The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 17, 2006 - A13 Watch out for men impersonating police officers Two drivers were pulled over recentlv in separate inci- dents by men suspecîed of irnpersonaîing police offîcers. Police believe the saine pair ol suspects svere itixolved in hotb cases, which occutred November 1. Fhe fîrsi took place in lalton Hîlîs just afier 1 A 19- year-old Brampton inotorisi was traveling svestbouncl on No. 5 Sideroad near 10ib Lîne when bie was pullecl over bv a sil- ver Dodge Caravan with a dasb-miounîed revolviîng lighi. The driver ot the van said hie was a police olfîcer and dis- played a handgun in a snakeskin-sîyle holsier. Police said tbey don't know if the gun was real. The suspect refused to show identification, police said. His passenger remained in the vehicle. The police impersonator then used a walkie-talkie to caîl for "back-up", police said, and a second vehicle arrived on the scene occupied by îwo men. The man wbo was pulled over became nervous and drove away Neither of the vehicles followed himi. The firsi suspect is described as East Indian, in bis laie îwenties or early thirties, about six feet taîl, 150 to 160 pounds, wiîh short dark hair, glasses, a dark parka and blue jeans. The passenger is desenibed as East Indian, in bis îwenîies or thirties, about bive-fooî-eighî with a slim build, with glass- es and short black hair. He was wearîng a dark jacket and a dark boodie. The îwo men called in for "back-up" were also descnibed as East Indian. About an bour later ai 2 a.m., a 38-year old Milton resi- dent was traveling along Britannia Road near Fourîb [-îne when he was approacbed from behind by a lîghî blue vehîcle - sîmilar to a Toyota Matrix - witb a llashing lighî. The driver pulled over and was approacbed by two mien, one carrying a portable radio. This man îold the victîni hie was an undercover narcoîics olficer and that bc'd been speeding, police said. The other suspect stood behind the victim's car. The vicîîm was asked if hie had any dnigs, and bis vehîcle was searched. The suspects lefi alter coming up empty- banded. INDIAN & MEDITERRANEAN FOOD Biryani Shish Kebab GriIIed Chicken Shawarma's &Falafels Pizza & Wings PIZZA SPECIALS 1 X-Large Pizza with 3 Toppings 10 Chicken Wings & 4 Pops $1 9M99 WALK-IN SPECIALS Large One Topping Pizza AiCs v, y>e- o#rale Appefizer P& Pas hf,es e....................ees Deliery vaiablein Mlto 295 Mai St atnt#,Mlo PoliceBl>otter The spect wih the radio was described as East Indian, clean-shaven, xvell-spoken with no accent, in bis thirties and about fixe-foot-six. fie was wearing a bulky jacket. Police said the pair mnight he targcting drivers îhey think have drugs in their vehicles. Anvone with doubtý; about a police olhicer sbould ask for ideniication, said Det. Sgt. Peter Flodgson, and contact police nnmnediaîely at (905) 825-4747. Drugs seized; two charged Almosi 10,000 ecstasy tablets were seized wben a vebîcle was stopped by police on Steeles Avenue recently A I1997 Honda Accord was pulled over November 3 ai about 10 p.m. and the driver was arrested. Seized were 9,500 ecstasy pis, a small amount of mari- juana and a quantity of U.S. currency, police said. The eestasy bas a street value of $142.000. Charged wiîh îwo counts eacb of possession for the pur- pose of traffickmng were a 28-year-old man and a 2Q-year-old woman, hoth of Leamîngion. Home broken into A vacant Mary Street home heing prepared for removal was broken into lasi Friday morning. Police said at about 10:30 a.m., an unknown suspect gained access to the bouse by crawling under it - it bad heen raîsed off its lounclation. Once inside, the suspect punched holes in the walls, spilled a liquid, broke some items and threw garbage around. T he damage to the bouse is estiinaied ai $1,000. Business broken into An unknown suspect broke into a business and stole ses'- eral large houles of waîeî November (). [he incident occurred ai about 2 ain. ai Cullhgan on Main Street East. Police said a rock was thrown ihrnugh a glass door, and the suspect was able to unlock it, gaîning access to the building. Nîne 18-litre boules of waîer were siolen along wîîh a cash register coniaining an undisclosed amnounit of mnoney T he estunated value of the waîer and cash register is $600. A suspect was seen in the area hy a sviîness, who saîd hie svas wearing a parka with a hood and driving a beige v an similar to a Toyota Sienna. Luxury vehicle stolen A luxury SUV worîb $50.000 was siolen November 2 from the parking lot ai Mohawk Raceway on Guelph Line. Police said îwo unknown suspects were capîured on a video surveillance tape approaching the grey 2003 Cadillac Escalade in the west parking lot ai about 6:30 p.m. and then driving off. Inside the vehicle - wbîch was loeked - was the victims purse. EXPERIENCE OSCAR'S Gf>t 905-286-9250 3,ý 7~ Houri: Mon. fri, lam-7pm, Sat, lOam-5pm, Sun Cosed 2850 Argentia Road, Mississauga Do you have a Personal Wil'? The Lung Association and local lawyers are offering Simple Wills and Powers of Attorney at a special rate for the Will Campaign, Simple Wills: $100, Each Power of Attorney: $50 Ail proceeds support The Lung Association's medical research and community health programs, For more information or to register, contact us at 905-696.077 or lcarde* TlHt LUNG ASSOCIATION' NO REFERRAL NECESSARY SANEOAYAPPONTNMT * Acupuncture e Ultrasaunîl Therapy 9 Customn Orthotîca * Inlury Rohabilltatlan e WFC & TENS Therpy - Exercist Program J . 1 On Wednesday November 15th 2006, CHAMP PATTEN was laid to rest. Champ was Ioved greatly by bis family. He was 13, anyone that knew Champ knew he lived a life unlike any other dog. Champ touched m,.any people's hearts and will always be remembered.