two sports in the season, have a high academic average, and be in bis or ber graduating y'ear wvith the intention of atîending colfege or university If there are several student athleses who meet the crîtcria, the selection committee considers if thc student bas overcome a pes sonaf adversity ilfness or injury and if the stu- dceii demonstrates talent in art, rnusic or poctry. Turner pushing for fairer pension splitting l]afion .P (nartb furner is puslîing thc federaf gos crnnti to end whaî bc caffs unfaii'ness an thc rcccnsfx- announced pcsî sion-splittiîng rufes. During Qucstion Perîod last wcek ia thc Hause aof Commions, Turner askcd Finance MînterjtiniFlaherty- io 'dio the rnghi ihing" anîd aflaaw saîfdicrs. firefighters anda.foshcr Caiiadians forccd ito earfy' retiremien t by spccoaf-ncceds joabs ina bc afble ian Split ncornc wîsfî îbetr spaîuscs. IUnder guîdelîncs refeascd C)ciohcr 31 by the Dcpartmeîîî oaf Finiancc, of y' Canadians aver thec age of 65 quafîfy' for incone- spfiîsîng lienefîts, which appfy' so regisîcrcd penstion plans, RRSrPs and RRIFs'. Thanse who cjualify' are able io affocase up io 50 per cciit oil tleir retrenieni tncornîe 5 a sîîousc or commun- fasv larîner. i bat incoinieis then taxable in the spouses hands ai fus or ber fowcr marginal rate. For a couple with a bouschold income of $40,000, iî can result in a savîngs aof $2,000. "The move to aflow pension- spfîtîîng by- Canadian couples îs flong overdue and absofutely the rîgbs mnov,' saîd Turner. -However, whif c the govern- menti s addrcssing an old tax unloiniss wîîh ibis inove, it shauld nos creaîc a ncw one. ofeingO PEN PLAY T hursdays 9:3Oam - 3:3Opm Register Now for aren'sFriday Nig t~ WEE PLAY Is a parent and child participation programn set in New a mini-gym atmosphere. Our specialzed devecppmental Progilms for your chiid to develop motor coordination, flexibility and aglllty. Because the building of a child's self Image, cognitive Offered development and social awareness are so important we NowI invite you to corne and shore with us. CI4ILD DROP-OFF Making & Creating erafts and activities! Diaiper Gym Diaper Gym Level One Level Two Ages 6 weeics - 6 months Ages 6 months - 12 months For information on our programs or to register on-lime please visit us at WWW-WPIaY-Ca or cali (905)>878-7771 Remember, yen a registr at aay drne for our progams. On page 1 cf the Zellers circular d&ted Saturday, November il th - Friday, Navember i 7th, 2006, we are advertising the PlayStation 311 with a release date of Fniday, November i 7th, 2006. Due ta circumstances beyond aur contrai, we do nat have PlayStation 311 We apalagize for any inconvenience this may have caused. 17 ;Àjler5

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