The Canadian Champion, Frday, November 17, 2006 - Al Many former Mueller Canada employees stili Iooking for work By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Mueller Canada was the onîs place Susan and Steve Mead cver worked. For rmore thasi 20 y cars, îhe couple mos cd through the ranks of the coin- pan wsh Sevebeortnmg a supervisor and Susan worksng su thc officc. But n July cvesvthing changed for the Mead family and more than t00 other local ressdents. Mueller annoursced it was closing its Milton operatiors and movsng production to the United Stases. "We %vent Irons two incomes to no sncomci,ý Susan said. "That was bard." In addstson to tise fsnancial woriies tbe closure caused for many, there was also a flood of emotsons the employees bad to deal wth. 1I was reals sad,' said Susan. "My brother worked there, my faîber ývorked there. . It was a great place toI work." Wbile Steve quickly founci another job tbrough contacts bc'd cevelopecl over the ycars, Susan learned ftrsîtasd bow difficuls she joh matrket could bc. 1I sbougbs 1 could gcs a job su tbrec sveeks, but tbaî didn't bappen.," sbc sad. "The market ss tigbi out ibere, and job interviews are a loi dillerent than tbey used to be." Now Susan is bielpistg ber former co- workers fsnd new jobs as the Mueller-/CAWý Local 252 Action Centre shas bas becîs set up ont Nipisssng Roacl, wberc sbe volsinseirs as a peer belper. The centre - lunded by Muchler, the Canadian Auto Workers (CAW) Local 252 and the Minissry oh Training, Colleges and Universîsies - is liehping former Mueller emiployees wssb every- sbing lrorn resumnes, and prcparsng fsr interviess o financial asnd carcer plan- ning and resursing to scbool. "WCe get People back working iin jobs shastbey ike," saicl Nancy Mcdonougb of tbe Minissry ofT[raining, Colleges and Unîversîsses astbe centres open bouse October 31. "We've got some greas peuple bere witb greas skills." Peer belper Gord l-urley reporsed the centre bas been realhy busy so for. "We bave peuple callissg and coming in every day," be sasd, nossng tbat wbile tbere were 104 individuals looking foi work jusi after tIse plani closed, tbat number is dlown to 52. He said the former Muchler employ- ees wbo are stsîl looksing for work arc experîenced laîbe operasors, plasma welders, mec banscal assessblers, nias. isssts, admissnstrative staff, cc iri- ciaits and mure [be Muelles/CAWý Local 252 Action Centre is lîscatcd as QI 7 Nîpisssssg Rd., units J. Is can be reacbed as (905) 878- 9411. Office Isouis are Tuesdays and Frsdays frons 9 a.. u 3 p.m. and Wýednesdays froîn 10 ain. so 5 p.m. Mljiîie lciîîiesse's ais bc ,enched ai OUT A FRESH START. Get SOLUTIONS now for: Credit Card Problems Loss of Job or Loved One Repossessions Major Cash Fow Problems Woge Garnishments Evictions Persistent Bil Collectors iodgements, Law Soifs Stdert bon Delinquent Taxes Fa eclosores Dvorce Reloted FnarciaJ Probleris Bonkrupic> can be avoied Cali us! No chargefor imeajconsuftaeon! PADDON + Dy Appointuaent Oniy. Fl'W RAO ADVSRY 875R08Cil 225 Main Street East (Main & Martin St) Milton A beuter s olution' 16 page ONLINE i ý 1*09aily SpecFILs Daly Specials Thelin ftft f. *um mu ~ **® M ssisagaSu'etor Mi*smssag m coin 3025RidgWayD 2 80 gld nRd 56-67>0270 GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION LOOKING FOR WORK: Former Mueller Canada worker Dennîs Marjanovic (centre) searches the job banks at the action centre while peer helper Gord Hurley (left) and Doug Cooper, CAW Local 252 treasurer, look on. A special word of thanks to the vofers of Ward Two and my campaign teamn for their support on November I 3th. Along with the other - Councillors, 1 look forward to serving the residents of Ward Two and al the residents of Milton. rCongratulations to ail the candidates wvho participated in the Municipal Elections. Mark J. Curtis Councillor Ward Two Be a Coý'ntrol Freak. Programmable Thermostats Maiig wiJ akn & vs Li n Programmable Baseboard Lo~ok for Instant Rebates In Vour Mail* and at Participating Retailers. place during the first 2 woeks of Octobor Ottor nopones Noveorn 30, 2006 EVERY naion r.onCOUNTS j 5